Tag Archives: Jean Raspail

The Camp of the Saints After 50

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The Camp of the Saints After 50 Years

Peter Bradley • Friday, October 4, 2024 • 2,500 Words

Written in 1973, The Camp of the Saints describes the end of the white world through mass Third World invasion. The book was controversial when published, but rereading it today is even more jarring. The dire things author Jean Raspail portrays are coming true and can be seen every day throughout Europe, the United States, Canada, Australia, and nearly every corner of the West.

The Camp of the Saints tracks the fictional journey of a million Indians from the slums of Calcutta to France aboard leaky, old boats. The West must decide how to respond. The novel is mostly about whites. The invaders are the backstory of how all elements of white society seem to have lost the ability to defend themselves despite having more than enough power to do so.

The title is taken from a Bible verse depicting the apocalypse:

“And when the thousand years are ended, Satan will be released from his prison and will come out to deceive the nations that are at the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them for battle; their number is like the sand of the sea. And they marched up over the broad plain of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city, but fire came down from heaven and consumed them. . . .” (English Standard Version, Rev. 20:7-10)

The invasion starts when the Belgian consulate in Calcutta informs a crowd that they are not accepting any more Indian babies for adoption in Europe. Seemingly driven by an innate force, mobs of poor Indians storm old rustbuckets sitting idle in the port. The India Star and Calcutta Star are the two main vessels, but there are many others. Soon, there are a million Indians sailing toward Europe — with a handful of white leftists and religious leaders onboard to assist them.

They are met with only token opposition by European officials in India, but there are still many deaths as the mob tramples helpless victims, and numerous corpses are left floating in the water. Their complete indifference to human life and suffering — including of their own people — is a theme that Raspail returns to throughout the book.

In France and throughout the white world, the “Last Chance Armada,” as it is called by the press, is almost universally celebrated. Slogans and virtue signaling in favor of the invaders are combined with ritual denunciations of any whites who dare to speak out against them.

Raspail describes a popular magazine series on Indian culture written in support of the armada. “Considering all the wonders that the Ganges had bestowed on us already — sacred music, theater, dance, yoga, mysticism, arts and crafts, jewelry, new style in dress — the burning question, by the end of the issue, was how we could manage to do without these folk any longer!”

Celebrities write songs such as “The Ballad of Man’s Last Chance” and hold art exhibits with the theme “Our Guests from the Ganges.” The winning entry in a contest to raise funds for the armada is the following slogan: “There are no more Hindus, no more Frenchmen. Only Man, and that’s all that matters!” Banners announce, “WE’RE ALL FROM THE GANGES NOW!” Graffiti proclaims, “WORKERS, GANGES REFUGEES UNITED FOR FREEDOM!”

The Pope (a Brazilian) uses his Good Friday address to inform listeners that they should “open their hearts, souls, and worldly wealth to all these poor unfortunates whom God has sent knocking at our doors.” He also announces that he will sell all objects of value in the Vatican and give the proceeds to the invaders.

Non-white nations react in quite a different way. When the armada tries to pass through the Suez Canal, the Egyptian military threatens to fire on the ships. Confronted by men who mean business, the armada makes a detour toward the Cape of Good Hope. But this only buys the West some time.

There is opposition to the invasion, but it is sporadic and unorganized. The right-wing editor of a small-circulation newspaper warns whites about what is in store if the refugees are allowed to land. A Belgian official shoots some of them as they storm the ships in Calcutta before he is trampled to death. A retired French literature professor unloads his shotgun on an obnoxious leftist who has journeyed to the coast to welcome the invaders. When an armada ship sinks, the captain of a Greek vessel plows through the drowning survivors rather than rescue them.

As the landing draws nearer, many French — including the ones who voiced the most support for the armada — simply flee the country. With no one in charge, chaos ensues, and criminals are freed from prisons. White leftists start gathering near the coast. They drink, take drugs, and lounge in now-empty houses and loot from abandoned stores. All the institutions of French society are shown to be weak, hypocritical, and hollow.

The president of France, despite his public pronouncements, is scared of the armada. As it approaches, he prepares a speech that will order the military to turn back the ships. Yet his will breaks during the address and he simply orders every man to follow his conscience.

Church leadership comes off the worst of all French institutions. Raspail, who remained a Catholic his entire life, portrays them as non-believers who preach a distorted “social gospel” version of Christianity. The Pope and other church leaders actively support the invaders. Priests deliver sermons instructing their parishes to accept and welcome them. Many suffer gruesome endings — including a bishop who accompanies the armada and is simply left behind to drown when they land.

