Tag Archives: VDARE


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After 25 years as the premiere race-realist immigration-control website in America (if not the world), VDARE.com has gone dark. AmRen-contributor Peter Bradley has written an eloquent account of the site’s legacy. It is also a fitting tribute to Peter and Lydia Brimelow, who have dedicated their lives to preserving a nation that we might, some day, be able to call our own. The election of Donald Trump and his encouraging cabinet appointments should mean that the United States will be taking a turn back towards sanity.

Not so, Britain. This week’s video looks at what seems to be a unique form of social oppression: persecution of “non-crime hate.” Police investigate children who call each other “retard” and men who refuse to shake hands with transsexuals. In a country that is losing the fight against real crime, this is a perfect example of what the great Sam Francis called anarcho-tyranny. In response to popular demand, we have posted our conference videos quickly this year.

So far, we have Gregory HoodRichard MarksburyMartin Sellner, and Anthony Cumia. Great speeches, all. We hope to have the complete lineup on the site by the end of next week. The videos are the next best thing to being there! And for those who missed this year’s conference, we already have dates for next year: November 14–16. Mark your calendar.
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FEATUREVDARE’s LegacyTwenty-five years of stalwart advocacy.
by Peter Bradley
VIDEO‘Non-Crime Hate’Britain goes full “anarcho-tyranny.”by Jared Taylor
PODCASTCrybaby Buggers Off
“This is Nazi-Germany territory.”

by Jared Taylor
VIDEORichard Marksbury Conference Speech
“Why the Big Deal About Ethno-Nationalism?”

by AR Staff
VIDEOMartin Sellner Conference Speech
“Remigration: A Hope for Europe.”

by AR Staff
VIDEOAnthony Cumia Conference Speech
“Surviving as a ‘Racist’ in Broadcasting.”

by AR Staff

Disaster, Leading U.S. Immigration Critic, VDARE Shuts Down After Years of Gov’t Harassment

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VDARE Director Peter Brimelow explains sadly that, after 25 years as a leading voice of immigration reform, the organization is closing its doors: “VDARE has been murdered by New York Attorney General Letitia James” and her harassment and investigation which has already cost VDARE over a million dollars.

Brimelow: “This Is A Communist Coup. But White America Is On The Move”

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VDARE.com’s Brimelow: “This Is A Communist Coup. But White America Is On The Move”

Peter Brimelow





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Peter Brimelow writes: For various reasons, I have been delayed in adapting the talk I gave to the American Renaissance Conference, November 13, 2021. But that’s OK, because AMREN has not yet posted the videos and my accent sounds better in print. Plus the Biden Regime’s communist coup isn’t going away—and neither is white aka American resistance.  We earlier posted F. Roger Devlin’s presentation “How Envy Causes Racial Conflict.”


JARED TAYLOR: Peter Brimelow is a friend of many years, very much a stalwart of our movement. I believe he has been the impresario and major domo of VDARE.com for 22 years now. And insofar as VDARE.com is fortified by impregnable walls in West Virginia, I suspect it’ll be good for another 100 years. We’re counting on that.

Now, staunch as Peter Brimelow is, I must tell you that there are deep political differences between him and myself. And I will illustrate this by quoting to you from our Wikipedia entries.

My Wikipedia entry states, right in the first sentence: “Jared Taylor is a White Supremacist”.

In Peter Brimelow’s case, you have to get to the second sentence. And there it says he is the founder of a website that is merely associated with White Supremacy.

Sounds like weak stuff here!

In any case, it’s a great pleasure to have him here with us today

PETER BRIMELOW: Thank you, Jared. And thank you, ladies and gentlemen. I’m delighted to be here. And I really have to congratulate Jared and his crew on their heroic struggle against the State of Tennessee, in which they ultimately prevailed. This question of deplatforming, indirect deplatforming via government alliances with the Left and their refusal to protect us, is a huge issue that we’re all having to face.

I’d also like to thank Roger Devlin for running overtime, which gave me more time to think about what I want to say!

I actually have good news. The New York Times just carried a “reportorial”—which is this new type of journalism, it  looks like it’s factual, but it’s actually opinion—called Menace Enters The Republican Mainstream [by Lisa Lerer and Astead W. Herndon, November 16, 2021]. And it says that “threats of violence are becoming commonplace among a significant segment of the Republican Party.”

Now, of course, we all know that this is hogwash. Not just the threat, but the actuality of violence in this country, comes from the Left. That’s why the Congressional baseball team was shot up. That’s why America burned in 2020. And why Trump supporters were murdered in the streets.

And that’s why we have those nice young men outside armed to the teeth [Tennessee Park Police and State Police, who were in fact extremely polite].

They’re not trying to keep us in. They’re trying to keep them out.

But the good news is that the New York Times in this case is not talking about us. It’s talking about Josh Mandel, who is a former state treasurer of Ohio and a Senate candidate. Mandel apparently said—and he’s the grandson of a Holocaust survivor—”When the Gestapo show up at your front door, you know what to do.”

That’s the threat of violence.

And the New York Times hacks talk about, of all people, Charlie Kirk of TPUSA:

When the Idaho man asked about “killing” political opponents at an event hosted by the conservative activist Charlie Kirk, Mr. Kirk said he must “denounce” the question but went on to discuss at what point political violence could be justified.

He “went on to discuss at what point political violence could be justified.” And that’s all it takes.

Unfortunately, of course, our Ruling Class actually believes this stuff. They’re saying this because they are really planning to put dissenters in Gulags.

But we’re not going to be alone. We’ll have GOP Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell with us! The New York Times reporters called Mitch McConnell, who courageously refused to comment!!

Notice that they didn’t call Jared Taylor.

At least I don’t think they did. Jared?

No, they didn’t.

When Jared and I started talking about my presentation here this year, it was a dark moment. The 2020 election had been “fortified,” in the immortal words of Time Magazine’s Molly Ball [The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election, Time, February 4, 2020]. Trump was no longer President. And the Biden  Administration was immediately launching what we’ve called the ”Full Merkel”—importing as many Third Worlders as soon as possible, something we’ve been warning about here since 2016, when we said Hilary Clinton would do it.

And the Ruling Class was on the warpath about the Mostly Peaceful Protest on January 6th. The FBI was conducting “Garland Raids,” like the famous Palmer Raids against Communists in 1920—with the difference, of course, that the Communists were guilty.

And Biden Attorney General Garland was setting up what John Derbyshire has rightly called “The Garland Archipelago”—unprecedented incarceration of what are in effect political prisoners in atrocious conditions.

Now, as it happens, neither the American Renaissance nor VDARE.com were  involved in the Mostly Peaceful Protests on January 6.

But VDARE.com did have a video crew there. And we posted a video about how Jan. 6 would have been reported if Trump had been a Democrat, which I strongly recommend to you. It’s on Bitchute and on Gab TV. (Hint: it would have been called “democracy in action.”)


Of course, Jared and I knew from bitter experience that not being there would be no protection against the Regime’s Moral Panic, any more than not being involved in the Unite The Right Rally in 2017 was a protection. (VDARE.com was immediately deplatformed by PayPal.)

So anyway, we settled on this title: What The ‘22 Midterm Elections Could Mean For Us.

And the answer is: they could mean a lot.

When I spoke here in 2015, the first time I’ve ever spoken for American Renaissance, I said about the immigration issue, which appeared then to be moribund, that all it would take to get into political debate was one speech—one spark to start the conflagration. And that was before Trump declared for President.

So all it really took was one soundbite—about Mexico “not sending their best.” Trump went to the top of the opinion polls, and he never looked back. That’s how powerful the immigration issue is.

Now, at the American Renaissance conference the next year, in 2016 before Trump was elected, I predicted that he could very well be elected. And obviously I was right about that. And I said it would only take one election. What I meant by that was once the Republican Consultant Class realizes they can win on this issue, they will start running on it.

Equally obviously, I was wrong about that—because Trump was wrong about it. He just didn’t run on immigration in 2020—even though he had actually achieved a brief moratorium, ostensibly because of the COVID epidemic. And even though he (or somebody—Stephen Miller?) had erected what the immigration lawyers kvetch was an “invisible wall” against illegal and some legal immigration, through regulatory changes. Immigration was extremely low in 2020. And the Immigrant Workforce Population actually started to fall significantly right through the year.

(But, of course, no legislation passed—nothing statutory. So it could all be reversed. And it has been reversed.)

The columnist Michael Barone, who’s one of the very few cases of an immigration enthusiast who’s seen the light, was about the only Main Stream Media commentator to note the paradox that Trump’s immigration and trade policies produced income gains for low-wage workers, something Barone said administrations of both parties have failed to achieve for a generation—but that, amazingly, Trump wasn’t running on it [Both candidates’ risky strategies, by Michael Barone, Northern Virginia Daily, October 24, 2020].

In fact, it seems like Trump simply lost interest in reducing legal immigration about midway through his administration. That’s why he had that famous row with Ann Coulter in 2017. It was leaked because they were both shouting at each other so hard that the secretaries could hear it outside the Oval Office. She complained that he wasn’t prioritizing immigration, that he was prioritizing tax cuts.


The fact is that Trump is fundamentally just a moderate Republican.

In 2017, he did endorse Senator Cotton’s RAISE Act, which would have cut legal immigration by half. But subsequently he told New York Times reporters Julie Hirschfeld Davis and Michael D. Shear, in an interview he gave for their book  Border Wars, that he just didn’t realize that bill would actually cut legal immigration. He thought it was about illegal immigration,

Of course, this is unbelievable. But this is Trump—this is how he is.

But you couldn’t tell this from the Main Stream Media, which is carrying on as if he was Calvin Coolidge and had just passed a 1924-type immigration cutoff.

And that, paradoxically, has probably helped Trump with his base.

He just doesn’t deserve it.

I regularly force my colleague, James Fulford  to transcribe Trump’s speeches at his recent rallies to see what he’s said about immigration—because you can no longer find this out from the Main Stream Media.

And Trump does regularly talk about illegal immigration, because he knows Biden’s border betrayal is a hot issue—even if the Main Stream Media wants to bury it. But he never talks about legal immigration, and the need to curtail it.

I blame Jared! (I mean Jared Kushner.)

What this means, by the way, is that somebody, i.e., Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, could easily get around Trump’s Right flank now, just by mentioning the dread term “immigration moratorium.”

That would cause a firestorm—just as Trump’s soundbite about Mexico did in 2015.

So, when Jared Taylor and I were talking, it didn’t look like the GOP/GAP was going to bounce back anytime soon.

But it has—in recent elections.

In fact, recent polling suggests that the odds are three to one or four to one that the GOP will control both the House and the Senate after the midterm elections.  

We sometimes forget what a tremendous release of ozone it is to win an election. It can change everything.

Of course, this works both ways. I have a very good friend for 30 years now, I’ve worked with him at National Review, Forbes and VDARE.com, who found himself attending the Women’s March on Washington after the Trump’s inauguration because his wife had forced him to go along with everybody else in their synagogue.

And it was actually very useful! He wrote something for me on it. He said there was absolutely no security whatever, it was obvious to everybody that there was absolutely no threat.

This was in complete contrast to the Trump Inauguration, which was paralyzed by security. That’s why they didn’t fill the bleachers in front of the White House. You couldn’t get in.

What it tells us again, of course, is that the threat is not from the Right—it’s from the Left. And everybody knows that.

So I have here a wish list of things that could be done when the Republicans get control the legislative branch.

Of course, it would have been better if they’d done it when they also had control of the Executive Branch. But we’ll take it.

And for those of you who say these proposals are politically impossible, I have two words for you:

“Gay Marriage.”

  • The first and most important thing: the GOP/ GAP should immediately move to impeach both Biden and Harris, for treason, for dereliction of duty.

This could be on the technical issue—the Biden Regime is not enforcing immigration law—or they could just flat out say that it’s treason. There are Supreme Court decisions that treason doesn’t literally have to mean levying war.

The beauty of impeaching and convicting both of them is that the new Speaker of the House, presumably Kevin McCarthy, would then become president. (I’m not going to think about President Trump becoming Speaker!)

Of course, people will say: we’ll never get 60 senators to vote for that. Well, my position is: let’s try it and see! Let’s see how these Democrats in marginal states want to defend what Biden has done on the border!

  1. First of all, the impeachment process will paralyze the government—as it did with Trump.
  2. But, second, impeachment is a very important moral and political statement.

Most American still  just don’t realize how bad the immigration situation is—how crazy the Democrats are.

You know, there were recently votes on this Build Back Better thing, which includes an Amnesty. Republicans on the Judiciary Committee tried to at least put some bounds on it [FY 2022 Reconciliation: A Pathway to Amnesty]. They say, well, maybe we shouldn’t Amnesty people who are convicted child molesters. Democrats wouldn’t go for that. They said, what about people who had nine or more convictions for drunk driving? The Democrats wouldn’t go for that either.

The process of impeachment will show how nuts they are.

  • The second and almost as important point: end Birthright Citizenship.

At one stroke, this would obviate the political purpose behind the Biden Rush / Full Merkel surge.

It can be done by statute; it can be done by a Constitutional Amendment. But it can be done.

