Tag Archives: illegals

The Border is Open: The Coming Crisis – CANADA – Border Enforcement Report by David Greenhalgh (retired police officer)

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The Border is Open: The Coming Crisis – CANADA – Border Enforcement Report by David Greenhalgh (retired police officer)

The Essential facts
– Fundamentally there is no effective Border enforcement outside the tiny perimeter of CBSA controlled Border Crossings.  The perception there is actual border enforcement outside these crossing is unrealistic.  
– Refugees/migrants who cross the border illegally are now confidently calling 911, waiting,  being collected by RCMP, briefly detained, admitted, housed, fed, provided medical attention and a lawyer. That is an estimated $50,000 minimum cost for the first year, per migrant, on the Federal tax dollar. After 12 months they become a Provincial liability.
– Refugees that attempt to lawfully cross at a Port/ (Border Crossing) are turned back under the “Safe Third Country Agreement”. Thus Canada provides a direct financial incentive to disobey the law.
– Prime Minister Trudeau recently declared Canada ‘the world’s first post Nation State” and has publicly welcomed the world’s refugees. Trudeau is in alliance with the philosophy of George Soros “Open Border” initiative . This is planned to radically change the face and culture of Canada. IMPORTANT  http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/oct/20/hillary-clinton-embraces-george-soros-radical-visi/
– Refugee claims from persons crossing the border are up 39% from 2016. The trickle will turn into a flood by summer 2017,  at a massive social and economic cost to Canada.
– It is almost impossible to deport career criminal/refugees after they arrive (See note on Lunyamilla below) 
– Canadians are not being told the truth  about our virtually non-existent border defences, or about the potential impact on Canada of unlimited unscreened illegal  migration.
– Canada today has no defences against criminal migrants – unless they are both identifiable and there is also an  existing International or USA arrest warrant.
– Canada has no preparation for, and no effective plan to deal with,  what is about to happen. The Liberal Government is still studying the issue.
– Refugees from El Salvador, Guatemala, Somalia are already over represented in the drug trafficking and gang culture of Vancouver. Even after conviction, it is virtually impossible to deport them.
– The Canadian Borders Services Agency (CBSA) is today a professional organisation.    Regrettably,  unlike the US Border Patrol,  CBSA has no jurisdiction outside the tiny confines of their “Port of Entry” (Canada Customs) border crossing. Thus, illegals in Emerson Manitoba cross 100 meters from the Port,  and capable  trained CBSA Officers have no power to do anything except   stand by and watch.
– 99% of the Border in Canada is the responsibility of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). Border enforcement policies are set in  Ottawa.  Notwithstanding the motivation and competence of individual front line Officers, the Corporate RCMP management has never, ever taken its border responsibilities seriously in the last 40 years. In 2017, the RCMP institutionally lacks the capacity, the motivation, the leadership and the equipment to  defend our borders. It lacks the leadership and the moral courage to tell Canadians the truth about its enforcement capabilities or to tell us the direct threat to Canada from Criminal and ideological migrants.  For Border enforcement the RCMP is accountable to the Government and not to the citizens it polices. Today there is no evidence the RCMP has any plan outside “business as usual” to defend our Borders.
– Migrants are being given legal advice in the USA:  “Cross the Border away from the port then call 911”. In Manitoba, RCMP are attending these calls. Meanwhile,  a few illegal crosser have been detained briefly in recent days in South Surrey, processed and released. 
The lawbreakers are being told to expect help from the Police!
-The senior management of the RCMP has an imbedded systemic culture of “information management” (ie.  avoidance, platitudes even outright deception) with respect to its staffing, policing priorities, allocation of resources,  and,  a systemic lack of transparency about its staffing operations. This is a cultural  part of the management culture and was evident in BC from the early 1990’s from around the time the Commissioner  was made a “Deputy Minister” in the Liberal Government of the day. This politicised his position and made the RCMP a direct  instrument  ( a tool) of Cabinet and Government policy. 
– A tiny RCMP Unit called IBET is tasked with Border policing in B.C. Their priority is policing remote and inaccessible area of the Border. They are not equipped in any way to police the “longest undefended border in the world”This unit will be undoubtedly referred to by senior RCMP management when they attempt to justify grossly inadequate Border staffing levels and priorities. CBSA has had very small interior Units executing Immigration arrest warrants after they have been issued. Their status today is unclear. 