The military is shown as cowardly. Some units do deploy along the coast, but most soldiers flee rather than fire on the armada. A handful remain true to France, especially an old-school paratrooper who battles against both the invaders and their leftist fellow travelers.

The media, unions, academics, students, and celebrities are shown as corrupt and trendy, though ready to direct intense hatred at anyone who defends France.

The business class is represented by a manager at a pork processing plant. Looking to take advantage of cheap labor, he is slaughtered like a pig by African workers and turned into a can of pate.

This factory owner in Springfield, Ohio is the face of evil.

Throughout the interview, he shits on locals, mocks their drug addictions, and hopes for even more Haitians to flood the town. pic.twitter.com/OHKqbii9sC

— Lucky (@TheMagaHulk) September 10, 2024

A childless couple — Marcel and Josiane — represent the middle class. They are concerned by the armada but feel better after watching television programs and reading newspapers that assure them all will be fine. They end up meekly offering their nice apartment to an Arab family with several children.

There were non-whites in France in 1973, though not nearly as many as today. Raspail’s fictional non-whites do menial jobs while biding their time until the armada arrives. One of them, a dark-skinned Moroccan named Clement Dio, is a main cheerleader of the armada. A well-known columnist, he has a barely concealed resentment of whites — though he enjoys living among the wealthy elites of French society.

They arrive

The armada lands in a small seaside town on the southern coast of France on Easter Sunday. Though some shots are fired by the remaining troops, they barely make a dent in the mass of Indians swarming the beach. Most of the soldiers run away before the mob rather than continue fighting. A group of elderly monks are trampled as are many of the whites who had come to welcome the Ganges refugees.

The final defenders of the white world are a group of 20 men who form the camp of the saints. Most are soldiers but they are joined by others, including the French professor who shot the leftist, the Greek ship captain who has escaped from prison, and the right-wing editor who tried to warn his readers. One of their number includes a Hindu who, knowing how his people truly are, wants to defend Western civilization. They give a good account of themselves, killing 312 invaders and 66 fellow travelers, before being bombed by French fighter jets. The same military that would not fire on the invaders kills the last defenders of France — and Europe.

Italian Deputy Prime Minister facing 6 years in prison for blocking illegal migrant boat from entering nation.

Follow: @AFpost pic.twitter.com/Bg7zbqy2TT

— AF Post (@AFpost) September 15, 2024

Emboldened by the refusal of the whites to defend themselves, non-whites from the entire world set out for white nations. Chinese swarm the Soviet Union with only one drunken Russian soldier firing a shot. Africans descend on South Africa. Australia, the United States, and the rest of the white world are consumed in a matter of months.


Hundreds of Moroccan migrants gathered at the Ceuta border to enter Spain.


— Europe Invasion (@EuropeInvasionn) September 15, 2024

The remaining whites do not enjoy the universal brotherhood that they were promised. Whites must share their houses with non-whites. White women are kept as forced prostitutes for the new masters of Europe. Many commit suicide as a result. Eventually, whites are not allowed to marry or reproduce with other whites. The Queen of England is forced to have her son marry a Pakistani.

Leftist supporters of the invasion are not spared, and Raspail arranges well-deserved endings for many of the worst characters in his book. Clement Dio is trampled by new arrivals who do not know or care that he was their champion against whites. His equally leftist Eurasian wife is gang-raped by criminals and kills herself as a result. The whites who initially accompanied the armada are strangled and thrown overboard. The buffoon who came up with the “There are no more Hindus, No more Frenchmen” slogan is killed while trying to flee the invasion as are several of the celebrities who most vocally supported the armada.

The last holdout for whites is Switzerland, which stubbornly closes its borders and even deports its non-whites. We find out in the closing pages that the author has holed up in the country while writing the elegy for his race. But even Switzerland eventually caves to international pressure and will open up in a few hours. So ends the white world.

While often dismissed as a racist work by the Left, The Camp of The Saints was published by a mainstream publisher (Editions Robert Laffont) and was well-received in France where it was reviewed by mainstream outlets. Francois Mitterrand, the French president from 1985 to 1995, was said to have read the book as did many prominent French politicians and writers. As of 2006, it had sold more than 500,000 copies, and it even returned to the French bestseller list in 2011.