I don’t think President McCarthy would veto it. President Biden, if he’s still President, or President Harris, might. But that doesn’t matter. Make them vote on it.

Birthright citizenship is extremely unpopular, once Americans realize what’s going on. And the great advantage of Birthright Citizenship reform is that it is in fact an internal fence. It ends the political incentive to enable illegal immigration.

Of course, it means that we’ll have a large community of people in the country who are born here but are not citizens and therefore can’t vote.

And that’s just great. We don’t want them voting.

In fact, I would still go further. I think Birthright Citizenship Reform should be retroactive. Anybody who came in since a certain point, maybe 1980 or so, since the last Amnesty, who’s  the child of an illegal immigrant, should be stripped of citizenship,

Why not?

I have a dream!

The Indians are actually already doing this. They have a problem on the border with Bangladesh, because there’s a serious illegal immigrant influx. And some of the illegals have been there for a couple of generations. So the Indian response to this is to find them and strip them of citizenship. And they’ve been doing this for two or three years now.

So you know, Diversity Is Strength! I think we should learn from the Indians. Where’s Neil Kumar? Learn from the Indians!

You know, one thing about an Immigration Moratorium that people get wrong is it doesn’t mean no immigration—it means no net immigration. We think that 2-300,000 people leave the U.S. every year. So two or 300,000 could come in and out, that’d be no net immigration. And that would take care of, you know, hardship cases, and Americans marrying of foreign spouses and that kind of thing.

Now, the ironic thing is that, although Trump didn’t succeed in passing any laws on immigration, there was actually a very good bill—the more I look at, the more I realized how excellent it was—the Goodlatte bill, which failed in the House in 2018. Jim Jordan, the head of the Freedom Caucus, has just written a book that discusses it in a chapter. He blames the GOP Speaker, Paul Ryan, who just systematically sabotaged any kind of patriotic immigration reform, because he’s a Chamber of Commerce cuck.

But that bill would have, over time, reduced immigration to well below half a million a year. So it’s almost getting into moratorium territory. And it had a lot of other interesting features as well.

And let the Western Panhandle of Maryland join West Virginia! Let’s get this question off the table—because if the Democrats get enough power, they will create new states to get around the U.S. Senate.

You know, there’s precedent for expelling Puerto Rico. The Czechs got fed up with the Slovaks after the fall of the Soviet Union and threw the Slovaks out. And the Slovaks are now actually doing well. And the same was true in Malaysia. The Malayans got fed up with the Chinese in Singapore so they threw them out. And they’re doing well too. So good luck to Puerto Rico as an independent state!

  • Fifth: We should repeal the 1980 refugee legislation and get out of whatever asylum agreements earlier U.S. governments were stupid enough to get into.
  • Sixth: We should start getting serious about deportation.

In other words, a new Operation Wetback. Remember, about 3 million people left in the first years of the Eisenhower Administration, but only a couple of hundred thousand were actually deported. The rest just got the message.

Let’s get serious about doing this again.

And then there are various minor things that I would like to do, such as extirpating Affirmative Action, and defunding the FBI.

Well, they can wait, We’ve got plenty of time to get around to them.

The great thing about the immigration issue, which of course is our focus at VDARE.com, is that it is a problem and a solution. if you can stop the drift of the white population, which is to say the American population, into minority status you are going to ensure the survival and success of liberty in this country.

Last year Ron Unz wrote a long article denouncing VDARE.com’s focus on the immigration issue, saying immigrants were all nice people, and we should really focus on Leftists and militant blacks. I didn’t get around to responding to this personally, for various reasons. But the definitive response was written by David Cole—who may be asleep because he came in from California. [In fact, Cole was ill and missed the AR conference.] He said that yes, of course, Leftists and militant blacks are a problem. But we’re stuck with each other—American blacks, American whites. We still don’t have to import more Third World behavior.

Now, one of the advantages of being so damned old is that everything comes around again. When I was a young financial journalist in the early 1970s, I attended a lot of meetings where investment professionals tried to figure out what inflation meant. It wasn’t clear, it literally wasn’t clear to them, that, for example, owning a house is an inflation hedge, because the replacement cost for a house is very high because of inflation, so your house holds its value. Whereas being out of debt is not a good thing in a period of inflation, because you could pay off any debt with dollars that were actually worth less.

That was interesting news to me because my parents, children of the Depression, went to a lot of effort to pay off their mortgage, which of course was exactly the wrong thing to do in an era of inflation.

I remember speakers pointing out that the then-current inflation was actually higher than the Great Inflations of the past, for example in the 1920s or at various points in the 19th century. We just hadn’t realized what was going on.

The Federal Reserve now calls the 1965-1982 period “The Great Inflation.” But current inflation is substantially above the level that caused President Nixon to impose Wage and Price controls in 1971.

Well, now, similarly, we have to recognize that we are in the early stages of a communist coup. It just crept upon us.

Now, there’s some wimps around here who don’t like us using the term “communist” to describe our Biden Regime Rulers. Isn’t that right, Jared? [A loving reference to AMREN’s notoriously authoritarian—all libertarians are authoritarian—Style Sheet.]

In fact, I’m reliably informed that AMREN has banned the use of the term “Cultural Marxists,” which I experimented with for a while because I thought it just more precise.

I was actually converted on this matter by the great John Derbyshire. He regularly used the term “communist” to describe the mayor of New York, Bill de Blasio. And when I was looking this up today, I discovered that the de Blasio was actually involved in pro-Sandinista activities in the 1980s, when, of course, that put him on the wrong side of the Cold War.

And the term “communist” is gradually creeping into mainstream discourse. Someone who’s done great work in this area is the podcaster Jesse Kelly, who’s been using it for a long time.

The problem is that we’ve all been subliminally subverted by the McCarthy wars. We think that “communist” has to mean “card-carrying Communist”—that is, a member of the Party (although my understanding is that the party did not actually issue cards).

But in fact, the term “communist” pre-exists formally organized “Communist” parties. Marx used it in his 1848 Communist Manifesto—he said a specter was “haunting Europe—the specter of communism.” At that time, remember, he hadn’t written Das Kapital.

I recently read a famous, really eerie Catholic triumphalist dystopian futurist novel, Lord Of The World. It’s still in print, after over 100 years, and it’s been praised by a number of recent Popes including, oddly, Pope Francis. The author, Monsignor Hugh Benson, was a son of an Archbishop of Canterbury, so it was a huge scandal when he converted. In 1907, Benson was talking about this war between the persecuted Catholics and what he unhesitatingly called “communists” just as a matter of fact. They weren’t visibly Marxists from economic standpoint—in fact, economic structure doesn’t figure in the novel at all. But they were fanatical totalitarians and anti-Christians.

And that’s the point, I think. You occasionally hear people arguing that well, you know, you can’t call these people “communists” because they don’t know about the Labor Theory Of Value. But the Labor Theory Of Value wasn’t around when Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto. The point is that they’re Left Totalitarians. They go back to the Jacobins.

And there’s a constant theme among them: anti-religious, not just totalitarian but Christophobic, and also distinct elements of sexual perversion. Andy Ngo has done wonderful work documenting Antifa in the Pacific Northwest, and it’s astonishing how many of these people actually turn out to be trannies and other forms of deviants.

For example, some of you remember that one of our members got into a fight with an Antifa guy in 2017. Well, I’ve watched this case carefully because I want to see what happened to the perp. The answer was nothing. He turns out to be a tranny. Well, they’re everywhere.

If any of you read Stan Evans’ great book about Joe McCarthy, Blacklisted by History, you end it with a feeling of despair—because McCarthy had been defeated and the Communists were still operating. It’s actually a miracle that America won the Cold War.

And there was never a Reckoning for that. McCarthy, of course was vindicated by the Venona intercepts. The FBI actually knew who these people were and had been wiretapping them for years. That’s news that emerged in the 1990s. But the transcription of those Venona intercepts was stopped during the Carter Administration—almost the last thing that Carter did. Why?

The truth is the Democrat Party has always been soft on Communism—because so many of them were implicated. The people that we see in Antifa, they are literally their children.

There’s a whole concept of “Red Diaper Baby.” There’s at least a score of books written about it. They are gloating about it. The fact that they’re the children of Communists—and this case I do mean card-carrying Communists—is not a problem in American politics today. You can test this by looking at recent biographies. Look at Obama—one of his close friends, and people sometimes say his actual father, was Frank Davis, a black Communist. Obama’s book was reportedly ghosted by Bill Ayers, a member of the Weather Underground communist terrorist group in the 1980s. Ayers was of course, rewarded by being made a tenured professor at the University of Illinois—Chicago.

Look at Hillary Clinton’s running mate, Virginia Senator Tim Kaine. Kaine was also involved with the Sandinistas in the 1980s. That’s not something you just did out of moral fervor. It you meant you were on the wrong side of the Cold War. But it’s never been seriously raised by the Republicans. Tim Kaine‘s son is a member of Antifa; he was actually arrested for throwing explosives, firecrackers in an Antifa riot at the Minnesota Capitol in 2017. Needless to say he was let off with just probation.

But you know, these people in the January 6 Most Peaceful Protest are not going to be let off with just probation. We have a completely asymmetrical system of Unequal Justice in this country now.

And then there’s the case of Chesa Boudin, the son of David Gilbert and Kathy Boudin, who went to jail for being involved in the murder of two policemen in a robbery. He was then adopted by Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, who were also members of the Weather Underground. And he’s now the District Attorney in San Francisco, where he’s systematically not prosecuting criminals.

Michelle Malkin, who is also here today, for which she deserves congratulations—she’s got real courage—wrote a recent savage column, Coward Cuomo’s Last Act Of Treachery, pointing out that the last thing the governor of New York Andrew Cuomo did before he was driven out of office by Me-Tooism was to pardon David Gilbert. In other words, he pardoned somebody who had been convicted of murder and was involved in extensive terrorism in the 1970s and early 1980s—including, by the way, bombing the U.S. Capitol, something you never hear of when the Democrats go on about how terrible the Most Peaceful Protest was.

Why would he do that? I go back to what I said before—the Democrat Party has always been soft on Communism.

So these Communists are still there. They’re still active. They’re making public policy right now.

It’s going to be a hard landing. A hard landing.

Well, I’m going to finish on a relatively optimistic note, and that optimistic note is what we call the Sailer Strategy. It’s alive and well.

The Sailer Strategy is something that Steve just started writing about on VDARE.com in late 2000, when Karl Rove was telling everybody that the Republicans need to reach out to minorities. Sailer pointed out that this was stupid and that Rove was innumerate. Even a small increase in the white aka American vote for Republicans would far overwhelm any conceivable increase that they could get by reaching out to minorities.

And Sailer said this consistently for the next 16 years, until Trump actually did it.

In my opinion, this is actually one of the great forecasts in political journalism. And Steve had a moment of fame—it wasn’t 15 seconds of fame, it was more like two seconds of fame. He was discussed in New York Magazine, and he was referred to in the New York Times.

And that’s it. Nobody’s ever interviewed him since. It’s like they don’t want to know what Steve thinks is going to happen next.

Well, the fact is this last election again vindicated the Sailer Strategy. Jared and I both use a writer called Patrick McDermott, that’s not his real name, he’s actually a Democrat, but he’s very insightful on the question of the white vote. And he’s consistently said that there’s no limit to how far the white vote could go for Republicans, if they actually focused on it.

After the 2021 election, the New York Times published an article with this beautiful headline: Democrats Thought They Bottomed Out in Rural, White America. It Wasn’t the Bottom [by Astead W. Herndon and Shane Goldmacher, November 6, 2021].

It’s referring to the fact the vote for Glenn Youngkin, who as far as I can see is an absolute cypher, far exceeded what Trump got among whites in general and rural whites in particular. The NYT’s Herndon and Goldmacher quoted Ethan Winter [Tweet him], who works for the Leftist group Data For Progress: “In rural America, the bottom for the Democrat Party is zero. I’m serious about this.”

By the way, it’s also true in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. We don’t have exit polls in these states, but the excellent article in the City Journal, which basically analyzed the results in terms of districts and came to the conclusion, well, I’ll  read the headline: Twilight of the Blue-Collar Democrat: In New Jersey and Pennsylvania, last week’s election marked the end of a crucial party constituency [by Charles F. McElwee, November 11, 2021].

I don’t think that’s because these people, the Republicans, did much to deserve it. But there is this remarkable case of the truck driver who defeated the New Jersey Senate Majority Leader. He didn’t only spend $150, as was widely reported, but he did only spend a couple of thousand. And that’s really some kind of an earthquake.

Look at West Virginia. As Jared said, I guess it was a year ago in February that my wife Lydia got fed up with being canceled out of all these hotels where we’ve been trying to hold conferences and bought the Berkeley Springs Castle, which is in the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia, about two hours from the U.S. Capitol next time we want to storm it [NOTE TO FBI: This is a joke J-O-K-E!]. And we’re refurbishing it. We’re going to have small conferences there and dinners and things and I hope that all of you come. Not all at once! But over time.

Now, West Virginia is a little over 90% white. For comparison: the U.S. itself was a little under 90% white in 1960, before the Immigration Act kicked in.