–  Border RCMP Detachments –  It will be alleged Border Policing is being carried out by Municipal/City contract policing RCMP Detachments. ie. Surrey, Langley, Chilliwack BC Detachments. Whilst this is theoretically true,  none of these Detachments are staffed or funded for this. It is an extremely low policing priority , a typical response time to a citizen initiated report  in Langley BC would be 45 minutes. There are rare occasional patrols along Zero Avenue (the Border). This is a “wave the Flag” exercise,  as time and priority calls permit.  There are zero effective preventive patrols. In any event, persons not actually seen crossing the Border, just seen running North, are under no obligation to cooperate with Police.
–  For over 40 years the United States Border Patrol has been relied upon primarily to police our Borders for us!  In that capacity there have been many years of cooperation where they called RCMP/Local Police to alert them to northbound incidents.  Recently those calls suddenly dropped off.  Under the current US administration it  is no longer in the interests of the United States to retain illegals, refugees, economic and criminal migrants when Canada will take them. The RCMP is no longer respected by professional US enforcement agencies as a Border policing force,  because  there is simply no visible evidence of their presence.
– In the USA there are near daily reports of major drug busts and other major arrests. We are not regularly hearing of these incidents on our Border. When a diligent CBSA Officer makes a big contraband bust they have to call the RCMP to take over. Later news reports often credit  the RCMP for what CBSA actually did,  thus implying there is actual policing at the Border.
Image may contain: 2 people, people standing, hat, outdoor and nature
Mounties help Somali illegals cross into Quebec. Enabling the invaders!
Central and South America 
– There are at least 150-million potential economic migrants from Central and South America  who are better off on lifetime welfare in Canada,  than working in their home country.
– Nations like El Salvador, Guatemala, areas of Mexico, deconstructing Nations like Venezuela, have a systemically violent criminal gang sub-culture.  Entire regions have been run by criminal gangs for a generation or more.   Criminality, lack of respect for life and physical integrity (sexual assault) are part of a dominant macho culture. An underlying expectation that   violent criminals undergo a “conversion” experience when crossing our border illegally, because Canada is so nice to them, is ludicrous
– Official estimates of  “illegals” in the USA are 11.4 Million. Other sources estimate up to 18 Million.   All of these broke American Law at least once!  Hundreds of thousands of these are career criminals currently being aggressively targeted for deportation by the Trump administration. Canada is an extremely “soft” target for these people.  The legal, cultural, and welfare mindset of the average Canadian has no concept of how economic migrants (seeking welfare/medical benefits), criminal migrants (traffickers/ gang members) , and ideological migrants (radical Islamists) will damage this Nation within a very short time
–  Information received 9th March 2017. A resident of Rosario Argentina, a seriously dysfunctional criminally oppressed city, called a friend in Canada last week. She had learned she can travel  to Mexico, buy a Mexican passport for $20, then fly to Canada to live. No visa required.  She has been robbed at gunpoint three times in her house. Two teenagers were gunned down last week outside her door. She was dissuaded by the ethical argument that falsely representing herself as a Mexican was immoral. We sympathise, but multiply her story by 50 Million or so and divide it by our tax base of about   19 Million and you get the point.
Enforcement Hypocrisy
–  A Canadian Citizen crossing the Border just outside the Port of Entry may be observed, reported to the nearest  RCMP Detachment,  and in the unlikely event they are located then arrested, the Canadian   will be charged criminally, any goods in their possession seized and/or penalties assessed. They will have a criminal record,  be unable to visit the USA and will  have to pay their own lawyer.
– A criminal migrant from  El Salvador, acting on legal advice,  avoids the Border crossing, arriving without identification, provides whatever details he/she chooses.  There is no viable way of checking their identity or criminal record outside the USA. They are detained briefly, put up in a hotel, fed, clothed, provided medical attention and a lawyer.
