But, Minister, If You Choose Immigrants So Carefully, Why Are We Spending $600-million Outside Quebec, on “Immigrant Settlement”?
A press release today (January 29, 2015) from the office of Citizenship and Immigration Minister Chris Alexander enthuses:
- “The government has significantly increased funding for newcomer settlement services in jurisdictions outside of Quebec, from less than $200 million in 2005-06 to almost $600 million in 2014-15.
- More than 700 service provider organizations across Canada receive funds dedicated to helping newcomers adjust to life in Canada.
- The government is committed to ensuring that newcomers integrate and contribute fully to the Canadian economy, and to their communities, as soon as possible.”
![But, Minister, If You Choose Immigrants So Carefully, Why Are We Spending $600-million Outside Quebec, on "Immigrant Settlement"?
A press release today (January 29, 2015) from the office of Citizenship and Immigration Minister Chris Alexander enthuses:
"The government has significantly increased funding for newcomer settlement services in jurisdictions outside of Quebec, from less than $200 million in 2005-06 to almost $600 million in 2014-15.
More than 700 service provider organizations across Canada receive funds dedicated to helping newcomers adjust to life in Canada.
The government is committed to ensuring that newcomers integrate and contribute fully to the Canadian economy, and to their communities, as soon as possible."
So, excluding Quebec, the Dominion Government spends $600-million a year -- three times the sum when it took office --on "immigrant settlement ... ensuring that newcomers integrate and contribute fully to the Canadian economy and their communities." These programmes are a racket, often staffed by ethnic community power brokers. They deliver such programmes as ESL, job search help, and employment preparation.
Here's a question: "If immigrants were more carefully selected as to language, needed job skills, and cultural compatibility, could this $600 annual expenditure (In English Canada alone) be avoided?"
Immigration not only costs unemployed Canadians jobs and job opportunities and suppresses wages, but. as Herb Grubel and Patrick Kelly have demonstrated in a study for the Fraser Institute [Immigration and the Canadian Welfare State, 2011] , the poorly selected immigrant cohort from 1986 to 2004, costs the Canadian taxpayers $25-billion annually! That figure comes from calculating what these immigrants contribute to the pot in taxes at all levels and subtracting what they take from the tax pot in terms of services, medicare, welfare, public housing, etc.
Paul Fromm
CANADA FIRST IMMIGRATION REFORM COMMITTEE](https://scontent-b-ord.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/p235x350/10943744_417882721711307_4880228387383262412_n.jpg?oh=cd991f3432e5fad68d93939c648d419c&oe=555AD4A1)
So, excluding Quebec, the Dominion Government spends $600-million a year — three times the sum when it took office –on “immigrant settlement … ensuring that newcomers integrate and contribute fully to the Canadian economy and their communities.” These programmes are a racket, often staffed by ethnic community power brokers. They deliver such programmes as ESL, job search help, and employment preparation.
Here’s a question: “If immigrants were more carefully selected as to language, needed job skills, and cultural compatibility, could this $600 annual expenditure (In English Canada alone) be avoided?”
Immigration not only costs unemployed Canadians jobs and job opportunities and suppresses wages, but. as Herb Grubel and Patrick Kelly have demonstrated in a study for the Fraser Institute [Immigration and the Canadian Welfare State, 2011] , the poorly selected immigrant cohort from 1986 to 2004, costs the Canadian taxpayers $25-billion annually! That figure comes from calculating what these immigrants contribute to the pot in taxes at all levels and subtracting what they take from the tax pot in terms of services, medicare, welfare, public housing, etc.
Paul Fromm