Every single county in West Virginia went for Trump. Every single one. It’s actually quite heart-rending.

If you drive through the middle of the state, it’s really poor, trailer parks up in the trees, they like having a lot of land around them. And they’re flying Trump flags. They’re still flying Trump flags. And recently they’ve started to fly “Let’s go Brandon flags.” Well, actually, not “Let’s Go Branden” flags, but words to that effect.

Now look at  Logan County in southern West Virginia. Let’s just listen to this from Wikipedia:

Logan County broke 72% of its ballots for Bill Clinton, 72% for Bill Clinton in 1996, 61% and even 52% for John Kerry in 2004. But by 2008 McCain flipped it to Republicans and in 2016 and 2020 it voted over 80% for Trump.

PB Note: For inscrutable Wikipedia reasons, this entry has been altered since I spoke, but the sense is still the same.

That’s a huge change. So I think McDermott is right, there’s a good way to go for the GOP/GAP with the white vote.

Similarly, there’s Grant County, which is just a couple hours from Morgan County, where we live now.

August 2023: Black on White Homicides in the U.S.A.

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Last month: A RECORD 58 BLACK-ON-WHITE HOMICIDES (Give Or Take A Few White Hispanics, Asian Immigrants): July 2023—Another Month In The Death Of White America

A rare case of white-on-black killings, the triple murder at a Dollar Tree in Jacksonville, FL, attracted the attention of the President of the United States, eager to angry up his black base [‘Silence is complicity’: President Biden denounces racist shooting at Florida dollar store, by Grethel Aguila, Miami Herald, August 27, 2023]. It was used by the Leftist New Republic as evidence of the “threat” of mass right-wing violence [Violence Is Coming? Sorry, It’s Already Here—and Getting Worse, by Brynn Tannehill, New Republic, August 31, 2023]. https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?creatorScreenName=vdare&dnt=false&embedId=twitter-widget-0&features=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%3D%3D&frame=false&hideCard=false&hideThread=false&id=1697570745772052597&lang=en&origin=https%3A%2F%2Fvdare.com%2Farticles%2Fwhere-s-biden-feminists-about-35-black-on-white-homicides-including-many-white-women-august-2023-another-month-in-the-death-of-white-america&sessionId=fe8a484ca6b6c1a1c72e7010551f8d26181d360f&siteScreenName=vdare&theme=light&widgetsVersion=aaf4084522e3a%3A1674595607486&width=550px

But even including Jacksonville, there were only 4 (four) white-on-black homicides in August. In contrast, there were about 35 black-on-white killings (we fudge because a couple of the victims seem to be white Hispanics). As always, the Regime ignores this continuing carnage—in fact, it is probably exacerbating it: some of these killings appear to be random “Hate Crimes.”

The toll of white women is especially high this month. As usual, most were in relationships, or adjacent to relationships, with black Significant Others. But at least one is a robbery victim.

Unusually, here are also two cases of white victims involved with black women.

We also note the death of another police officer, unnoticed by a Ruling Class eager to lynch a Michael Slager or Derek Chauvin.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The Main Stream Media and law enforcement agencies are increasingly successful in suppressing the race of perps altogether, as well as details of their stories. Email me here or VDARE.com here if you have tips.

  • 16-year-old Elisa ”Shyann” McLemore was fatally shot in Laurel, MS. She was pregnant, possibly by the perp; the baby survived.

Arrested was Tavaris Atwood, 18.

Reports say police found McLemore with a bullet wound to her head. After being transferred to a hospital, her baby was delivered.

According to vicksburgnews.com: ”A connection between the suspect and victim or motive has not been released at this time. The baby is reported to be in good condition” [Pregnant teen shot and killed, suspect given $1 million bond, by Joey Fogas, vicksburgnews.com, August 17, 2023].

  • 15-year-old Gracie Rae Limas was fatally shot in Gonzales, LA.

Sheriff’s deputies say Jaquin Stephens, 16, shot Limas in a fit of anger and jealousy. He evaded authorities for days.

Two others were taken into custody as accessories; a man and juvenile, the report says.

[Ascension Parish Sheriff Bobby] Webre said deputies have recovered text messages that appear to indicate Stephens was upset with Limas about talking to another boy.

Gonzales teen accused of killing 15-year-old girlfriend caught in Livingston; two others arrested, by David J. Mitchell, theadvocate.com, August 8, 2023

Limas was the same age as Emmett Till when he was murdered in Mississippi in 1955. As we noted last month, Till is in effect being canonized by the Biden Regime as a martyr to white-on-black racism due to his tender age and the brutality of his demise. Strangely, Limas’ brutal murder has attracted no White House attention.

  • 13-year-old Melanie Elkins was found dead in an Akron, OH alley.

Akron Police issued an arrest warrant for Keith Early, 30.

According to crawfordcountynow.com, Early was ”formally processed into Summit County Jail on multiple charges, including abuse of a corpse, failure to report a crime, and obstruction of official business…”

According to the  Mansfield News Journal :

Officers arrived after a person called to report finding the body at about 12:55 p.m. behind a residence.

The caller, who sounded distraught on the 4½-minute 911 recording, said the young woman appeared to be ’about 19 or 20.’

Police said Melanie was reported as a runaway on June 11.

According to JusticeReport.News, Early’s criminal history was documented by ”309 pages of correctional misbehavior records including instances of brutal violence, sexual depravity, and hard drug use” [Black man charged with abusing corpse of teenage White girl had 309-page criminal history in Ohio State prisons, August 24, 2023]. https://www.rumble.com/embed/v39teei/?pub=4

  • Kim Marie Fairbanks, 52, and her ten-year-old granddaughter, Aubrianna Lynn ”Aubrie” Croteau, died after being shot in Springfield, MA.

The shooter, 34-year-old Victor Nieves, died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

The media labeled the tragedy a ”murder-suicide.”

Two other children, ages five and 12, were also shot but survived. Croteau died days after the incident.

Nieves lived in the same house as the victims but in a separate apartment.

According to dailyvoice.com:

Police have not found any motive for the killing. Nieves had no history of violent offenses. Initial reports suggest he forced his way into the home just after 2:30 p.m. and opened fire.

[Grandmother killed, 3 children hurt after neighbor opens fire in Springfield home, by WBZ-News Staff, cbsnews.com, August 15, 2023]

  • 20-year-old Avriel Hooks was found dead near Lynchburg, VA.

Arrested was her husband, Michael L. Perry III, 21.

Hooks was reported missing after ostensibly leaving a text saying she needed ”me time.”

Her remains were found in a wooded area in Amherst County [Estranged husband accused of murdering young mom found dead in wooded area days after suspicious ‘me time’ text, by Matt Naham, lawandcrime.com, August 30, 2023].

  • 42-year-old Hallie Mae Sapp Robertson died in Oakland, MS after being shot once in the head.

Bobby Arnez Taylor, 41, was charged with first-degree murder, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and grand larceny of a motor vehicle.

The Charleston Sun-Sentinel reported the couple had a “rocky” dating relationship.

Robertson was found deceased behind a convenience store.

She had worked as a postal carrier [Arrest made in fatal shooting of Batesville postal carrier, panolian.com, August 25, 2023].

  • Stefan Volkmann, 41, was fatally shot outside a San Antonio, TX gas station.

Facing murder charges is Jekierin Walker, 20.

Reports say Walker was soliciting money from patrons when he engaged Volkmann in a conversation.

Walker apparently excused shooting Volkmann by claiming the victim used racial slurs.

The news media took the alleged killer at his word.

A friend of Volkmann challenged the shooter’s excuse. ”I immediately knew that it was an untruth, because that is not who the victim was,” according to kens5.com.

Volkmann, of course, is unable to respond to the allegation [SAPD: Man arrested in deadly gas station shooting says victim called him racial slurs, by KENS 5 Staff, kens5.com, August 21, 2023].

  • 33-year-old Joshua Mickhail was fatally shot in Toledo, OH.

Christian Beck, 26, was charged with first-degree murder.

Mickhail was shot on the front porch of his home. The media provided no backstory [Suspect arrested in early August shooting death of 33-year-old in north Toledo, by WTOL Newsroom, wtol.com, August 7, 2023].

  • 39-year-old Jeffrey Leonard McKay was fatally shot in Timberlake,

Chad Woods, 41, is facing second-degree murder charges.

Reports say Woods allegedly shot McKay after the truck McKay was driving struck and killed Woods’ teenage son:

Police say Woods and his son were walking down the road back toward their home after running out of gas when a Department of Corrections truck driven by McKay crashed into Woods’ son, according to a report from ABC 11. McKay stopped the truck and called 911 to report the incident, but the teen was pronounced dead at the scene.

Woods then pulled out a gun and shot McKay before throwing his gun into a nearby pond and stealing McKay’s truck, police said, leaving the bodies on the street and driving home in the stolen vehicle.

North Carolina dad shoots man who allegedly hit, killed son moments earlier: police, by Michael Lee, fox5atlanta.com, August 15, 2023

See The Fulford File | “Black Lives Matter”—Unless It’s Just Another Car Crash Lynchingfrom VDARE.com in 2015 for more on the phenomenon of blacks reacting murderously to car accidents.

  • 21-year-old Kaylee Marie Smith was fatally shot in Warsaw, VA.

18-year-old James Anthony Benjamin Barnes is facing 2nd degree murder for the shooting and is awaiting extradition to Virginia.

Someone in a white SUV fired into the vehicle in which Smith was a passenger.

”Local police called it a road rage incident that escalated into a drive-by.” However, the case was still under investigation. It may have been a racially motivated murder. The driver of the white SUV led police on a lengthy chase to neighboring South Carolina. It ended when ”the vehicle crashed through the barricades of an old bridge and was disabled” [18-year-old awaiting extradition to VA for fatal shooting in Warsaw, by Michelle Smith, newsontheneck.com, August 23, 2023].

  • 36-year-old Justin E. Krogen was fatally shot outside a Pittsburgh, KS bar after an apparent encounter with a group of individuals.

While police issued a photo of the group in question—most of whom were black—none has been identified as a suspect.

[Victim of deadly Pittsburg shooting identified as Police seek group’s identities, by Sarah Motter, wibw.com, Aug. 21, 2023]

  • 23-year-old Charles “C.J.” Brooks Jr. was fatally shot in Vicksburg, MS.

Xavier Weddington, 17, was charged as an adult with second-degree murder.

Circumstances leading to the shooting were not disclosed.

Upon reading the charges, the judge noted the killing was ”without premeditation.” That suggests the shooting was impulsive.

 According to vicksburgnews.com:

Judge Randy Lewis informed Weddington of his rights and then read the charges. “…that you did willfully, unlawfully although without premeditation did effect the death of Charles Ray Brooks, Jr.”

Judge Lewis continued reading the charges saying, “… pointed a loaded pistol, black and silver in color in the direction of Charles Ray Brooks, Jr. and discharging the same being an act of imminent danger to others.”

Warren County teen charged with second-degree murder, by Anna Guizerix, vicksburgpost.com, August 18, 2023

  • Darrell L. Benner, 57, was fatally shot during a carjacking in Baltimore, MD.

No arrests were made.

Reports say when Benner’s nephew approached his Dodge Charger, he was accosted by three black males. Benner observed the theft in progress from inside his home. After retrieving a BB gun, Benner pursued the thieves who fatally shot him.

The incident occurred in a residential area of Canton Square in Baltimore, according to wmar2news.com.

Investigators say that three unidentified Black men approached the younger family member and robbed him. At that point, Banner went into his home, got out a gun of his own and gave chase to the trio, who fled in the man’s Dodge Charger.

Man Killed Chasing Down Relative’s Carjackers In Baltimore, Police Say, by Zak Failla, dailyvoice.com, August 18, 2023

  • Mathew Cameron Carper, 24, was fatally shot in Pulaski County, VA.

Korey Trevon Rice, 20, was arrested.

Reports say a fight led to gunfire. Carper was shot and died of his injuries. The media did not clarify if Carper was shot due to his race, or if he was struck by a random bullet.

Police found Carper in his car. The mob had reportedly fled the scene leaving the victim behind.

Media reports did not indicate that the rowdy crowd was comprised of black teens nor did the media suggest whites were specifically targeted. Rather, it remained silent on the specifics, leaving readers to draw conclusions from their own experiences in similar circumstances [Arrest made in connection with shooting death of 24-year-old in Pulaski County, by Jazmine Otey, wsls.com, August 8, 2023].

  • Gregory Ray Dillon, 31, was fatally shot in Dayton, OH.

Arrested was 18-year-old Ja’Shawn Lee Jones.

Dillon was reportedly shot by Jones after the victim questioned the owner of a loose dog. Apparently, Jones and the dog owner live at the same house [Murder charges filed after argument leads to shooting in Dayton; Victim ID’d, by Kristen Spicker, daytondailynews.com, August 14, 2023].

  • 22-year-old Austin Roberts was fatally shot in Galloway, near Columbus, OH.

Wanted by police is Jayveyon Louis Gravely.

Police believe Gravely ended an argument between Gravely and another person by shooting the victim [Today’s Wanted Wednesday focuses on a Homicide that happened in Columbus, no attribution, stopcrime.centralohiocrimestoppers.org, August 16, 2023].

