Making Black History a Mandatory Course in Ontario Schools is A HUGE MISTAKE — DON’T DO IT

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Dear Mr. Lecce,

My ancestors immigrated from England  to Toronto (York as it was then called) in 1829, I am proud of my English colonial heritage.  It is very discouraging to witness the government, of which you are a Minister, go along with the lunatic stated policies at the Toronto District School Board, that instruct teachers that education is a negative “colonial structure that centers whiteness ” and other ridiculous comments such as “white supremacy must be dismantled”.. THIS SORT OF COMMENT IS AN INSULT TO ME. 

For generations, there has always been a lunatic Marxist fringe in political life, however now these people have infected the education system and have taken it over. YOU SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWING THIS.  Schools are being use as media to indoctrinate kids into Marxism.   If they get away with it, THIS WILL BE THE END OF OUR SOCIETY, as they create their dysfunctional “utopia”.

I know white parents who are taking their kids out of public schools, home-schooling them, because they do not want them to be exposed to this garbage.. YET YOU SUPPORT THIS !       In doing so, you are failing the people who are suppose to be the base of your political party.

It was recently announced that Black History would be a required course in a number of grades in school.  This is very disturbing, because these questionable courses will be displacing other subjects.  Young people today learn very, very little about more important subjects like Canadian History, Confederation and who Sir John A Macdonald was. I have yet to meet anyone under the age of 30 who can recite the names of all of the Prime Ministers since Confederation.   Many people have no idea who is on our dollar bills. 

Colonialism is what created our great country. Before white Anglo Saxons and Europeans came here the indigenous tribes were simply stone-age hunter-gathers and they would have remained that way.  

Making Black History courses mandatory will further result in the destruction of our country, which is already well under way.    

A Conservative government like yours is supposed to conserve things, OR DID YOU FORGET THAT?

An Old Stock Canadian, Toronto