 Jacob Lunyamilla   a criminal migrant arrived here from Rwanda in 1996 as a refugee. Since then he racked up 95 criminal charges, 54 convictions and over 400 interactions with police. Convictions include sexual assault, carrying a weapon, randomly attacking strangers, he has 10 convictions for assault. Lunyamilla is a serial victimiser  of Canadians. He refused to cooperate with authorities efforts to deport him by failing to sign the required papers. ( acting on legal advice) . In multiple unsuccessful attempts to get Lunyamilla deported the Immigration Review Board   finally just gave up and ordered him released saying “it is unfair to hold him indefinitely”. Finally some common sense was applied by a Federal Court Judge and Lunyamilla is back in custody……. pending an appeal by his lawyers. (Credit – Kim Bolan, The Province  1st March 2017)
– Thanks to Trudeau senior, the minute a migrant sets foot on Canadian soil they are entitled to the benefits of our Charter of Rights.   That means is they get a lawyer – at your expense. Lunyamilla is just one example of hundreds in BC alone. 
Gang culture
– Just one gang story (of many) will suffice. MS13 is a gang originating in El Salvador. Extremely violent, brutal, entrenched in 46 states they are now liable to deportation under renewed efforts by the Trump administration.  An MS13 speciality is the gang rape, pimping, sex trafficking and murder of teenage girls. Some were recently indicted for offering a teenage girl as a sacrifice to Satan. http://www.torontosun.com/2017/03/08/ms-13-satanic-murder-victim-is-missing-teen 
 MS13 is here in Canada now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Thrvidqsb5Q  . Please google MS 13 gang. I just don’t want to write about their appalling  atrocities here.
– – An accredited Northwest Gang Investigator estimates around 180 gangs already operating in B.C. Are we not hearing about this from the RCMP because a great many gang members are recent migrants/visible minorities? It is just not politically correct for any police manager to tell the unvarnished truth about the ethnic nature of BC’s gang culture!
– The continuing Mexican gang war resulted in 120,000 dead, 27,000 missing by 2013. Many of these were innocent non-combatants including honest Mayors and Police Chiefs. Entire town Police Departments have quit! Police Chiefs and Mayors tortured and murdered . All this just two days drive south of our undefended Border.
– Lunyamilla cost the BC taxpayer over $1-million in legal  and enforcement  costs.  Because of Canada’s ineffective and dysfunctional legal system it is almost impossible to deport these people.
– BC’s criminal Justice/enforcement system is already incapable of handling  an existing ethnic drug gang shooting war.  The Judicial Case Law has severely  handicapped the capacity of Police to interdict guns in the hands of gang members by radically idealistic  binding decisions that render facts/evidence inadmissible on multiple technicalities (another legacy of Trudeau Senior).
– These Court decisions :-
–  Have enabled criminality by the virtually uninterrupted transport of weapons in vehicles by criminals.
–  Disabled the ability of Police to detain violent criminals facing serious outstanding charges for any longer than it takes to identify them.
–  Disabled the ability of Police to conduct interviews of suspects.
–  Have put informants/witnesses at severe risk of identification and retaliation by aggressive defense court “disclosure” tactics.This is quite intentional,  and defense lawyers are well aware that their aggressive tactics have identified witnesses and informants to murderous criminals.
The legal, cultural, and welfare mindset of the average Canadian has no concept of how economic migrants (seeking welfare/medical benefits), criminal migrants (drug traffickers, slavers, gang members) , and ideological migrants (radical Islamists) will damage this Nation within a very short time. Every economic, criminal and ideological migrant damages the interests of the legitimate law abiding properly screened migrants that Canada needs  to benefit the Nation.
 Our Borders are open and virtually undefended. Our Prime Minister has invited the world. The word is out as far as Argentina.  Without a fundamental change in attitude and response, 2 years from now Canada will be unrecognizable. We will wake up and find ourselves in the same condition as Belgium, France,  Sweden and multiple other European Nations, or worse.
Career Police Officer 36 years (retired) , 31 years on the 49th parallel, 2 years policing Port of Vancouver, multiple International secondments. Border City resident! — David Greenhalgh 
NB. The police management culture of “information management” applies  to management of many large Police Agencies, and not just in Canada. (Google Wolfgang Albers the fired Chief of the Cologne Police, for a classic example).http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/cologne-sexual-assaults-police-chief-wolfgang-albers-sacked-as-anger-mounts-over-new-years-eve-chaos-a6802736.html



