Our Treasonous Political Class Just Can’t Replace Us Fast Enough
Spotlighting New Zealand:
This photo may be every real estate developer, realtor and immigration consultant’s dream for Canada, but for the other 98% of us, it looks to be a potential NIGHTMARE — the replacement of Canada’s European founding/settler people.
![Our Treasonous Political Class Just Can't Replace Us Fast Enough
Spotlighting New Zealand:
This photo may be every real estate developer, realtor and immigration consultant's dream for Canada, but for the other 98% of us, it looks to be a potential NIGHTMARE.
Want this in Canada?](https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/s851x315/10406802_419033931596186_5079940242254659991_n.jpg?oh=ec0770e4660f6bd7a0675944ac21f4eb&oe=555A2701&__gda__=1431173681_85ff1fcbf60137f94253aa613059a35a)