The Camp of the Saints was published in English by Scribner’s and reviewed favorably in the US by intellectuals such as Max Lerner and Sidney Hook. Ronald Reagan was said to have been “terribly impressed with it.” Prof. Jeffrey Hart gave it a positive review in the September 26, 1975, issue of National Review:

Most people . . . are able to perceive that the “other group” looks rather different and lives rather differently from their own. Such “racist” or “ethnocentric” feelings are undoubtedly healthy, and involve merely a preference for one’s own kind. Indeed — and Raspail hammers away at this point throughout his novel — no group can long survive unless it does “prefer itself.” . . . The liberal rote anathema on “racism” is in effect a poisonous assault upon Western self-preference.

William F. Buckley, Jr., praised The Camp of the Saints in a 2004 column (although he gets some of the details wrong). National Review carried an article on the prescience of the book in 2014, though writer Mackubin Thomas Owens offered the usual conservative dodge: “Of course, Raspail was denounced as a racist, and his emphasis on the white race can indeed be off-putting. But the central issue of the novel is not race but culture and political principles.”

Who was Jean Raspail?

Jean Raspail was a well-known travel writer prior to the publication of The Camp of The Saints. He was the recipient of prestigious French literary awards such as Grand Prix du Roman and Grand Prix de Littérature by the Académie Française. The French government appointed him to its Legion of Honor in 2003. His death in 2020, a few weeks shy of his 95th birthday, was noted in a New York Timeobituary. While awash in terms such as “far-right” and “white supremacist,” the Times obit noted his influence on a new generation of writers, including Renaud Camus, who coined the term “the great replacement” for what is happening to Europeans.

Marine Le Pen tweeted the following tribute to Mr. Raspail upon his death:

Jean Raspail nous a quittés. C’est une immense perte pour la famille nationale.

Il faut (re)lire Le Camp des Saints qui, au-delà d’évoquer avec une plume talentueuse les périls migratoires, avait, bien avant Soumission, décrit impitoyablement la soumission de nos élites. MLP

— Marine Le Pen (@MLP_officiel) June 13, 2020

“We must reread The Camp of the Saints, which, beyond evoking with a talented pen the migratory perils, had—long before [Michel Houellebecq’s] Submission—mercilessly described the submission of our elites.”

Jean Raspail seemed aware of his legacy. Shortly before his death, he explained to the New York Times: “People now buy The Camp of the Saints because they want to read the book written by the writer who saw what would happen before everybody else.”

The Camp of the Saints has long held a special place for the Dissident Right and among white advocates in particular. It marks one of the few times a book promoting our worldview has reached a mainstream audience.

The first English-language version of The Camp of the Saints came out in 1975. In the inaugural issue (December 1975) of Instauration, Wilmot Robertson reviewed the book, calling it “a ghastly, shuddering, mind-reeling scenario of what is in store for the West if liberalism and apathy continue to weaken our will to survive.” He praised it as the “first great uncompromising novel of modern times.”

The late Chris Roberts wrote a review for American Renaissance in 2017 where he compares the book to 1984:

George Orwell’s 1984 helped the world understand the last century’s crisis: the struggle between totalitarianism and freedom. Jean Raspail’s novel tackles this century’s crisis: whether the white world can survive the Third World’s demographic tidal wave. That crisis is upon us now — in its early stages — and like Jean Raspail, we do not know how the story will end. But The Camp of the Saints begs us to wake up.

Raspail was pessimistic about the ability of Europe to turn back the clock on the Third World invasion. But he believed rediscovering our identity was the only way to do so:

There are only two ways to deal with immigrants. Either we accommodate them, and France — her culture, her civilization — will be eradicated without so much as a funeral. In my view, that is what is going to happen. Or else we do not accommodate them at all, which means we stop sanctifying the Other and rediscover our neighbors.

The cost of “accommodating them” can be seen every day across the white world. The Camp of the Saints is no longer fiction.

The current “migration” situation resembles something out of a horror movie. Eldritch creatures from the deep emerging out of the fog to lay waste to our civilization. A literal plague of death and destruction wrought by vengeful graspers and violent thugs from the third world. https://t.co/cZJ7m34zZQ

— Vagrant of Rhodes 🗡️🕯️ (@vagrantwires) August 26, 2024

This is not Pakistan, this is Portugal. It is impossible to find Europeans on some streets of Portugal anymore.

We have been invaded.https://t.co/MFh72QoToj

— Europe Invasion (@EuropeInvasionn) August 25, 2024

“You are never getting your country back.”

Africans waving Irish and British passports mock the people of Ireland and the UK.