.Reports say ”there were five homicide victims in a 48-hour period” in Columbus as the dark shadow of urban savagery spreads to America’s suburbia.

View the victim’s mom’s Facebook page here.

  • 29-year-old Jesus Alain Galvan was fatally shot while driving away from a Ford Heights strip club near Chicago, IL.

Arrested was a security guard, Michael Long, 52. He faces a first-degree murder charge.

Reports say a passenger in Galvan’s pickup truck fired shots at a parked vehicle. 31-year-old Samuel Martinez is charged with reckless discharge of a firearm. Long, who owned the parked vehicle, fired at the truck fatally wounding Galvan [Security guard accused of killing driver leaving Ford Heights strip club, by Alonzo Small, wgntv.com, August 15, 2023].

  • 24-year-old Don Rose was fatally shot in Oklahoma City, OK in a drive-by shooting.

Steven Truitt, 23, was arrested.

No motive for the shooting was reported.

Also shot was 32-year-old Jackie Crenwelge who survived [Man arrested in connection to murder in Oklahoma City, by KOKH staff, okcfox.com, August 10, 2023].

  • 21-year-old Saria Barney Hildabrand was fatally shot in Anchorage, AK.

Arrested was her husband, Zarrius Hildabrand, 21.

According to nypost.com, ”An Army soldier in Alaska is accused of fatally shooting his newlywed wife, stashing her body in a storm drain—then posting desperate Facebook messages about her disappearance and helping her mom search for her.” https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?creatorScreenName=vdare&dnt=false&embedId=twitter-widget-1&features=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%3D%3D&frame=false&hideCard=false&hideThread=false&id=1690787638897160193&lang=en&origin=https%3A%2F%2Fvdare.com%2Farticles%2Fwhere-s-biden-feminists-about-35-black-on-white-homicides-including-many-white-women-august-2023-another-month-in-the-death-of-white-america&sessionId=fe8a484ca6b6c1a1c72e7010551f8d26181d360f&siteScreenName=vdare&theme=light&widgetsVersion=aaf4084522e3a%3A1674595607486&width=550px

The Anchorage Daily News quoted the victim’s distraught mother:

”He walked around for hours with me searching for my daughter knowing that she was dead.”

Police claim the suspect purchased a 96-gallon garbage can from a nearby Lowes. They found a mattress in the couple’s apartment saturated with blood.

A drone found Saria’s body stashed in a storm drain.

Reports say the suspect was enlisted in the Army at the time of the murder and stationed in Anchorage. His wife was reportedly an Alaska National Guard combat medic [US soldier allegedly killed wife, faked distress in Facebook posts and helped her mom look for her, by Olivia Land, nypost.com, August 13, 2023].

  • Philipp Kuhn, 46, was found fatally shot in Omaha NB’s Benson Park.

Taken into custody was Lavell Cutler, 41.

”Video surveillance from an apartment building showed Kuhn getting into a vehicle, which is registered to Cutler about one hour before he is believed to be killed, according to court documents,” according to ketv.com.

1011now.com confirmed the victim was white.

Police said later that the body was that of a white man who had been shot. He was identified Wednesday night as 46-year-old Philipp Kuhn.

41-year-old man accused in Omaha homicide allegedly seen with victim 1 hour before he died, by Jake Anderson, ketv.com, August 10, 2023

  • 32-year-old Christopher Vidalier died on the porch of his father’s home after being shot in Kaplan, LA.

A woman named LaQuiondra St. Julien, 23, is charged with second-degree murder.

Reports say she is the cousin of the victim’s former girlfriend.

Vidalier leaves behind three children under the age of four.

Or’Mini Caldwell, also black, who has a 9-month-old daughter with Vidaler, was the victim’s fiancée.

“It’s no way he should have never died,” she told klfy.com. “How could you take somebodies [sic] like that and then in broad daylight?” [Family speaks out after man killed in Kaplan leaves behind three kids under the age of four, by Rodricka Taylor, klfy.com, August 11, 2023]

  • 46-year-old Rachel Ann Havrick was fatally shot in South Bend, IN.

Arrested were Ddrea Bostic, 35, Devon Briggs, 20, and Erica Elie, 30.

Ddrea BosticDevon BriggsErica Elie

Havrick was killed in her home during a burglary ”gone wrong,” wndu.com reported. (They actually used the words “gone wrong.”)

”[T]wo of Havrick’s children were home to see it all unfold,” the report said.

One of the suspects, Ddrea Bostic, was also the boyfriend of one of Havrick’s adult children. He was apparently aware of a safe in the home that contained multiple guns. The plan was to invade the home unexpectedly and demand the safe be opened.

Havrick was pistol-whipped and shot when she told Bostic that she did not know the safe’s combination [3 arrested, charged in connection with deadly South Bend shooting, by 16 News Now and Carli Luca, wndu.com, January 11, 2023].

  • 26-year-old Jean Thomas Butchart was fatally shot in a Belleville, MI trailer park.

Matthew Torrey Tiggs Jr., 22, was arrested.

”Tiggs is charged in a crime spree that began in the Van Buren Estates mobile home park. He is accused in the fatal shooting of a 26-year-old person; the non-fatal shooting of a 47-year-old man; and the assault of a 45-year-old man,” according to macombdaily.com.

He was arraigned on nine felony charges, including second-degree murder and assault with intent to murder.

Butchart planned to become a school teacher, but his life was cut short when Tiggs shot him in the head during a days-long terror spree in the Van Buren Estates mobile home park.

A 47-year-old resident survived multiple gunshot wounds attributed to Tiggs.

Tiggs was earlier sentenced to serve two years of probation for carrying a concealed weapon. He was discharged “without improvement” in 2021.

”[H]is father, Matthew T. Tiggs, was sentenced in 2000 of serving 28 years in prison on a charge of assault with intent to commit murder. He has since been paroled,” the report says.

Both the prosecutor and local residents said Tiggs ”terrorized” the mobile home park, the report said.

[Macomb County man charged with ‘very violent’ incidents in mobile home park attacks, by Mitch Hotts, macombdaily.com, August 9, 2023]

  • 71-year-old Elaine Murray was found beaten to death in her West Windsor Twp., NJ home.

”Denzel Whitmore, 24, of Hamilton, is charged with murder, burglary and tampering with evidence,” 6abc.com reports.

The victim was found by authorities after neighbors requested a welfare check. The prosecutor said ”she was bleeding from the back of her head.”

Census.gov reveals that West Windsor Twp., NJ is 4.3 percent black with a plurality of Asians at 48.6 percent and whites at 39.4 percent.

[Man charged with murder, burglary in death of 71-year-old New Jersey woman, 6abc.com, August 4, 2023]

  • 18-year-old Deacon W. Graham was fatally shot in Piqua, OH.

Cory Miller, 19, was arrested.

Reports say the victim suffered three gunshot wounds. A second person was also shot but survived.

No backstory was provided by the media [18-year-old identified in Piqua fatal shooting, suspect arraigned in court, by Jeffery Schrock, August 7, 2023].

  • 42-year-old Nicholas Ledbetter was fatally shot during a robbery in Cincinnati, OH.

Brandon Dodson, 23, was arrested.

Dodson shot the victim multiple times while committing robbery, according to an affidavit. More specific details were not provided.

Dodson is facing an aggravated murder charge.

”[H]e was also the suspect in a Norwood shooting that killed a homeless man back in July,” according to fox19.com. ”However, a grand jury did not indict him in the case, so he no longer faced charges” [Tri-State murder suspect arrested in Tennessee, by Jessica Schmidt, fox19.com, Aug. 8, 2023].

  • 17-year-old Camo Lee Morton was fatally shot at his home in Timpson, TX.

Denim Smith, 21, was arrested and charged with murder. A second person was also arrested.

The media provided no backstory.

[Shelby County Sheriff’s Office arrest 2 in connection with July shooting death, by KTRE Digital Media Staff, ksla.com, August 7, 2023]

  • 19-year-old Talia Wills was fatally shot in Albuquerque, NM during an altercation with her partner.

Mykyle Lewis-Robinson, 22, was charged with an open count of murder.

Reports say Wills retreated to a bedroom during the argument. He then retrieved the gun after saying, “Don’t make me go grab this,” and fired.

The couple’s infant was found unharmed in a playpen.

[UPDATE: APD Arrests man for Killing his Girlfriend in last night’s Homicide near 12th/Griegos, by ABQRAW staff, abqraw.com, August 1, 2023]

  • 19-year-old Paris Allen was fatally shot in Duluth, MN. He was shot in the head.

Arrested were Sanussi Tamsir Bangoura, 21 (the name comes from Guinea in Africa), and Brandon Capone Williams-Gillard, 25.

Sanussi Tamsir BangouraBrandon Capone Williams-Gillard

Reports say the pair drove past a person with whom they had a contentious history.

After challenging him to a fight, a group assembled.

An 18-year-old punched Bangoura through his car window prompting him to drive off. Shots were fired from their car as he drove away, striking Allen and another individual.

[Two men charged in fatal Duluth shooting, the city’s first homicide of the year, by Jana Hollingsworth, Star Tribune, August 4, 2023]

  • 33-year-old Warren Michael Bowman was fatally shot in Richmond, KY.

Arrested was Stephon L. Baskerville, 24.

Reports say Baskerville was arguing with his (black) girlfriend, Makayla Walker, in an apartment complex parking lot.

Bowman was shot when he apparently attempted to protect Walker—in defiance of  John Derbyshire’s rule (10h): Do not act the Good Samaritan to blacks in apparent distress. Walker was also fatally shot.

Baskerville was charged with two counts of murder and tampering with physical evidence.

[Two confirmed dead in Foxhaven Drive shootings Saturday night in Richmond, identified, by WBONTV News Team, wbontv.com, July 30, 2023] https://www.rumble.com/embed/v32y4ak/?pub=4

  • Ronnie Wayne Sanford II, 49, was fatally shot in an Arby’s restaurant parking lot in Union, MO.

Arrested was Antoine B. Frazier, 40.

Reports say Sanford was shot after an argument that involved a group of people.

(Such vague descriptions are often surreptitious language to hide mob assaults.)

Frazier ”was charged with second-degree murder and armed criminal action. He is being held on a no-bond warrant, police said,” according to kmov.com.

Some reports say Frazier followed Sanford to his home where the latter was slain.

[Man shot following argument at Union Arby’s dies, by Stephanie Usery, kmov.com, Aug. 1, 2023]

  • Deputy Marshal Barry Giglio was fatally shot in Ville Platte, LA.

Arrested was Vonteeko Lamar Anderson, 23, no picture but identified as black in custody records.

Also killed was Sistrane Edwards, 64, who was black. Another was critically wounded.

The media offered little information regarding events leading up to the shooting.

[Shooting suspect accused of murder following death of Ville Platte officer, by Patrick Deaville, kplctv.com, August 3, 2023]

  • 32-year-old Tina Arroyo was fatally shot in Philadelphia, PA.

Alexander Grady, 26, was charged with murder, criminal conspiracy and other related offenses.

Arroyo was in her car when she was shot multiple times.

Reports say 28 rounds of ammunition were fired.

From 6abc.com:

Police say 32-year-old Tina Arroyo was inside her 2007 Honda Civic when she was shot and killed.

”Several bullets went through the front windshield and she was struck in the face, the neck, and the chest,” said Philadelphia Police Chief Inspector Scott Small. ”She was slumped in the driver’s seat of a Honda sedan that was parked along the curb.”

Suspect arrested in killing of woman inside car in Philadelphia, by 6abc Digital Staff, 6abc.com, July 27, 2023

White-On-Black Homicides

FBI statistics reveal that more than 50 percent of homicides in the USA are committed by blacks, even though they only comprise about 13 percent of the country’s population [FBI: Crime in the U.S. 2019 • Tables • Table 43]. In 2021, for example, 51.3 percent of “Murder and nonnegligent manslaughter” incidents were attributed to black offenders.

Overall, FBI data suggest blacks are over thirteen times more likely to kill whites than vice versa.

American Renaissance Editor Jared Taylor, citing data based on 2021 FBI statistics assembled by anonymous researcher Datahazard, reports a black-male offender homicide rate of 64.4 per 100,000. The equivalent figure for white-male offenders is 3.5 per 100,000 [A Harsh New Light on Race and Murder, Amren.com, March 24, 2023].

That is, the black-male offender homicide rate is 18.4 times higher than the white-male offender homicide rate.

We only found two incidents of white-on-black killings this month, one of which made national news.

  • Jerrald De’Shaun Gallion, 29, Anolt Joseph Laguerre Jr., 19, and Angela Michelle Carr, 52, were fatally shot at a Dollar General store in Jacksonville, FL.
Jerrald De’Shaun GallionAnolt Joseph Laguerre Jr.,Angela Michelle Carr

21-year-old Ryan Christopher Palmeter was identified as the shooter. He fatally shot himself.

  • 26-year-old Cedric Spikes was fatally shot in Fort Worth, TX.

Arrested was Marshall Lambert.

The media mentioned the incident occurred in an apartment but offered few other details. It is not known if the victim and suspect knew each other.

