Tag Archives: FREE SPEECH

Cultural Incompatibility: Afghan Fanatic Stabs German Free Speech Activist: Merkel’s MadnessCultural

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Cultural Incompatibility: Afghan Fanatic Stabs German Free Speech Activist: Merkel’s Madness

In Mannheim, south-west Germany, a 25-year-old Afghan-born man launched a brutal knife attack, injuring multiple people, including anti-Islam activist Michael Stürzenberger. In this video, we discuss the attack, the reactions, and the broader implications of such incidents on Western societies. We’ll explore the failure of politicians to address the real threats and how this is enabling extremists. We’ll also touch on the rise of radical ideologies and the danger they pose to free societies. Join me as we delve into this critical issue, exposing the harsh realities and calling for urgent action.

The more graphic versions of the video appear to be vanishing off the Internet….    This guy was SKILLED with cutting people up..

Playlist of Paul Fromm’s podcasts on immigration and free speech topics.

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Playlist of Paul Fromm’s podcasts on immigration and free speech topics.

Paul Fromm’s political experience goes back 50 years and he has a great memory and intelligence and speaking ability. He is one of Canada’s truth treasures.
Paul Fromm is the Director, Canadian Association for Free Expression (CAFE) since 1983, at: http://cafe.nfshost.com/.
Paul is also the Director of the Canada First Immigration Reform Committee at: http://canadafirst.nfshost.com/
Winner of the George Orwell Free Speech Award, 1994.
You can join Paul’s email list by contacting him at paul@paulfromm.com .
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The host is Brian Ruhe. Go to my website at: http://www.brianruhe.ca/in-the-news/ to see what I’m up to these days. If you love this content, love that it’s free for everyone, please consider making a donation on my website to support my work.