When even their women are like this, how can you deny their intent to colonise and take over? pic.twitter.com/CAiC2EGF1s

— MichaeloKeeffe (@Mick_O_Keeffe) August 24, 2024

Ireland is being invaded. Immigrants are being bused into small towns, changing the very fabric of Irish culture. This is a form of demographic warfare, and it’s happening across Europe.@KeithWoodsYT @TheLaurenChen pic.twitter.com/v90DCTRrNh

— Ray (@raymo_g) June 7, 2024

I’m getting reports from locals that they have spotted busses full of migrants being dropped off in Tunkhannock, PA. I can personally confirm that I’ve seen parking lots full of them at the local park near Tunkhannock. Tunkhannock is a small rural town in PA that is 94.5% White. pic.twitter.com/rpjXjpMONs

— Andrew Torba (@BasedTorba) September 16, 2024


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Thoughts on Camp of the Saints, by SaraSue

SurvivalBlog Contributor September 10, 2024  

The following are my thoughts on the novel Camp of the Saints. It was written by Jean Raspail, and published in 1973:

I recently read the English translation of Camp of the Saints. It was horrifying, but a good study in how people act and respond in terrifying situations. I wonder if this book is banned for being “racist” in a lot of places or in people’s minds. It addresses that concept. Its main theme, in my mind, is the hypocrisy of the church, of those who want to “save humanity”, of the do-gooders, etc., and then, how they react when danger comes to their front door. I’m not sure I could recommend it for your reading pleasure, unless you want a view and understanding of what it’s like for your country to be invaded and taken over. In which case, it might be eye-opening and spur you to work even harder on your own safety and security. Also, I think a primary theme is the idea that there is no such thing as universal peace and compatibility between people of different cultures and races. Each “tribe” prefers their own way of living, and their own cultural and moral standards. The book showcases “white guilt”. It showcases the idealistic goals of the leftist, globalist, Marxist/communist/socialist believers, and the idea that we must all embrace “equity” – the rich must be destroyed and the poor lifted up. The playing field must be leveled, in their view, no matter the consequences. And no matter who dies in the process.

In America, we are famous for being the “melting pot” of the world. We are numbered by people of all races who have legally immigrated here from around the world, adopted our Western culture and practices, while holding on to their own dear beliefs. In America, that was possible, and expected. We pride ourselves in our acceptance of our differences. Mostly, we all get along while still maintaining our own “separateness”. In my family tree, we are English, German, Irish, Scottish, Swiss, Austrian, Portuguese, Italian, Flemish, Hispanic, American Indian, and African American. We are “diverse”, and yet we have similar values: love of God, love of country, love of family. We wish to live in peace.

Americans get “irritable” when you start shoving things down their throats or forcing them to conform to someone else’s belief system. We have, probably uniquely, a “live and let live” attitude… until we are threatened. Then, not so much. I wish I could better describe our mixed culture. It’s not about “celebrating diversity” by enforcing diversity via laws and policies. It’s about accepting people as they are and accommodating one another’s cherished cultural differences. It is actually a voluntary thing because we believe in Freedom. With that being said, we have been, mostly, a Judeo-Christian country governed by fair and impartial Laws that protected (past tense is intentional) the independence and freedom of everyone equally, while punishing criminals who break the Laws. We have failed at that on and off throughout our history. I have no desire to excuse our collective sins.

In the recent decades, the idea of a “Judeo-Christian” country has been kicked to the curb by many in high and low places. That has “irritated” the majority of Americans. And most recently, it seems, if you are “a white, Christian, man”, you are even more despised. But, not by regular Americans, don’t get me wrong. You are despised by the people who wish to “level the paying field” for “all humanity” and therefore your “white patriarchy” must be destroyed. That doesn’t really work in our “live and let live culture”. To most Americans, it matters not the color of your skin or belief system, as long as you respect others. Do your thing – just don’t force me to do it, and certainly do not teach your ideologies to our children.

On another train of thought… One thing that is universally true, whether it’s an invasion or simply war, women and children are always the first to be brutalized. In previous years, I had read The Gulag Archipelago, and also spent a great deal of time reading and listening to various Holocaust survivor stories. Very dark, yes, but I personally want a reminder of man’s inhumanity towards man, even if it jostles all my sensibilities. I’m not an optimist nor a pessimist, but a realist. Very bad things can happen and it’s better, in my mind, to understand how things happen rather than stick my head in the sand (with my butt exposed) and pretend everything is okay. Everything is okay, until it’s not. Slowly, then all of a sudden.