[Man arrested in connection to West Fort Worth murder, by Curt Lewis, NewsRadio 1080 KRLD, August 14, 2023]

Kenn Gividen [Email him/Tweet him] is a retired direct marketer. He lives in Indiana with his wife. Kenn is the father of two grown children and four grandchildren. He publishes dailykenn.com and abatehate.com. In 2004 he was the Libertarian Party’s candidate for governor of Indiana. In 2002 he published The Prayer of Hannah, which sold about 24,000 copies. Kenn is an alumnus of Li


Kenn Gividen09/16/2023A+|a-

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Last month: A RECORD 58 BLACK-ON-WHITE HOMICIDES (Give Or Take A Few White Hispanics, Asian Immigrants): July 2023—Another Month In The Death Of White America

A rare case of white-on-black killings, the triple murder at a Dollar Tree in Jacksonville, FL, attracted the attention of the President of the United States, eager to angry up his black base [‘Silence is complicity’: President Biden denounces racist shooting at Florida dollar store, by Grethel Aguila, Miami Herald, August 27, 2023]. It was used by the Leftist New Republic as evidence of the “threat” of mass right-wing violence [Violence Is Coming? Sorry, It’s Already Here—and Getting Worse, by Brynn Tannehill, New Republic, August 31, 2023]. https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?creatorScreenName=vdare&dnt=false&embedId=twitter-widget-0&features=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%3D%3D&frame=false&hideCard=false&hideThread=false&id=1697570745772052597&lang=en&origin=https%3A%2F%2Fvdare.com%2Farticles%2Fwhere-s-biden-feminists-about-35-black-on-white-homicides-including-many-white-women-august-2023-another-month-in-the-death-of-white-america&sessionId=fe8a484ca6b6c1a1c72e7010551f8d26181d360f&siteScreenName=vdare&theme=light&widgetsVersion=aaf4084522e3a%3A1674595607486&width=550px

But even including Jacksonville, there were only 4 (four) white-on-black homicides in August. In contrast, there were about 35 black-on-white killings (we fudge because a couple of the victims seem to be white Hispanics). As always, the Regime ignores this continuing carnage—in fact, it is probably exacerbating it: some of these killings appear to be random “Hate Crimes.”

The toll of white women is especially high this month. As usual, most were in relationships, or adjacent to relationships, with black Significant Others. But at least one is a robbery victim.

Unusually, here are also two cases of white victims involved with black women.

We also note the death of another police officer, unnoticed by a Ruling Class eager to lynch a Michael Slager or Derek Chauvin.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The Main Stream Media and law enforcement agencies are increasingly successful in suppressing the race of perps altogether, as well as details of their stories. Email me here or VDARE.com here if you have tips.

  • 16-year-old Elisa ”Shyann” McLemore was fatally shot in Laurel, MS. She was pregnant, possibly by the perp; the baby survived.

Arrested was Tavaris Atwood, 18.

Reports say police found McLemore with a bullet wound to her head. After being transferred to a hospital, her baby was delivered.

According to vicksburgnews.com: ”A connection between the suspect and victim or motive has not been released at this time. The baby is reported to be in good condition” [Pregnant teen shot and killed, suspect given $1 million bond, by Joey Fogas, vicksburgnews.com, August 17, 2023].

  • 15-year-old Gracie Rae Limas was fatally shot in Gonzales, LA.

Sheriff’s deputies say Jaquin Stephens, 16, shot Limas in a fit of anger and jealousy. He evaded authorities for days.

Two others were taken into custody as accessories; a man and juvenile, the report says.

[Ascension Parish Sheriff Bobby] Webre said deputies have recovered text messages that appear to indicate Stephens was upset with Limas about talking to another boy.

Gonzales teen accused of killing 15-year-old girlfriend caught in Livingston; two others arrested, by David J. Mitchell, theadvocate.com, August 8, 2023

Limas was the same age as Emmett Till when he was murdered in Mississippi in 1955. As we noted last month, Till is in effect being canonized by the Biden Regime as a martyr to white-on-black racism due to his tender age and the brutality of his demise. Strangely, Limas’ brutal murder has attracted no White House attention.

  • 13-year-old Melanie Elkins was found dead in an Akron, OH alley.

Akron Police issued an arrest warrant for Keith Early, 30.

According to crawfordcountynow.com, Early was ”formally processed into Summit County Jail on multiple charges, including abuse of a corpse, failure to report a crime, and obstruction of official business…”

According to the  Mansfield News Journal :

Officers arrived after a person called to report finding the body at about 12:55 p.m. behind a residence.

The caller, who sounded distraught on the 4½-minute 911 recording, said the young woman appeared to be ’about 19 or 20.’

Police said Melanie was reported as a runaway on June 11.

According to JusticeReport.News, Early’s criminal history was documented by ”309 pages of correctional misbehavior records including instances of brutal violence, sexual depravity, and hard drug use” [Black man charged with abusing corpse of teenage White girl had 309-page criminal history in Ohio State prisons, August 24, 2023]. https://www.rumble.com/embed/v39teei/?pub=4

  • Kim Marie Fairbanks, 52, and her ten-year-old granddaughter, Aubrianna Lynn ”Aubrie” Croteau, died after being shot in Springfield, MA.

The shooter, 34-year-old Victor Nieves, died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

The media labeled the tragedy a ”murder-suicide.”

Two other children, ages five and 12, were also shot but survived. Croteau died days after the incident.

Nieves lived in the same house as the victims but in a separate apartment.

According to dailyvoice.com:

Police have not found any motive for the killing. Nieves had no history of violent offenses. Initial reports suggest he forced his way into the home just after 2:30 p.m. and opened fire.

[Grandmother killed, 3 children hurt after neighbor opens fire in Springfield home, by WBZ-News Staff, cbsnews.com, August 15, 2023]

  • 20-year-old Avriel Hooks was found dead near Lynchburg, VA.

Arrested was her husband, Michael L. Perry III, 21.

Hooks was reported missing after ostensibly leaving a text saying she needed ”me time.”

Her remains were found in a wooded area in Amherst County [Estranged husband accused of murdering young mom found dead in wooded area days after suspicious ‘me time’ text, by Matt Naham, lawandcrime.com, August 30, 2023].

  • 42-year-old Hallie Mae Sapp Robertson died in Oakland, MS after being shot once in the head.

Bobby Arnez Taylor, 41, was charged with first-degree murder, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and grand larceny of a motor vehicle.

The Charleston Sun-Sentinel reported the couple had a “rocky” dating relationship.

Robertson was found deceased behind a convenience store.

She had worked as a postal carrier [Arrest made in fatal shooting of Batesville postal carrier, panolian.com, August 25, 2023].

  • Stefan Volkmann, 41, was fatally shot outside a San Antonio, TX gas station.

Facing murder charges is Jekierin Walker, 20.

Reports say Walker was soliciting money from patrons when he engaged Volkmann in a conversation.

Walker apparently excused shooting Volkmann by claiming the victim used racial slurs.

The news media took the alleged killer at his word.

A friend of Volkmann challenged the shooter’s excuse. ”I immediately knew that it was an untruth, because that is not who the victim was,” according to kens5.com.

Volkmann, of course, is unable to respond to the allegation [SAPD: Man arrested in deadly gas station shooting says victim called him racial slurs, by KENS 5 Staff, kens5.com, August 21, 2023].

  • 33-year-old Joshua Mickhail was fatally shot in Toledo, OH.

Christian Beck, 26, was charged with first-degree murder.

Mickhail was shot on the front porch of his home. The media provided no backstory [Suspect arrested in early August shooting death of 33-year-old in north Toledo, by WTOL Newsroom, wtol.com, August 7, 2023].

  • 39-year-old Jeffrey Leonard McKay was fatally shot in Timberlake,

Chad Woods, 41, is facing second-degree murder charges.

Reports say Woods allegedly shot McKay after the truck McKay was driving struck and killed Woods’ teenage son:

Police say Woods and his son were walking down the road back toward their home after running out of gas when a Department of Corrections truck driven by McKay crashed into Woods’ son, according to a report from ABC 11. McKay stopped the truck and called 911 to report the incident, but the teen was pronounced dead at the scene.

Woods then pulled out a gun and shot McKay before throwing his gun into a nearby pond and stealing McKay’s truck, police said, leaving the bodies on the street and driving home in the stolen vehicle.

North Carolina dad shoots man who allegedly hit, killed son moments earlier: police, by Michael Lee, fox5atlanta.com, August 15, 2023

See The Fulford File | “Black Lives Matter”—Unless It’s Just Another Car Crash Lynchingfrom VDARE.com in 2015 for more on the phenomenon of blacks reacting murderously to car accidents.

  • 21-year-old Kaylee Marie Smith was fatally shot in Warsaw, VA.

18-year-old James Anthony Benjamin Barnes is facing 2nd degree murder for the shooting and is awaiting extradition to Virginia.

Someone in a white SUV fired into the vehicle in which Smith was a passenger.

”Local police called it a road rage incident that escalated into a drive-by.” However, the case was still under investigation. It may have been a racially motivated murder. The driver of the white SUV led police on a lengthy chase to neighboring South Carolina. It ended when ”the vehicle crashed through the barricades of an old bridge and was disabled” [18-year-old awaiting extradition to VA for fatal shooting in Warsaw, by Michelle Smith, newsontheneck.com, August 23, 2023].

  • 36-year-old Justin E. Krogen was fatally shot outside a Pittsburgh, KS bar after an apparent encounter with a group of individuals.

While police issued a photo of the group in question—most of whom were black—none has been identified as a suspect.

[Victim of deadly Pittsburg shooting identified as Police seek group’s identities, by Sarah Motter, wibw.com, Aug. 21, 2023]

  • 23-year-old Charles “C.J.” Brooks Jr. was fatally shot in Vicksburg, MS.

Xavier Weddington, 17, was charged as an adult with second-degree murder.

Circumstances leading to the shooting were not disclosed.

Upon reading the charges, the judge noted the killing was ”without premeditation.” That suggests the shooting was impulsive.

 According to vicksburgnews.com:

Judge Randy Lewis informed Weddington of his rights and then read the charges. “…that you did willfully, unlawfully although without premeditation did effect the death of Charles Ray Brooks, Jr.”

Judge Lewis continued reading the charges saying, “… pointed a loaded pistol, black and silver in color in the direction of Charles Ray Brooks, Jr. and discharging the same being an act of imminent danger to others.”

Warren County teen charged with second-degree murder, by Anna Guizerix, vicksburgpost.com, August 18, 2023

  • Darrell L. Benner, 57, was fatally shot during a carjacking in Baltimore, MD.

No arrests were made.

Reports say when Benner’s nephew approached his Dodge Charger, he was accosted by three black males. Benner observed the theft in progress from inside his home. After retrieving a BB gun, Benner pursued the thieves who fatally shot him.

The incident occurred in a residential area of Canton Square in Baltimore, according to wmar2news.com.

Investigators say that three unidentified Black men approached the younger family member and robbed him. At that point, Banner went into his home, got out a gun of his own and gave chase to the trio, who fled in the man’s Dodge Charger.

Man Killed Chasing Down Relative’s Carjackers In Baltimore, Police Say, by Zak Failla, dailyvoice.com, August 18, 2023

  • Mathew Cameron Carper, 24, was fatally shot in Pulaski County, VA.

Korey Trevon Rice, 20, was arrested.

Reports say a fight led to gunfire. Carper was shot and died of his injuries. The media did not clarify if Carper was shot due to his race, or if he was struck by a random bullet.

Police found Carper in his car. The mob had reportedly fled the scene leaving the victim behind.

Media reports did not indicate that the rowdy crowd was comprised of black teens nor did the media suggest whites were specifically targeted. Rather, it remained silent on the specifics, leaving readers to draw conclusions from their own experiences in similar circumstances [Arrest made in connection with shooting death of 24-year-old in Pulaski County, by Jazmine Otey, wsls.com, August 8, 2023].

  • Gregory Ray Dillon, 31, was fatally shot in Dayton, OH.

Arrested was 18-year-old Ja’Shawn Lee Jones.

Dillon was reportedly shot by Jones after the victim questioned the owner of a loose dog. Apparently, Jones and the dog owner live at the same house [Murder charges filed after argument leads to shooting in Dayton; Victim ID’d, by Kristen Spicker, daytondailynews.com, August 14, 2023].

  • 22-year-old Austin Roberts was fatally shot in Galloway, near Columbus, OH.

Wanted by police is Jayveyon Louis Gravely.

Police believe Gravely ended an argument between Gravely and another person by shooting the victim [Today’s Wanted Wednesday focuses on a Homicide that happened in Columbus, no attribution, stopcrime.centralohiocrimestoppers.org, August 16, 2023].

.Reports say ”there were five homicide victims in a 48-hour period” in Columbus as the dark shadow of urban savagery spreads to America’s suburbia.

View the victim’s mom’s Facebook page here.

  • 29-year-old Jesus Alain Galvan was fatally shot while driving away from a Ford Heights strip club near Chicago, IL.

Arrested was a security guard, Michael Long, 52. He faces a first-degree murder charge.

