Tag Archives: Syrians refugees

BREAKING: Trudeau to build refugee camps on Canadian military bases — taxpayers will fund mosques, Korans

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BREAKING: Trudeau to build refugee camps on Canadian military bases — taxpayers will fund mosques, Korans




You have to take the time to read this. Whether you are a Liberal or a Conservative you will realize Trudeau has gone too far. I’ll be damned if my taxes are building Mosques and buying prayer mats. Maybe he did convert to Islam somewhere along the way. Please read and listen to the video and pass it on.What an insult to us and our homeless.He really has not learned one thing from the problems in Europe. If you think this is a good or acceptable plan please let me know.

From: Ezra Levant

Sent: Monday, February 08, 2016 12:55 PM


Subject: BREAKING: Trudeau to build refugee camps on Canadian military bases — taxpayers will fund mosques, Korans




Today Justin Trudeau ordered the Canadian Armed Forces to stop combat operations against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.

But his new plans are even more shocking: the Liberals have drafted plans to house more than 6,000 Muslim migrants on a long-term basis at seven military bases across Canada.

Trudeau plans to turn our military bases into refugee camps.

Documents obtained by The Rebel under access to information laws show that the Department of National Defence has budgeted tens of millions of dollars for this scheme. That includes a massive budget for “religious support” of these Syrian migrants, including the purchase of Korans, Muslim prayer mats and foot-washing towels. The plan also calls for the construction of mosques, or “worship centres” as they’re referred to in the documents.

Click here to  watch our video exclusive of this news, and read the government planning documents yourself.

Yours truly,

Ezra Levant

P.S. Please forward this e-mail to all of your friends and family. The mainstream media loves Trudeau’s plans to weaken our military, abandon our allies, and open the floodgates to unvetted Muslim migrants.

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