CIBC Bank corner of 41st & Victoria in Vancouver B.C……….….
A call to the bank is answered in English and then Chinese. Shows whom the bank thinks is more important. |
CIBC Bank corner of 41st & Victoria in Vancouver B.C……….….
A call to the bank is answered in English and then Chinese. Shows whom the bank thinks is more important. |
The Multicult Agenda of the Canadian Banks
BMO. CIBC. SCOTIABANK. TD. ROYAL BANK. The Canadian “Big Five” banks, all making billions, and ALL pushing a MULTICULT AGENDA upon the citizens of Canada.
Of the five, the most insideous is BMO. Did you know? Their relationship with China goes back 197 years:
“BMO Bank of Montreal has been building relationships in China, almost as long as the bank has been in business. Merely three months after its opening in 1817, the bank undertook its first foreign exchange transaction in support of trade with China in 1818.“
BMO bank machine 2015, North Shore, Vancouver BC. Chinese-Canadian Population, 5%:
Did you also know that BMO’s insta-tellers across the country feature not our official languages of English and French, but rather English and Chinese. Yes, in Calgary. In Edmonton. In Ottawa. In Halifax, a city which is less than 3% Chinese-Canadian.
WHY? I have put this question to DOZENS of BMO employees– tellers, branch managers, all the way to their Director of Marketing and top executives in Toronto. Guess what?
NO ONE WILL ANSWER AS TO WHY BMO bank machines feature the Chinese language from COAST TO COAST.
Customer Service? Not likely! There are few Chinese-speaking Canadians in many of these locations. Rather, perhaps it is more of a calculated agenda to inundate our country with China’s culture and language. Strange.
Perhaps they know something we don’t…
Lucky for some, but for the majority of Canadians, not so much
Brad Salzberg