Reports say a passenger in Galvan’s pickup truck fired shots at a parked vehicle. 31-year-old Samuel Martinez is charged with reckless discharge of a firearm. Long, who owned the parked vehicle, fired at the truck fatally wounding Galvan [Security guard accused of killing driver leaving Ford Heights strip club, by Alonzo Small, wgntv.com, August 15, 2023].

  • 24-year-old Don Rose was fatally shot in Oklahoma City, OK in a drive-by shooting.

Steven Truitt, 23, was arrested.

No motive for the shooting was reported.

Also shot was 32-year-old Jackie Crenwelge who survived [Man arrested in connection to murder in Oklahoma City, by KOKH staff, okcfox.com, August 10, 2023].

  • 21-year-old Saria Barney Hildabrand was fatally shot in Anchorage, AK.

Arrested was her husband, Zarrius Hildabrand, 21.

According to nypost.com, ”An Army soldier in Alaska is accused of fatally shooting his newlywed wife, stashing her body in a storm drain—then posting desperate Facebook messages about her disappearance and helping her mom search for her.” https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?creatorScreenName=vdare&dnt=false&embedId=twitter-widget-1&features=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%3D%3D&frame=false&hideCard=false&hideThread=false&id=1690787638897160193&lang=en&origin=https%3A%2F%2Fvdare.com%2Farticles%2Fwhere-s-biden-feminists-about-35-black-on-white-homicides-including-many-white-women-august-2023-another-month-in-the-death-of-white-america&sessionId=fe8a484ca6b6c1a1c72e7010551f8d26181d360f&siteScreenName=vdare&theme=light&widgetsVersion=aaf4084522e3a%3A1674595607486&width=550px

The Anchorage Daily News quoted the victim’s distraught mother:

”He walked around for hours with me searching for my daughter knowing that she was dead.”

Police claim the suspect purchased a 96-gallon garbage can from a nearby Lowes. They found a mattress in the couple’s apartment saturated with blood.

A drone found Saria’s body stashed in a storm drain.

Reports say the suspect was enlisted in the Army at the time of the murder and stationed in Anchorage. His wife was reportedly an Alaska National Guard combat medic [US soldier allegedly killed wife, faked distress in Facebook posts and helped her mom look for her, by Olivia Land, nypost.com, August 13, 2023].

  • Philipp Kuhn, 46, was found fatally shot in Omaha NB’s Benson Park.

Taken into custody was Lavell Cutler, 41.

”Video surveillance from an apartment building showed Kuhn getting into a vehicle, which is registered to Cutler about one hour before he is believed to be killed, according to court documents,” according to ketv.com.

1011now.com confirmed the victim was white.

Police said later that the body was that of a white man who had been shot. He was identified Wednesday night as 46-year-old Philipp Kuhn.

41-year-old man accused in Omaha homicide allegedly seen with victim 1 hour before he died, by Jake Anderson, ketv.com, August 10, 2023

  • 32-year-old Christopher Vidalier died on the porch of his father’s home after being shot in Kaplan, LA.

A woman named LaQuiondra St. Julien, 23, is charged with second-degree murder.

Reports say she is the cousin of the victim’s former girlfriend.

Vidalier leaves behind three children under the age of four.

Or’Mini Caldwell, also black, who has a 9-month-old daughter with Vidaler, was the victim’s fiancée.

“It’s no way he should have never died,” she told klfy.com. “How could you take somebodies [sic] like that and then in broad daylight?” [Family speaks out after man killed in Kaplan leaves behind three kids under the age of four, by Rodricka Taylor, klfy.com, August 11, 2023]

  • 46-year-old Rachel Ann Havrick was fatally shot in South Bend, IN.

Arrested were Ddrea Bostic, 35, Devon Briggs, 20, and Erica Elie, 30.

Ddrea BosticDevon BriggsErica Elie

Havrick was killed in her home during a burglary ”gone wrong,” wndu.com reported. (They actually used the words “gone wrong.”)

”[T]wo of Havrick’s children were home to see it all unfold,” the report said.

One of the suspects, Ddrea Bostic, was also the boyfriend of one of Havrick’s adult children. He was apparently aware of a safe in the home that contained multiple guns. The plan was to invade the home unexpectedly and demand the safe be opened.

Havrick was pistol-whipped and shot when she told Bostic that she did not know the safe’s combination [3 arrested, charged in connection with deadly South Bend shooting, by 16 News Now and Carli Luca, wndu.com, January 11, 2023].

  • 26-year-old Jean Thomas Butchart was fatally shot in a Belleville, MI trailer park.

Matthew Torrey Tiggs Jr., 22, was arrested.

”Tiggs is charged in a crime spree that began in the Van Buren Estates mobile home park. He is accused in the fatal shooting of a 26-year-old person; the non-fatal shooting of a 47-year-old man; and the assault of a 45-year-old man,” according to macombdaily.com.

He was arraigned on nine felony charges, including second-degree murder and assault with intent to murder.

Butchart planned to become a school teacher, but his life was cut short when Tiggs shot him in the head during a days-long terror spree in the Van Buren Estates mobile home park.

A 47-year-old resident survived multiple gunshot wounds attributed to Tiggs.

Tiggs was earlier sentenced to serve two years of probation for carrying a concealed weapon. He was discharged “without improvement” in 2021.

”[H]is father, Matthew T. Tiggs, was sentenced in 2000 of serving 28 years in prison on a charge of assault with intent to commit murder. He has since been paroled,” the report says.

Both the prosecutor and local residents said Tiggs ”terrorized” the mobile home park, the report said.

[Macomb County man charged with ‘very violent’ incidents in mobile home park attacks, by Mitch Hotts, macombdaily.com, August 9, 2023]

  • 71-year-old Elaine Murray was found beaten to death in her West Windsor Twp., NJ home.

”Denzel Whitmore, 24, of Hamilton, is charged with murder, burglary and tampering with evidence,” 6abc.com reports.

The victim was found by authorities after neighbors requested a welfare check. The prosecutor said ”she was bleeding from the back of her head.”

Census.gov reveals that West Windsor Twp., NJ is 4.3 percent black with a plurality of Asians at 48.6 percent and whites at 39.4 percent.

[Man charged with murder, burglary in death of 71-year-old New Jersey woman, 6abc.com, August 4, 2023]

  • 18-year-old Deacon W. Graham was fatally shot in Piqua, OH.

Cory Miller, 19, was arrested.

Reports say the victim suffered three gunshot wounds. A second person was also shot but survived.

No backstory was provided by the media [18-year-old identified in Piqua fatal shooting, suspect arraigned in court, by Jeffery Schrock, August 7, 2023].

  • 42-year-old Nicholas Ledbetter was fatally shot during a robbery in Cincinnati, OH.

Brandon Dodson, 23, was arrested.

Dodson shot the victim multiple times while committing robbery, according to an affidavit. More specific details were not provided.

Dodson is facing an aggravated murder charge.

”[H]e was also the suspect in a Norwood shooting that killed a homeless man back in July,” according to fox19.com. ”However, a grand jury did not indict him in the case, so he no longer faced charges” [Tri-State murder suspect arrested in Tennessee, by Jessica Schmidt, fox19.com, Aug. 8, 2023].

  • 17-year-old Camo Lee Morton was fatally shot at his home in Timpson, TX.

Denim Smith, 21, was arrested and charged with murder. A second person was also arrested.

The media provided no backstory.

[Shelby County Sheriff’s Office arrest 2 in connection with July shooting death, by KTRE Digital Media Staff, ksla.com, August 7, 2023]

  • 19-year-old Talia Wills was fatally shot in Albuquerque, NM during an altercation with her partner.

Mykyle Lewis-Robinson, 22, was charged with an open count of murder.

Reports say Wills retreated to a bedroom during the argument. He then retrieved the gun after saying, “Don’t make me go grab this,” and fired.

The couple’s infant was found unharmed in a playpen.

[UPDATE: APD Arrests man for Killing his Girlfriend in last night’s Homicide near 12th/Griegos, by ABQRAW staff, abqraw.com, August 1, 2023]

  • 19-year-old Paris Allen was fatally shot in Duluth, MN. He was shot in the head.

Arrested were Sanussi Tamsir Bangoura, 21 (the name comes from Guinea in Africa), and Brandon Capone Williams-Gillard, 25.

Sanussi Tamsir BangouraBrandon Capone Williams-Gillard

Reports say the pair drove past a person with whom they had a contentious history.

After challenging him to a fight, a group assembled.

An 18-year-old punched Bangoura through his car window prompting him to drive off. Shots were fired from their car as he drove away, striking Allen and another individual.

[Two men charged in fatal Duluth shooting, the city’s first homicide of the year, by Jana Hollingsworth, Star Tribune, August 4, 2023]

  • 33-year-old Warren Michael Bowman was fatally shot in Richmond, KY.

Arrested was Stephon L. Baskerville, 24.

Reports say Baskerville was arguing with his (black) girlfriend, Makayla Walker, in an apartment complex parking lot.

Bowman was shot when he apparently attempted to protect Walker—in defiance of  John Derbyshire’s rule (10h): Do not act the Good Samaritan to blacks in apparent distress. Walker was also fatally shot.

Baskerville was charged with two counts of murder and tampering with physical evidence.

[Two confirmed dead in Foxhaven Drive shootings Saturday night in Richmond, identified, by WBONTV News Team, wbontv.com, July 30, 2023] https://www.rumble.com/embed/v32y4ak/?pub=4

  • Ronnie Wayne Sanford II, 49, was fatally shot in an Arby’s restaurant parking lot in Union, MO.

Arrested was Antoine B. Frazier, 40.

Reports say Sanford was shot after an argument that involved a group of people.

(Such vague descriptions are often surreptitious language to hide mob assaults.)

Frazier ”was charged with second-degree murder and armed criminal action. He is being held on a no-bond warrant, police said,” according to kmov.com.

Some reports say Frazier followed Sanford to his home where the latter was slain.

[Man shot following argument at Union Arby’s dies, by Stephanie Usery, kmov.com, Aug. 1, 2023]

  • Deputy Marshal Barry Giglio was fatally shot in Ville Platte, LA.

Arrested was Vonteeko Lamar Anderson, 23, no picture but identified as black in custody records.

Also killed was Sistrane Edwards, 64, who was black. Another was critically wounded.

The media offered little information regarding events leading up to the shooting.

[Shooting suspect accused of murder following death of Ville Platte officer, by Patrick Deaville, kplctv.com, August 3, 2023]

  • 32-year-old Tina Arroyo was fatally shot in Philadelphia, PA.

Alexander Grady, 26, was charged with murder, criminal conspiracy and other related offenses.

Arroyo was in her car when she was shot multiple times.

Reports say 28 rounds of ammunition were fired.

From 6abc.com:

Police say 32-year-old Tina Arroyo was inside her 2007 Honda Civic when she was shot and killed.

”Several bullets went through the front windshield and she was struck in the face, the neck, and the chest,” said Philadelphia Police Chief Inspector Scott Small. ”She was slumped in the driver’s seat of a Honda sedan that was parked along the curb.”

Suspect arrested in killing of woman inside car in Philadelphia, by 6abc Digital Staff, 6abc.com, July 27, 2023

White-On-Black Homicides

FBI statistics reveal that more than 50 percent of homicides in the USA are committed by blacks, even though they only comprise about 13 percent of the country’s population [FBI: Crime in the U.S. 2019 • Tables • Table 43]. In 2021, for example, 51.3 percent of “Murder and nonnegligent manslaughter” incidents were attributed to black offenders.

Overall, FBI data suggest blacks are over thirteen times more likely to kill whites than vice versa.

American Renaissance Editor Jared Taylor, citing data based on 2021 FBI statistics assembled by anonymous researcher Datahazard, reports a black-male offender homicide rate of 64.4 per 100,000. The equivalent figure for white-male offenders is 3.5 per 100,000 [A Harsh New Light on Race and Murder, Amren.com, March 24, 2023].

That is, the black-male offender homicide rate is 18.4 times higher than the white-male offender homicide rate.

We only found two incidents of white-on-black killings this month, one of which made national news.

  • Jerrald De’Shaun Gallion, 29, Anolt Joseph Laguerre Jr., 19, and Angela Michelle Carr, 52, were fatally shot at a Dollar General store in Jacksonville, FL.
Jerrald De’Shaun GallionAnolt Joseph Laguerre Jr.,Angela Michelle Carr

21-year-old Ryan Christopher Palmeter was identified as the shooter. He fatally shot himself.

  • 26-year-old Cedric Spikes was fatally shot in Fort Worth, TX.

Arrested was Marshall Lambert.

The media mentioned the incident occurred in an apartment but offered few other details. It is not known if the victim and suspect knew each other.

