Canada must build a border wall ASAP

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Canada must build a border wall ASAP

I am worried. Very worried. In the wake of the Iowa caucuses, the New Hampshire Primary, and
Biden’s ongoing failures, I now believe that Donald Trump is unstoppable. He will not only win
the GOP nomination, but the White House.

While this is  great news for the United States, it is very bad news for Canada, especially those
pockets of Canada where progressive Americans of means seek refuge. I live in one of those
pockets. Worse still, I live in a tourist destination well known to this demographic.  I am in close
proximity to three blue states in the Pacific Northwest.

I have seen this (horror) movie before.

When Trump won in 2016, my community was inundated with these accursed contemptibles.
One could not safely walk one’s dog or stroll down an isle of the local supermarket or frequent
an outdoor cafe without bumping into one of them. Beneath their superficial good cheer, there
was a seething cauldron of rage looking for any opportunity to vent. On too many occasions I
was the chosen sounding board. Lucky me. Apparently these woke head cases mistook me for a
trained clinical psychologist.  But I am simply not equipped to treat Americans with Trump
Derangement Syndrome.

 These encounters would follow a predictable pattern. After a brief exchange of banalities. the
creative American liberal would find a way to insert a gratuitous anti-Trump remark entirely out
of context. Much in  the same way that virtue-signalling  Covidian cultists felt obliged to inform
you that they had just been vaccinated, as if it were a badge of honour rather than what it actually
was.  A badge of fear, wilful ignorance, indoctrination and groupthink.

 Typically their tirade was launched from the presumption that Canadians know as little about
American politics as Americans do about Canada’s. So they would proceed to school me. It was
like having MSNBC played back to me. When we parted I felt so stuffed with lying bullshit that
I had to resist the impulse to sprint to the nearest drugstore in search of a laxative.  I am pretty
resilient but there is only so much misinformation I can digest in one sitting.   Frankly I have
found these people insufferable, and have come to tremble when they approach each and every
summer, when their numbers become overwhelming.

While one can theoretically endure their rantings by wearing earplugs or feigning deafness, localresidents have not been able to endure their devastating impact on real estate prices and rents. 
As Professor Alberto Saiz of the University of Pittsburgh concluded from his study of the
negative impact of tourism on housing affordability,  affluent tourists behave much as Julius
Caesar did. Only instead of “He came, he saw, he conquered”  it’s “They came, they saw and
they bought”, real estate that is, epricing locals out of the housing market. The result is a
community like mine. A madhouse for four warm months and a ghost town in the colder months.
A place where forty percent of housing units belong to absentee owners and essential workers
could n’t find shelter.  That’s the xenophobic fact of the matter.

The spectre of a waves upon waves of mask-wearing morons pouring across the border to escape
Trump shakes me to the core I can barely contend with the CBC parrots who make up two-
thirds of permanent Canadian residents here, but when their idiocy is shored up by American
blue state progressives, I will feel like Custer at Little Big Horn. How can I repel these zombies?
I feel helpless. I know they’re coming but I can’t fight them  off.  At least the Texans at the
Alamo had guns, but in Jacinda Trudeau’s Republic, Canadians may soon be forbidden to arm
themselves with a pea shooter.

Canadians, that is, reality-based Canadians, desperately need protection from this woke horde. 
We can rid our country of Trudeau in the next election, assuming there is one, but how can we
stop a tidal wave of blue county hordes in 2025?

Perhaps I should sell my house to one of them and use the proceeds to buy a house in Idaho or
Montana. Or in one of the 11 counties in eastern Oregon who want to secede and cut themselves
off from Leftwing lunacy. It would be a win-win. They can live out the rest of their life in
California North and run it into the ground the same way they ran Seattle, Portland and San
Francisco into the ground.. And  I can spend the rest of my life hanging around people with a
modicum of common sense. The culture shock might kill me. But I’d take the risk.

Imagine me living in a place where I was able to say what is on my mind without first looking
over my shoulder. Imagine not being compelled to publicly say something I don’t believe to be
true, like the contention that a man can have a baby or the US Mexico border is secure. Imagine
not having to  celebrate mental illness on “pride” days. Imagine living in a jurisdiction where
parents could protect their kids from Drag Queens and groomers.   Or living in a world where
election results are not determined by the ability of governments and their Big Tech collaborators
to deny access to crucial information? Or living in a state or province where citizens could make
an informed decision about an inadequately tested gene therapeutic because skeptics could
debate government appointed medical "experts" on an even playing field.

Well, I can dream, can’t I?

If I could cross the Iron Curtain and reach that Promised Land to the south, it would be Back to
the Future. A return to the Canada I once knew. That was when Communism was a dirty word
and people knew what a woman was.
Tim Murphy