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Do not be fooled by climate change hysteria and politicians promoting “green energy”

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“If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking.” – General George S. Patton

Do not be fooled by climate change hysteria and politicians promoting “green energy”. There is no practical alternative to oil and natural gas.Joseph Lawson  Why is the concept of “Green Energy” bring imposed on us ?In attempting to deal with the perceived climate change problem, it has been fashionable among the political left to advocate for a reduction in the burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil and natural gas and to “transition” to other so-called “greener” sources of energy.    There is just one problem with so-called Green Energy, which is that it does not work. It is a fraud that is being hoisted upon us. The politicians do not know what to do, so they came up with this narrative. Critical observers should look a little further.
The major issue with the Paris Climate accord, overlooked by the Green lobby, is that the so called “developed countries” are suppose to pay for the “less developed countries”, in order to help them clean up. The latter category apparently includes China and India, which are currently accelerating their development, output and their consumption of coal, in order to meet their economic objectives.  This occurs at the same time that China is becoming increasingly belligerent towards the West.
The cheapest and most readily available source of relatively clean energy, which has powered much of the world throughout the last 100 years is petroleum, however we are living in world that is going into global petroleum production decline (reference: celebrated geologist, Marion King Hubbert, in his paper to the 1956 meeting of the American Petroleum Institute in San Antonio, Texas). Production decline will pose a serious problem, especially when there are billions of people in the third world who aspire to North American standards of living. For a politician to tell his electoral base that its standard of life aspirations will never be met, because cheap energy will no longer be available, is not a winning approach to getting elected, or to remaining in office, so the politicians have to make up another story.  
 Geologist M. King Hubbert explains “Peak Oil” in 1976.source file location: https://consumingtheearth.com/2014/08/18/the-peak-oil-problem/So what is the real problem with the environment?
The REAL environmental problem is actually a global crisis of overpopulation and over-consumption that is impacting the environment, while pitting the advanced developed nations against the developing world. The resulting situation may become very, very, ugly as the world sinks into global petroleum production decline and resources become more expensive.
The concept of so-called “green energy” or “alternative energy” has actually been around for a long time.  An initiative was made to implement green energy, in order to reduce North American dependence upon imported oil, during the energy crises of the late 1970s and in the 1980s.  If green energy actually provided the desired benefits, our entire economy would be running on it by now.  So why did it not take off a generation ago? (hint : because it does not work ! – at least it does not work very well)…
What can Canada do in the short term to improve its economic situation ?
Canada has sufficient oil and gas resources and reserves to provide for its national energy self sufficiency. A problem is that Canada has its western petroleum resources mostly land locked in Alberta and Saskatchewan, while eastern Canada, where most of the demand is located, buys imported oil that is delivered from places like Saudi Arabia, in tanker ships, and refined in places like Dartmouth, St. John and Montreal.

In order for Canada to be energy self-sufficient in terms of its ongoing energy consumption it needs an efficient way to transport its oil from Alberta to other areas of the country. The construction of pipelines would fulfill this objective. The current Federal government opposes pipeline construction.