[Man arrested in connection to West Fort Worth murder, by Curt Lewis, NewsRadio 1080 KRLD, August 14, 2023]

Kenn Gividen [Email him/Tweet him] is a retired direct marketer. He lives in Indiana with his wife. Kenn is the father of two grown children and four grandchildren. He publishes dailykenn.com and abatehate.com. In 2004 he was the Libertarian Party’s candidate for governor of Indiana. In 2002 he published The Prayer of Hannah, which sold about 24,000 copies. Kenn is an alumnus of Li


Kenn Gividen09/16/2023A+|a-

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Last month: A RECORD 58 BLACK-ON-WHITE HOMICIDES (Give Or Take A Few White Hispanics, Asian Immigrants): July 2023—Another Month In The Death Of White America

A rare case of white-on-black killings, the triple murder at a Dollar Tree in Jacksonville, FL, attracted the attention of the President of the United States, eager to angry up his black base [‘Silence is complicity’: President Biden denounces racist shooting at Florida dollar store, by Grethel Aguila, Miami Herald, August 27, 2023]. It was used by the Leftist New Republic as evidence of the “threat” of mass right-wing violence [Violence Is Coming? Sorry, It’s Already Here—and Getting Worse, by Brynn Tannehill, New Republic, August 31, 2023]. https://platform.twitter.com/embed/T

But even including Jacksonville, there were only 4 (four) white-on-black homicides in August. In contrast, there were about 35 black-on-white killings (we fudge because a couple of the victims seem to be white Hispanics). As always, the Regime ignores this continuing carnage—in fact, it is probably exacerbating it: some of these killings appear to be random “Hate Crimes.”

The toll of white women is especially high this month. As usual, most were in relationships, or adjacent to relationships, with black Significant Others. But at least one is a robbery victim.

Unusually, here are also two cases of white victims involved with black women.

We also note the death of another police officer, unnoticed by a Ruling Class eager to lynch a Michael Slager or Derek Chauvin.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The Main Stream Media and law enforcement agencies are increasingly successful in suppressing the race of perps altogether, as well as details of their stories. Email me here or VDARE.com here if you have tips.

  • 16-year-old Elisa ”Shyann” McLemore was fatally shot in Laurel, MS. She was pregnant, possibly by the perp; the baby survived.

Arrested was Tavaris Atwood, 18.

Reports say police found McLemore with a bullet wound to her head. After being transferred to a hospital, her baby was delivered.

According to vicksburgnews.com: ”A connection between the suspect and victim or motive has not been released at this time. The baby is reported to be in good condition” [Pregnant teen shot and killed, suspect given $1 million bond, by Joey Fogas, vicksburgnews.com, August 17, 2023].

  • 15-year-old Gracie Rae Limas was fatally shot in Gonzales, LA.

Sheriff’s deputies say Jaquin Stephens, 16, shot Limas in a fit of anger and jealousy. He evaded authorities for days.

Two others were taken into custody as accessories; a man and juvenile, the report says.

[Ascension Parish Sheriff Bobby] Webre said deputies have recovered text messages that appear to indicate Stephens was upset with Limas about talking to another boy.

Gonzales teen accused of killing 15-year-old girlfriend caught in Livingston; two others arrested, by David J. Mitchell, theadvocate.com, August 8, 2023

Limas was the same age as Emmett Till when he was murdered in Mississippi in 1955. As we noted last month, Till is in effect being canonized by the Biden Regime as a martyr to white-on-black racism due to his tender age and the brutality of his demise. Strangely, Limas’ brutal murder has attracted no White House attention.

  • 13-year-old Melanie Elkins was found dead in an Akron, OH alley.

Akron Police issued an arrest warrant for Keith Early, 30.

According to crawfordcountynow.com, Early was ”formally processed into Summit County Jail on multiple charges, including abuse of a corpse, failure to report a crime, and obstruction of official business…”

According to the  Mansfield News Journal :

Officers arrived after a person called to report finding the body at about 12:55 p.m. behind a residence.

The caller, who sounded distraught on the 4½-minute 911 recording, said the young woman appeared to be ’about 19 or 20.’

Police said Melanie was reported as a runaway on June 11.

According to JusticeReport.News, Early’s criminal history was documented by ”309 pages of correctional misbehavior records including instances of brutal violence, sexual depravity, and hard drug use” [Black man charged with abusing corpse of teenage White girl had 309-page criminal history in Ohio State prisons, August 24, 2023]. https://www.rumble.com/embed/v39teei/?pub=4

  • Kim Marie Fairbanks, 52, and her ten-year-old granddaughter, Aubrianna Lynn ”Aubrie” Croteau, died after being shot in Springfield, MA.

The shooter, 34-year-old Victor Nieves, died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

The media labeled the tragedy a ”murder-suicide.”

Two other children, ages five and 12, were also shot but survived. Croteau died days after the incident.

Nieves lived in the same house as the victims but in a separate apartment.

According to dailyvoice.com:

Police have not found any motive for the killing. Nieves had no history of violent offenses. Initial reports suggest he forced his way into the home just after 2:30 p.m. and opened fire.

[Grandmother killed, 3 children hurt after neighbor opens fire in Springfield home, by WBZ-News Staff, cbsnews.com, August 15, 2023]

  • 20-year-old Avriel Hooks was found dead near Lynchburg, VA.

Arrested was her husband, Michael L. Perry III, 21.

Hooks was reported missing after ostensibly leaving a text saying she needed ”me time.”

Her remains were found in a wooded area in Amherst County [Estranged husband accused of murdering young mom found dead in wooded area days after suspicious ‘me time’ text, by Matt Naham, lawandcrime.com, August 30, 2023].

  • 42-year-old Hallie Mae Sapp Robertson died in Oakland, MS after being shot once in the head.

Bobby Arnez Taylor, 41, was charged with first-degree murder, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and grand larceny of a motor vehicle.

The Charleston Sun-Sentinel reported the couple had a “rocky” dating relationship.

Robertson was found deceased behind a convenience store.

She had worked as a postal carrier [Arrest made in fatal shooting of Batesville postal carrier, panolian.com, August 25, 2023].

  • Stefan Volkmann, 41, was fatally shot outside a San Antonio, TX gas station.

Facing murder charges is Jekierin Walker, 20.

Reports say Walker was soliciting money from patrons when he engaged Volkmann in a conversation.

Walker apparently excused shooting Volkmann by claiming the victim used racial slurs.

The news media took the alleged killer at his word.

A friend of Volkmann challenged the shooter’s excuse. ”I immediately knew that it was an untruth, because that is not who the victim was,” according to kens5.com.

Volkmann, of course, is unable to respond to the allegation [SAPD: Man arrested in deadly gas station shooting says victim called him racial slurs, by KENS 5 Staff, kens5.com, August 21, 2023].

  • 33-year-old Joshua Mickhail was fatally shot in Toledo, OH.

Christian Beck, 26, was charged with first-degree murder.

Mickhail was shot on the front porch of his home. The media provided no backstory [Suspect arrested in early August shooting death of 33-year-old in north Toledo, by WTOL Newsroom, wtol.com, August 7, 2023].

  • 39-year-old Jeffrey Leonard McKay was fatally shot in Timberlake,

Chad Woods, 41, is facing second-degree murder charges.

Reports say Woods allegedly shot McKay after the truck McKay was driving struck and killed Woods’ teenage son:

Police say Woods and his son were walking down the road back toward their home after running out of gas when a Department of Corrections truck driven by McKay crashed into Woods’ son, according to a report from ABC 11. McKay stopped the truck and called 911 to report the incident, but the teen was pronounced dead at the scene.

Woods then pulled out a gun and shot McKay before throwing his gun into a nearby pond and stealing McKay’s truck, police said, leaving the bodies on the street and driving home in the stolen vehicle.

North Carolina dad shoots man who allegedly hit, killed son moments earlier: police, by Michael Lee, fox5atlanta.com, August 15, 2023

See The Fulford File | “Black Lives Matter”—Unless It’s Just Another Car Crash Lynchingfrom VDARE.com in 2015 for more on the phenomenon of blacks reacting murderously to car accidents.

  • 21-year-old Kaylee Marie Smith was fatally shot in Warsaw, VA.

18-year-old James Anthony Benjamin Barnes is facing 2nd degree murder for the shooting and is awaiting extradition to Virginia.

Someone in a white SUV fired into the vehicle in which Smith was a passenger.

”Local police called it a road rage incident that escalated into a drive-by.” However, the case was still under investigation. It may have been a racially motivated murder. The driver of the white SUV led police on a lengthy chase to neighboring South Carolina. It ended when ”the vehicle crashed through the barricades of an old bridge and was disabled” [18-year-old awaiting extradition to VA for fatal shooting in Warsaw, by Michelle Smith, newsontheneck.com, August 23, 2023].

  • 36-year-old Justin E. Krogen was fatally shot outside a Pittsburgh, KS bar after an apparent encounter with a group of individuals.

While police issued a photo of the group in question—most of whom were black—none has been identified as a suspect.

[Victim of deadly Pittsburg shooting identified as Police seek group’s identities, by Sarah Motter, wibw.com, Aug. 21, 2023]

  • 23-year-old Charles “C.J.” Brooks Jr. was fatally shot in Vicksburg, MS.

Xavier Weddington, 17, was charged as an adult with second-degree murder.

Circumstances leading to the shooting were not disclosed.

Upon reading the charges, the judge noted the killing was ”without premeditation.” That suggests the shooting was impulsive.

 According to vicksburgnews.com:

Judge Randy Lewis informed Weddington of his rights and then read the charges. “…that you did willfully, unlawfully although without premeditation did effect the death of Charles Ray Brooks, Jr.”

Judge Lewis continued reading the charges saying, “… pointed a loaded pistol, black and silver in color in the direction of Charles Ray Brooks, Jr. and discharging the same being an act of imminent danger to others.”

Warren County teen charged with second-degree murder, by Anna Guizerix, vicksburgpost.com, August 18, 2023

  • Darrell L. Benner, 57, was fatally shot during a carjacking in Baltimore, MD.

No arrests were made.

Reports say when Benner’s nephew approached his Dodge Charger, he was accosted by three black males. Benner observed the theft in progress from inside his home. After retrieving a BB gun, Benner pursued the thieves who fatally shot him.

The incident occurred in a residential area of Canton Square in Baltimore, according to wmar2news.com.

Investigators say that three unidentified Black men approached the younger family member and robbed him. At that point, Banner went into his home, got out a gun of his own and gave chase to the trio, who fled in the man’s Dodge Charger.

Man Killed Chasing Down Relative’s Carjackers In Baltimore, Police Say, by Zak Failla, dailyvoice.com, August 18, 2023

  • Mathew Cameron Carper, 24, was fatally shot in Pulaski County, VA.

Korey Trevon Rice, 20, was arrested.

Reports say a fight led to gunfire. Carper was shot and died of his injuries. The media did not clarify if Carper was shot due to his race, or if he was struck by a random bullet.

Police found Carper in his car. The mob had reportedly fled the scene leaving the victim behind.

Media reports did not indicate that the rowdy crowd was comprised of black teens nor did the media suggest whites were specifically targeted. Rather, it remained silent on the specifics, leaving readers to draw conclusions from their own experiences in similar circumstances [Arrest made in connection with shooting death of 24-year-old in Pulaski County, by Jazmine Otey, wsls.com, August 8, 2023].

  • Gregory Ray Dillon, 31, was fatally shot in Dayton, OH.

Arrested was 18-year-old Ja’Shawn Lee Jones.

Dillon was reportedly shot by Jones after the victim questioned the owner of a loose dog. Apparently, Jones and the dog owner live at the same house [Murder charges filed after argument leads to shooting in Dayton; Victim ID’d, by Kristen Spicker, daytondailynews.com, August 14, 2023].

  • 22-year-old Austin Roberts was fatally shot in Galloway, near Columbus, OH.

Wanted by police is Jayveyon Louis Gravely.

Police believe Gravely ended an argument between Gravely and another person by shooting the victim [Today’s Wanted Wednesday focuses on a Homicide that happened in Columbus, no attribution, stopcrime.centralohiocrimestoppers.org, August 16, 2023].

.Reports say ”there were five homicide victims in a 48-hour period” in Columbus as the dark shadow of urban savagery spreads to America’s suburbia.

View the victim’s mom’s Facebook page here.

  • 29-year-old Jesus Alain Galvan was fatally shot while driving away from a Ford Heights strip club near Chicago, IL.

Arrested was a security guard, Michael Long, 52. He faces a first-degree murder charge.

Reports say a passenger in Galvan’s pickup truck fired shots at a parked vehicle. 31-year-old Samuel Martinez is charged with reckless discharge of a firearm. Long, who owned the parked vehicle, fired at the truck fatally wounding Galvan [Security guard accused of killing driver leaving Ford Heights strip club, by Alonzo Small, wgntv.com, August 15, 2023].

  • 24-year-old Don Rose was fatally shot in Oklahoma City, OK in a drive-by shooting.

Steven Truitt, 23, was arrested.

No motive for the shooting was reported.

Also shot was 32-year-old Jackie Crenwelge who survived [Man arrested in connection to murder in Oklahoma City, by KOKH staff, okcfox.com, August 10, 2023].

  • 21-year-old Saria Barney Hildabrand was fatally shot in Anchorage, AK.

Arrested was her husband, Zarrius Hildabrand, 21.