There is a lot of “pretending” going on in America over the invasion of our country. I don’t see it ending well. I am not excusing America’s sins. No. They are legion and we collectively deserve God’s judgement. What I see is that there are forces at work who wish to destroy us and they will use any means necessary, as they’ve stated. Better to know than not know. Ultimately, the enemy is Satan and he is busy telling people what to do and they are doing it. We have as much of a spiritual war on our hands, as we do an intellectual war, that will devolve into a physical war if things don’t change significantly.

Let me be clear… I do not live in fear. My days may be filled with hard, sweaty, work on the farm, but each day is a beautiful thing – whether I’m milking a cow who generously gives her full fat creamy milk to nourish my family, or training a young heifer to follow a lead, or training dogs, or cats, or caring for chickens and teaching them to “go to bed” in the hen house at night, or tending to the garden, or baking yummy things in the kitchen, or reveling over how full the freezers and pantries are, or spending time with my adorable grandchildren, or reading a book I want to read, or marveling at the beauty, God’s creation, that surrounds me, or simply babbling away to my Father Who watches over me… My days are ordered and spontaneous at the same time. It is beautiful here. Peaceful. Amazing. I love to watch the sunrise early in the morning, to hear the birds waking up, to watch the farm come to life. The “To Do List” is very long, and yet here is where I want to be. So, no. I do not live in fear. I live in a beautiful place, enjoying Freedom, and I want it to stay that way.

Therefore, I take pains to understand what is going on in the world and around me. Therefore, I am armed and dangerous to my enemies at the level I am capable of. Therefore, I work at honing my skills should the rug of freedom be ripped out from under me. Therefore, I prepare a place for my family to take refuge in, if the Lord wills it. Therefore, I plan to be without the modern conveniences I was born with. Therefore, I expose my mind to the realities. Lord forgive me, but I have zero patience with other women who babble about their next vacation, or sanctimoniously speak of their most recent “charitable giving” or “girls night out”, or chat about fashion (unless it’s a new side arm), and who whine when they are inconvenienced. Again, Lord forgive me, and that is why I’m not the Lord because my mercy and grace are not perfectly balanced with my judgment, as the Lord’s is. Where the Lord can see everything future and past, I can only see the reality in front of me.

When people say, they’re just going to trust the Lord, I want to stomp my foot and say, “Show me in the Scriptures where a man or woman of God sat there on their YouKnowWhat and did nothing.” Even Paul was active in his prison chains.

Take a look around Europe and see what is going on there. Many parts of European countries are in total chaos, “no go zones”. I bet the general population wished they hadn’t given up the appropriate weapons to meet the challenges. Look at what is happening in our big cities. Not to mention, the world is on the cusp of WWIII and America is on the cusp of another Civil War. Things are a mess. How messy will things get?

But, I digress. The focus of the book, a novel, details the happenings when a large group of invaders arrive by the millions to another country (in this case, from India, to France). The reader is drawn into the squalor and death the “migrants” have suffered through to get to their destination. The people of France form “Welcoming Committees” in order to prepare for their arrival. And it shows how the proponents of the “migration” equally die when the invasion occurs, for whatever reasons. It forced me to think about our “kind intentions” and our “generous nature” and our endless funding of this or that “cause” around the globe. And we are happy and sanctimonious (tie that blue and yellow ribbon around your mailbox!), until we lose something of value – a daughter, for example, to brutal rape or murder. Then, suddenly, we want the “Authorities” to do something about it. But, it’s too late then. It’s too late because the “Authorities” are not able to address tens of millions of those types of incidences “all at once”.

The book describes a very small group of very brave men who are tasked with defending the country, as most of the “armies” have fled the challenge. And in the end, it shows how the government of France kills its own men who are still trying to stop the invaders from ravaging the country. How could that happen? Why? Because long ago, the government was infiltrated by “migrants” who had been waiting for their moment of revenge against the country they adopted. A worst-case scenario obviously. But, think about it… who in our American government is “not to be trusted”? Trust in the American government is at an historic low and there are valid reasons for that – too numerous to list here. Our government, currently, is not our friend.

Basically, reading the novel takes the mind through a whole host of emotions, intellectual acrobatics, and brutal resulting facts of an illegal invasion of one’s country. You can dismiss it all because it’s a “novel”. Of course you can – why even read it! Who even wants to know that they gang raped the wife of the guy, who heralded their coming, until she was dead, and they threw up on her chest and left her naked on the floor for him to find after they beat and locked him up. Ewwwww. Who wants to fill their mind with such things? