Tag Archives: Campaign Life

Bill Whatcott ‘Hate” Trial Update

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Whatcott Aug 28 “Hate Crime” Trial update

Dear Friends,

Campaign Life has launched a campaign urging their supporters to contact the Attorney General of Ontario and urge them to drop the re-trial of my so-called “hate crime” prosecution. Given that Queers for Palestine can literally blockade the Toronto and Vancouver Pride Parades, set off smoke bombs, and say nasty things about “zionists” and what not, and not get criminally charged or have to go to court once, it seems reasonable my speech should be at least be exempt from being sent to trial twice.


Anyways, I have been blessed to have received a few phone calls and e-mails from folks informing me they have contacted the Attorney General’s office and asked that my case be dropped. If you wish you can add your voice as well. I attached the Campaign Life memo with the Attorney General’s contact info.

My next court hearing is coming up in the Ontario Superior Court this coming Monday, August 12 at 9:00 am, Toronto time. I believe I will finally be getting a trial date (unless God moves in a miraculous way and common sense prevails and the Ontario government listens to the voices of the fine folks from Camapaign Life who contacted them this past week).

The zoom link for my hearing this coming Monday is here: https://ca01web.zoom.us/j/65919371490

In Christ’s Service, Bill Whatcott