According to nypost.com, ”An Army soldier in Alaska is accused of fatally shooting his newlywed wife, stashing her body in a storm drain—then posting desperate Facebook messages about her disappearance and helping her mom search for her.” https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?creatorScreenName=vdare&dnt=false&embedId=twitter-widget-1&features=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%3D%3D&frame=false&hideCard=false&hideThread=false&id=1690787638897160193&lang=en&origin=https%3A%2F%2Fvdare.com%2Farticles%2Fwhere-s-biden-feminists-about-35-black-on-white-homicides-including-many-white-women-august-2023-another-month-in-the-death-of-white-america&sessionId=fe8a484ca6b6c1a1c72e7010551f8d26181d360f&siteScreenName=vdare&theme=light&widgetsVersion=aaf4084522e3a%3A1674595607486&width=550px

The Anchorage Daily News quoted the victim’s distraught mother:

”He walked around for hours with me searching for my daughter knowing that she was dead.”

Police claim the suspect purchased a 96-gallon garbage can from a nearby Lowes. They found a mattress in the couple’s apartment saturated with blood.

A drone found Saria’s body stashed in a storm drain.

Reports say the suspect was enlisted in the Army at the time of the murder and stationed in Anchorage. His wife was reportedly an Alaska National Guard combat medic [US soldier allegedly killed wife, faked distress in Facebook posts and helped her mom look for her, by Olivia Land, nypost.com, August 13, 2023].

  • Philipp Kuhn, 46, was found fatally shot in Omaha NB’s Benson Park.

Taken into custody was Lavell Cutler, 41.

”Video surveillance from an apartment building showed Kuhn getting into a vehicle, which is registered to Cutler about one hour before he is believed to be killed, according to court documents,” according to ketv.com.

1011now.com confirmed the victim was white.

Police said later that the body was that of a white man who had been shot. He was identified Wednesday night as 46-year-old Philipp Kuhn.

41-year-old man accused in Omaha homicide allegedly seen with victim 1 hour before he died, by Jake Anderson, ketv.com, August 10, 2023

  • 32-year-old Christopher Vidalier died on the porch of his father’s home after being shot in Kaplan, LA.

A woman named LaQuiondra St. Julien, 23, is charged with second-degree murder.

Reports say she is the cousin of the victim’s former girlfriend.

Vidalier leaves behind three children under the age of four.

Or’Mini Caldwell, also black, who has a 9-month-old daughter with Vidaler, was the victim’s fiancée.

“It’s no way he should have never died,” she told klfy.com. “How could you take somebodies [sic] like that and then in broad daylight?” [Family speaks out after man killed in Kaplan leaves behind three kids under the age of four, by Rodricka Taylor, klfy.com, August 11, 2023]

  • 46-year-old Rachel Ann Havrick was fatally shot in South Bend, IN.

Arrested were Ddrea Bostic, 35, Devon Briggs, 20, and Erica Elie, 30.

Ddrea BosticDevon BriggsErica Elie

Havrick was killed in her home during a burglary ”gone wrong,” wndu.com reported. (They actually used the words “gone wrong.”)

”[T]wo of Havrick’s children were home to see it all unfold,” the report said.

One of the suspects, Ddrea Bostic, was also the boyfriend of one of Havrick’s adult children. He was apparently aware of a safe in the home that contained multiple guns. The plan was to invade the home unexpectedly and demand the safe be opened.

Havrick was pistol-whipped and shot when she told Bostic that she did not know the safe’s combination [3 arrested, charged in connection with deadly South Bend shooting, by 16 News Now and Carli Luca, wndu.com, January 11, 2023].

  • 26-year-old Jean Thomas Butchart was fatally shot in a Belleville, MI trailer park.

Matthew Torrey Tiggs Jr., 22, was arrested.

”Tiggs is charged in a crime spree that began in the Van Buren Estates mobile home park. He is accused in the fatal shooting of a 26-year-old person; the non-fatal shooting of a 47-year-old man; and the assault of a 45-year-old man,” according to macombdaily.com.

He was arraigned on nine felony charges, including second-degree murder and assault with intent to murder.

Butchart planned to become a school teacher, but his life was cut short when Tiggs shot him in the head during a days-long terror spree in the Van Buren Estates mobile home park.

A 47-year-old resident survived multiple gunshot wounds attributed to Tiggs.

Tiggs was earlier sentenced to serve two years of probation for carrying a concealed weapon. He was discharged “without improvement” in 2021.

”[H]is father, Matthew T. Tiggs, was sentenced in 2000 of serving 28 years in prison on a charge of assault with intent to commit murder. He has since been paroled,” the report says.

Both the prosecutor and local residents said Tiggs ”terrorized” the mobile home park, the report said.

[Macomb County man charged with ‘very violent’ incidents in mobile home park attacks, by Mitch Hotts, macombdaily.com, August 9, 2023]

  • 71-year-old Elaine Murray was found beaten to death in her West Windsor Twp., NJ home.

”Denzel Whitmore, 24, of Hamilton, is charged with murder, burglary and tampering with evidence,” 6abc.com reports.

The victim was found by authorities after neighbors requested a welfare check. The prosecutor said ”she was bleeding from the back of her head.”

Census.gov reveals that West Windsor Twp., NJ is 4.3 percent black with a plurality of Asians at 48.6 percent and whites at 39.4 percent.

[Man charged with murder, burglary in death of 71-year-old New Jersey woman, 6abc.com, August 4, 2023]

  • 18-year-old Deacon W. Graham was fatally shot in Piqua, OH.

Cory Miller, 19, was arrested.

Reports say the victim suffered three gunshot wounds. A second person was also shot but survived.

No backstory was provided by the media [18-year-old identified in Piqua fatal shooting, suspect arraigned in court, by Jeffery Schrock, August 7, 2023].

  • 42-year-old Nicholas Ledbetter was fatally shot during a robbery in Cincinnati, OH.

Brandon Dodson, 23, was arrested.

Dodson shot the victim multiple times while committing robbery, according to an affidavit. More specific details were not provided.

Dodson is facing an aggravated murder charge.

”[H]e was also the suspect in a Norwood shooting that killed a homeless man back in July,” according to fox19.com. ”However, a grand jury did not indict him in the case, so he no longer faced charges” [Tri-State murder suspect arrested in Tennessee, by Jessica Schmidt, fox19.com, Aug. 8, 2023].

  • 17-year-old Camo Lee Morton was fatally shot at his home in Timpson, TX.

Denim Smith, 21, was arrested and charged with murder. A second person was also arrested.

The media provided no backstory.

[Shelby County Sheriff’s Office arrest 2 in connection with July shooting death, by KTRE Digital Media Staff, ksla.com, August 7, 2023]

  • 19-year-old Talia Wills was fatally shot in Albuquerque, NM during an altercation with her partner.

Mykyle Lewis-Robinson, 22, was charged with an open count of murder.

Reports say Wills retreated to a bedroom during the argument. He then retrieved the gun after saying, “Don’t make me go grab this,” and fired.

The couple’s infant was found unharmed in a playpen.

[UPDATE: APD Arrests man for Killing his Girlfriend in last night’s Homicide near 12th/Griegos, by ABQRAW staff, abqraw.com, August 1, 2023]

  • 19-year-old Paris Allen was fatally shot in Duluth, MN. He was shot in the head.

Arrested were Sanussi Tamsir Bangoura, 21 (the name comes from Guinea in Africa), and Brandon Capone Williams-Gillard, 25.

Sanussi Tamsir BangouraBrandon Capone Williams-Gillard

Reports say the pair drove past a person with whom they had a contentious history.

After challenging him to a fight, a group assembled.

An 18-year-old punched Bangoura through his car window prompting him to drive off. Shots were fired from their car as he drove away, striking Allen and another individual.

[Two men charged in fatal Duluth shooting, the city’s first homicide of the year, by Jana Hollingsworth, Star Tribune, August 4, 2023]

  • 33-year-old Warren Michael Bowman was fatally shot in Richmond, KY.

Arrested was Stephon L. Baskerville, 24.

Reports say Baskerville was arguing with his (black) girlfriend, Makayla Walker, in an apartment complex parking lot.

Bowman was shot when he apparently attempted to protect Walker—in defiance of  John Derbyshire’s rule (10h): Do not act the Good Samaritan to blacks in apparent distress. Walker was also fatally shot.

Baskerville was charged with two counts of murder and tampering with physical evidence.

[Two confirmed dead in Foxhaven Drive shootings Saturday night in Richmond, identified, by WBONTV News Team, wbontv.com, July 30, 2023] https://www.rumble.com/embed/v32y4ak/?pub=4

  • Ronnie Wayne Sanford II, 49, was fatally shot in an Arby’s restaurant parking lot in Union, MO.

Arrested was Antoine B. Frazier, 40.

Reports say Sanford was shot after an argument that involved a group of people.

(Such vague descriptions are often surreptitious language to hide mob assaults.)

Frazier ”was charged with second-degree murder and armed criminal action. He is being held on a no-bond warrant, police said,” according to kmov.com.

Some reports say Frazier followed Sanford to his home where the latter was slain.

[Man shot following argument at Union Arby’s dies, by Stephanie Usery, kmov.com, Aug. 1, 2023]

  • Deputy Marshal Barry Giglio was fatally shot in Ville Platte, LA.

Arrested was Vonteeko Lamar Anderson, 23, no picture but identified as black in custody records.

Also killed was Sistrane Edwards, 64, who was black. Another was critically wounded.

The media offered little information regarding events leading up to the shooting.

[Shooting suspect accused of murder following death of Ville Platte officer, by Patrick Deaville, kplctv.com, August 3, 2023]

  • 32-year-old Tina Arroyo was fatally shot in Philadelphia, PA.

Alexander Grady, 26, was charged with murder, criminal conspiracy and other related offenses.

Arroyo was in her car when she was shot multiple times.

Reports say 28 rounds of ammunition were fired.

From 6abc.com:

Police say 32-year-old Tina Arroyo was inside her 2007 Honda Civic when she was shot and killed.

”Several bullets went through the front windshield and she was struck in the face, the neck, and the chest,” said Philadelphia Police Chief Inspector Scott Small. ”She was slumped in the driver’s seat of a Honda sedan that was parked along the curb.”

Suspect arrested in killing of woman inside car in Philadelphia, by 6abc Digital Staff, 6abc.com, July 27, 2023

White-On-Black Homicides

FBI statistics reveal that more than 50 percent of homicides in the USA are committed by blacks, even though they only comprise about 13 percent of the country’s population [FBI: Crime in the U.S. 2019 • Tables • Table 43]. In 2021, for example, 51.3 percent of “Murder and nonnegligent manslaughter” incidents were attributed to black offenders.

Overall, FBI data suggest blacks are over thirteen times more likely to kill whites than vice versa.

American Renaissance Editor Jared Taylor, citing data based on 2021 FBI statistics assembled by anonymous researcher Datahazard, reports a black-male offender homicide rate of 64.4 per 100,000. The equivalent figure for white-male offenders is 3.5 per 100,000 [A Harsh New Light on Race and Murder, Amren.com, March 24, 2023].

That is, the black-male offender homicide rate is 18.4 times higher than the white-male offender homicide rate.

We only found two incidents of white-on-black killings this month, one of which made national news.

  • Jerrald De’Shaun Gallion, 29, Anolt Joseph Laguerre Jr., 19, and Angela Michelle Carr, 52, were fatally shot at a Dollar General store in Jacksonville, FL.
Jerrald De’Shaun GallionAnolt Joseph Laguerre Jr.,Angela Michelle Carr

21-year-old Ryan Christopher Palmeter was identified as the shooter. He fatally shot himself.

  • 26-year-old Cedric Spikes was fatally shot in Fort Worth, TX.

Arrested was Marshall Lambert.

The media mentioned the incident occurred in an apartment but offered few other details. It is not known if the victim and suspect knew each other.

[Man arrested in connection to West Fort Worth murder, by Curt Lewis, NewsRadio 1080 KRLD, August 14, 2023]

Kenn Gividen [Email him/Tweet him] is a retired direct marketer. He lives in Indiana with his wife. Kenn is the father of two grown children and four grandchildren. He publishes dailykenn.com and abatehate.com. In 2004 he was the Libertarian Party’s candidate for governor of Indiana. In 2002 he published The Prayer of Hannah, which sold about 24,000 copies. Kenn is an alumnus of Li


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Watch Dan Lyman’s speech, “We Were Never Asked,” from the 2023 VDARE Conference.

Lyman is a correspondent for InfoWars Europe and president/editor-in-chief of BorderHawk.news, an immigration news aggregator.

max on 500,000 immigrants.jpg

Last month: 29 Whites Dead: April 2021—Another Month In The Death Of White America

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Last month: 29 Whites Dead: April 2021—Another Month In The Death Of White America

If We Whites Do not speak up .. We are Toast

A Russian Government Official speaks about Oppression of Whites in America.. However.. Republican Party spokespeople will not speak to the interests of the European American community(White). “They”  disrespect us by calling us Americans. Times have changed folks. American society is inherently anti-White. Our ethnicity is never mentioned unless we are defamed as a racial group.

https://vdare.com/articles/24-black- on-white-homicides-may-2021-another-month-in-the-death-of-white-america-and-whites-aren-t-fighting-back-unlike-tulsa-1921

Last month: 29 Whites Dead: April 2021—Another Month In The Death Of White America