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The government of Manitoba is currently experiencing a flood of refugee claimants on its border with the U.S. Well over 500 have entered and the possibility of thousands more looms. To deal with this issue, Manitoba Premier Brian Pallister has just announced that his government will provide financing for 14 new housing units. His announcement is naive and shows that he has been duped by the immigration lobby. Instead of catering to them, he should be pressuring back-boneless Trudeau to stop the inflow. Several months ago, Trudeau should have given orders to return these fake refugee claimants to the U.S. Instead he announced that Canada would welcome them.



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Financing housing units for fake refugees will divert scarce resources from the needy populations of Winnipeg and the rest of Manitoba.

According to a University of Winnipeg report, about 135,000 of the population of Winnipeg (Canada’s seventh largest city) is at risk of becoming homeless. Winnipeg itself has 7600 `hidden’ homeless, 1,915 short-term or crisis sheltered people and 350 living on the streets.

Currently, the government of Manitoba is unable to look after the homeless in its own capital.

We give the same advice to other provincial premiers (especially Ontario’s Kathleen Wynne) and to the gross hypocrites on the municipal councils of Toronto, Hamilton, London, Ottawa, Vancouver, Montreal and other so-called “sanctuary” cities. Looking after people who call themselves refugees may give Canada’s useful “municipal idiots” some temporary noble and heroic delusions. It will definitely win them congratulations from the immigration lobby who are constantly looking for fools to support them.

But the “useful idiots” should remember that the immigration lobby (immigration lawyers, immigration consultants and ethnic advocates) consists of the foulest-smelling sludge in the immigration advocacy cesspool. Most of the lobby pretend to be protectors of the world’s persecuted, but they do what they do to maintain their jobs, increase their personal financial gain and to betray Canada. As for their clients, most of them are here to plunder Canada.


For details of the University of Winnipeg report, see https://www.uwinnipeg.ca/index/news-homeless-facts


They Are Not “Migrants” or “Undocumented Aliens”; They Are Criminals, Justin!

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sneaking into a country

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Trump is Right About Illegals, Crime & Lax Enforcement

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Trump is Right About Illegals, Crime & Lax Enforcement

You may find this hard to believe… This is (was) the Obama administration. This is why Trump’s platform about illegal immigration is resonating with so many Americans. Watch this and pass it on, only 3½ minutes. It’s dated 4/28/2016 This is staggering. Absolutely unbelievable. And it gets NO press. Chairman Chaffetz Opener – Criminal Aliens Released by the Department of Homeland Security 4/28/2016.

Illegals Swarm in: Police Betrayal — No Asylum Seekers Charged for Illegal Entry

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Paul Fromm is the Director of the Canada First Immigration Reform Committee at: http://canadafirst.nf…
Paul Fromm is the Director of the Canada First Immigration Reform Committee at: http://canadafirst.nfshost.com/

Winner of the George Orwell Free Speech Award, 1994.

You can join Paul’s email list by contacting him at paul@paulfromm.com . His playlist of videos is: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list…

TRUMP Victory for the Real America and Canada

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TRUMP Victory for the Real America and Canada
Published on Nov 10, 2016
Paul Fromm and Brian Ruhe, amongst Canada’s leading Alt-right figures, dance with elation and celebration over President-elect Donald Trump’s victory!! Paul is the Director of the Canada First Immigration and Reform Committee.
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The Other Side of the Story told by Father of Drowned Toddler Aylan Kurdi

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The Other Side of the Story told by Father of Drowned Toddler Aylan Kurdi


“Abdullah Kurdi’s story is made-up. But his lies are now being used and rewarded by the media in full blown propaganda, while pressuring policies to force Europe to take in more economic migrants who have never experienced a war zone.

The dead toddler pornography is a dream-come true PR campaign serving ISIS and their overwhelming Muslim supporters.

” This trumped-up story is being used to overwhelm Europe with refugees, even as the Islamic State has threatened to use the refugee crisis to send jihadis to Europe in large numbers.

“Family of drowned toddler Aylan Kurdi had been GIven FREE housing in Turkey, while father’s story is full of holes,”

The Muslim Issue, September 4, 2015 (thanks to Pamela Geller)

Abdullah Kurdi’s story is made-up. But his lies are now being used and rewarded by the media in full blown propaganda, while pressuring policies to force Europe to take in more economic migrants who have never experienced a war zone. The dead toddler pornography is a dream-come true PR campaign serving ISIS and their overwhelming Muslim supporters.

Abdullah was never on that boat to watch his wife and children drown. That’s why he was the only survivor. The first time he learned of their death was from the hospital after the photos of his young son was circulating in the media. Listen to all the contradictions and holes in his story.

This was an attempt to send his wife and children into Europe before his own arrival to apply for refugee status as a lone woman with children, while they never even lived in a war zone.

Unfold the #migrationfraud :

After leaving from what they say was a war zone (Syria is huge and the entire country is not a war zone) the Kurdi family was given FREE housing in Turkey and had been there for THREE years. Abdullah Kurdi was not in any war zone. He was safe, he had food, he had over $4,400 in cash, which is over 13,000 Turkish Lira – so why did he leave?

Frankly the whole story simply doesn’t add up.

This is what he told the press initially, as reported in the Guardian yesterday:

“I took over and started steering. The waves were so high and the boat flipped. I took my wife and my kids in my arms and I realised they were all dead,” he told AP.

Let’s look at all the details of his story.

The report according to Abdullah’s own words is that he lived in Turkey for three years and prior to that he had lived in Damascus. His sister makes the story even more confusing saying that Abdullah was a barber originally from Damascus, who fled from Kobani to Turkey but “dreamed of a future in Canada” for his family. Was he living in Damascus or Kobani? Kobani is over 500 kms from Damascus.

After “fleeing” from “war zone” Kobani he now wants to return to Kobani to attend — a funeral. Huh…? So he’s safe to fly back by plane to Kobani and attend a funeral. And guess what? ISIS was not even in Kobani when Kurdi claims his family “fled” from ISIS.

ISIS was not in Damascus either three years ago when Kurdi claims he lived there. ISIS entered only a small rural part of northern Damascus last year and targeted a remote refugee camp with “Palestinians” earlier in 2015 and were pushed out. ISIS is present in a quarter of the country in Northern Syria, not in the South.

While Western media reports that he was trying to reach Canada, Swedish media are being given reports by Kurdi that he was trying to reach Sweden and that he had been receiving FREE housing in Turkey for three years.

Abdullah claims he was trying to reach Canada but was denied asylum – while Canadian authorities say they have never received any application from him at all. Which story does Abdullah want to stick to?

What we’re reading here is a story about relatives serving as people smugglers to other relatives living in Turkey. This is what happened with Kurdi. His own family in Canada are his people smugglers trying to come up with ways for him to illegally fraud the immigration system, and make up stories about threats that he never experienced.

The father, Abdullah Kurdi, is giving different stories depending on who he is talking to. His sister Fatima gave an account of a phone conversation with her brother Abdullah that is reported in the DailyMail. That story is different to the one Abdullah Kurdi gave to the press.

Listen to the bits here from DailyMail:

Reliving the moments after the dinghy capsized and the Mediterranean waves crashed around them, Abdullah Kurdi described how he’d pleaded with his sons to keep breathing, telling them he didn’t want them to die.

It was only when he looked down at their faces and saw blood in Aylan’s eyes that he realised the boys had died in his arms and he was forced to let them go.

Looking around in the water, he spotted the body of his wife Rehan ‘floating like a balloon’. She had also drowned.

…and the version his sister Fatima gives, the DailyMail, is here:

Yesterday his sister Tima – who is also known as Fatima – revealed how the grief-stricken father had relived the final moments of his boys’ lives in a phone conversation she’d had with him.

‘When a bigger wave came and flipped the boat upside down, Abdullah right away caught both his kids and tried so hard with all the power he had to keep them up from the water, screaming, ‘Breathe, breathe, I don’t want you to die!’,’ she said.

‘In his left arm was Galip and he saw he was dead and he told me, ‘I had to let him go’,’ she added.

Then he looked at Aylan and could see blood from his eyes, so he closed them and said, ‘rest in peace my son,’ she went on to say.

She said that while he was still in the water, Abdullah saw his wife’s dead body floating in the water ‘like a balloon’, causing him to struggle to recognise her.

Sobbing uncontrollably Abdullah yesterday recalled his terror when the flimsy and overcrowded dinghy overturned, causing the night to be pierced by the screams of his fellow Syrian refugees as he clung on to his wife.

‘I was holding her, but my children slipped through my hands,’ he said.

‘We tried to cling to the boat, but it was deflating. It was dark and everyone was screaming. I could not hear the voices of my children and my wife.’

The wife was ‘a balloon’ in less than three hours ? The rate of decay to a dead body in water is not instant. Obviously Abdullah had no idea how dead people in water decay and he knew at some point they would bloat, so he described his wife in a condition of decay that takes days to mature. Here from The Forensic Library is a description:

Bloated (2-6 days)
This stage of decomposition includes the first visible signs of decay, namely the inflation of the abdomen due to a build-up of various gases produced by bacteria inside the cadaver. This bloating is particularly visible around the tongue and eyes as the build-up of gases cause them to protrude. The skin may exhibit a certain colour change, taking on a marbled appearance due to the transformation of haemoglobin in the blood into other pigments.

Although Abdullah claims to have seen the dead bodies of his two children and his wife after their boat was hit by two large waves, his story then changes and he claims that he made it safely to the beach.

He now assumed that the wife, who had laid bloated and drowned, and the two small boys who he had seen drowned right in front of him and he knew were dead, had managed somehow to make it alive to the beach.

He could not find them on the beach so he assumed they had “become scared and ran away”. He now sees these dead people nowhere. But he only finds the “truth” about their death after going to the hospital where their bodies were kept.
Can someone explain to us how dead bodies run away? In other words, he only knew they were dead after the pictures of his son started showing up in the media reports. Here’s his own account reported in the DailyMail:

Over the following three hellish hours in the water, [in the short time his wife turned onto a ‘balloon’ – a sign of decomposing that only occurs 2-6 days later] Mr Kurdi battled for survival, while frantically searching for his sons and his wife, who had also been pulled from his reach. He found one child but it was too late – the boy had drowned.

‘My first son died from the high waves,’ he said. ‘I was obliged to leave him to save the other one. I tried to swim to the beach by following the lights.

‘I looked for my wife and child on the beach but couldn’t find them. I thought they had got scared and had run away and I went back to Bodrum.

‘When they did not come to our meeting point I went to the hospital and learned the bitter truth.’ (How can he learn the bitter truth when he claimed earlier that he saw them die and tried to save one of the sons, who had already drowned? He then attempted to save the second one who was dead with bloodied eyes, while finding his wife floating and bloated in the water. How can dead people like this run away?)

The barber had paid people smugglers £2,900 over the course of three attempts to reach Greece from a refugee camp in Turkey.

But he has told friends he wished he had also drowned to be spared a lifetime of self-recrimination over the family’s desperate gamble for a better life.

Pictures of Aylan and Galip have been shared by social networkers around the world, prompting calls for politicians to do more for fleeing Syrians.

So you can hear that we have completely different stories coming from Abdullah that don’t even match.

He doesn’t even know what exactly happened. This man was never on that boat and never watched his wife and children drown.

That is why he was the only survivor without any injuries and without any need for medical help, although he claims to have undergone a violent and desperate situation for over three hours where everyone else drowned.

He is lying and making the story up. We’ve worked long enough with these humanitarian issues to recognize a tall tale.

Basically, the fragmented and fabricated story indicates to us that the wife and children were sent to arrive before him as a lone mother and children (easier to get accepted).

Of course, this advice would come from his own family already living in Canada and parts of Europe who know more about the dhimmitude of Europe, now serving as long-distance human smugglers.

The wife has clearly been told to go first, get her refugee case handled, and then help to get him entry at a later date where he can join them with a forged passport after the wife is already settled.

It’s all fraud. All of this explains his dry crocodile tears. No wonder his sister Fatima was crying more than her brother who lost his entire family.

She had guilt that their suggestions and strategies caused the death of a woman who could not swim and was afraid, and the death of three small children. They’re intentionally frauding the system. And now they also push propaganda to open the floodgates to the rest of these fraudsters.

It is however, noteworthy to hear this comment coming from Abdullah Kurdi that he does not mind sacrificing his wife and children for his agenda, according to his sister Fatima in Canada:

‘Of course it makes me sad that it’s taken this [tragedy] to make people realise what is going on,’ she said, adding: ‘Abdullah said, its ok if it has to be my kids and my wife who wake up the world, its ok. If it’s been written to happen that way, it was supposed to happen.’

And the Turkish people smuggler Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan responded to the deaths in his country’s waters by saying: “European countries, which have turned the Mediterranean, the cradle of the world’s oldest civilizations, into a cemetery for refugees, shares the sin for every refugee who loses their life.”

Coming Soon to Your City

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Coming Soon to Your City

After the Illegals Left the Budapest Railway Station

> Budapešť, spoušť po migrantech.
> Prostě sežrat, vybydlet a o dům dál
> Spací pytle, stany, hračky, školní brašny, deky, jídlo,
> dárky od neziskovek nechali na místě, přeci dostaneme další
> Úklid? Co to je?

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Put Canada & Canadians First: No Syrian “Refugees” for Canada

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Put Canada & Canadians First: No Syrian “Refugees” for Canada
Frederick Fromm's photo.


Cutting through the “Refugee” Hysteria

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Cutting through the “Refugee” Hysteria

During the past week the media has omitted mention of pertinent factors quite deliberately.  Communist China showed off its military to remember the end of the Japanese war effort.   The media left one to assume that these Chinese had defeated Japan.   The USA defeated Japan and Chiang Kai-Shek’s Nationalist Army was the most successful opponent of the Japanese within China.   The communists under Chairman Mao were scarcely more than a rabble.  They had more impact on civilians than Japanese.  Memory of these facts gained little attention.

So it is also with the recent migration issues in Europe.   The contextual factors that matter in shaping pubic opinion have not been outlined by the media although they are well known.   The reason for this deliberate silence, awaiting signs of the politically correct stance to take, informs the following notes.

  1. Who is a refugee and who is an economic migrant?   The acquirement of privileges  depends upon an answer to this question.  Commonsense answers and not media and German usage should apply.   A person becomes a refugee at the very first place at which he or she finds shelter and protection when fleeing from a situation that threatens this person’s life.    Even if his sojourn is brief.     Should this refugee seek to leave this shelter he abandons the status of a refugee.   He moves from the status of a refugee to that of other migrants, perhaps an economic migrant (in the 17C there were religious emigrants from England).   Once safety is first reached a refugee can make a decision that now he is safe there are other options available for future life.   In this he is utterly no different from a migrant escaping a famine or simply trying to achieve a more rewarding existence.  Thus Syrians who choose to leave Lebanon, Turkey or Jordan, where they have refuge, and travel to Europe by so doing acquire the status of economic migrants.   The media and Germany choose to overlooks this critical semantic.   They decide who is a refugee by identifying his place of origin.  They ignore whether he started his journey to Europe from a place of safety outside his place or country of origin.
  2. Let us confront the reality that the Islamic faith of any migrant imposes a burden for any European country.   France has notably failed to assimilate Muslims.   Admitting more Muslim migrants will compound this difficulty.   This is true in Britainand elsewhere.   Eighty per cent of Muslims in the UK have attested in a poll that being a citizen of the UK is subordinate in importance to their religion.  Disloyalty and security issues arise.    Non Muslim migrants avoid this problem.
  3. The UK and the Netherlands like to see themselves as multicultural societies.   With the present ethnic mixture comes considerable integration.   Sadly this will become a passing reality in the UK that is now a host to 8 million people not born in the country.   Globally, since the 1960s academics have recorded situations where people from different backgrounds move towards parity in numbers.   The almost invariable consequence is tension, conflict, and broken heads.   It is now happening in Ulster where the Catholics are outbreeding the Protestants.   Thus in-migration just builds problems of civil cohesion.    The invasion of Europe that is now occurring lowers civic unity and encourages the perseverance of extremist nationalist politics.
  4. Many in-migrants, perhaps most, from Syria have been involved on all sides of the civil war.  Many have been combatants.    They want to avoid documentation until they have disguised their identities.    One day some will be prosecuted for war crimes in Syria because of poor documentation and identity checks due to the excitement over this issue generated by the encouragement of the immigration of undocumented Syrians to Germany.
  1. The politicians who talk about the past movement of people within Europe as a reason why the first wave of the new invasion should be accommodated have got it wrong.   If we’ve done it once why cannot it be done again?

These politicians have overlooked the fact that these shifts in population involved people who derived from mainly Christian backgrounds and accepted the subordination of religion to the affairs of states.   The migrants, in other words, were cousins.   What of the Jews?   They do not proselytize.   They accommodate themselves to their hosts.   Many rapidly drift away from Judaism.    This is quite a contrast to the insular Muslim who tenaciously cling to their belief and ways of ordering their lives.

  1. There has been mention that the interwar exodus from German lands was an undocumented tide.   The USA and Canada rarely admitted immigrants who at the point of entry did not possess valid documents.   These must be issued by Embassies in Europe.   The overwhelming number of the 600,00 inter-war in-migrants to the UK bore documents of entitlement to entry issued by British Embassies in Europe.
  2. Queen  Angela Merkel  2 or 3 weekends ago declared that Germany at the time had 400,000 would be recent migrants.   She declared that Syrians, even without documentation, would be preferred because they were refugees.   Her spokesman let it be known that each Syrian would receive a monthly subsistence allowance of 365 Euros, free housing and medical attention.  Now the number has risen to 800,000.   It will require 10 bn euro a year to look after them.   And think what this will do to unemployment figures.   In such a way the invasion was encouraged and became a German Problem in August 2015.    Now the Germans are frightened and seek to deflect responsibility.  With the aid of France and Brussels they are desperate to declare this is now an European Problem.
  3. The Pope in Rome believes that man is born with a quiver full of rights.   The victors of war in the 1940s shared this belief that has informed the heart of refugee policies ever since.   But recorded history show that rights are man made and situational.   Hence the different degrees, statuses and fortunes of men.   A reality that has been pushed aside since the 1940s.   This limited and provisional view of the rights of man is the only one that I relevant to this present Century.    Authoritarian regimes are many.   By reason of their nature they encourage dissidence.   In turn this creates refugees.  For every democratic regime there is a matching authoritarian government.   Hence the numbers of potential dissidents and refugees might amount to 30 to 40 percent of global population.   It is beyond the resources of the democratic regimes to provide havens for all these possible dissidents.   Just think of the size of possible dissidence in modern China.  The application of the 1940s beliefs and outlook about refugees cannot cope with the sheer scale of authoritarian regimes.  The United Nations and the European Union should close their institutions devoted to 1940s refugee missions.    They are not entitled to judge the varying responses to refugee pressures by democratic nations who interpret the world through the eyes of their elector citizens.
  4. Finally, let us remember 17C England.    In the parishes the fear contained in this nursery rhyme summed up the migration debate.

“Hark Hark the dogs do bark

The beggars are coming to town

Some in rags and some in jags

And one in velvet gown”

(A jag was a slit in a gown.)

In 1601, an Act for the Relief of the Poor was succeeded in 1662 by an Act of Settlement.   Our first national policy for the poor was contained in these Acts.  Each parish became responsible for its own poor. A poor person had to have a  “settlement” in a particular parish in order to be entitled to remain within its boundary.   When a person was unemployed, after 40 days in a parish, he would be chucked out unless he could prove that he was born in the parish.   Then these unemployed beggars would migrate to parishes where they might be treated more leniently.   Beggars banded together and menaced parishes.  Such parishes demanded better protection, improvement in the pooling of responsibility across parishes (how modern!).   This is what the 1662 Act bestowed upon them. — P. Dilaveri

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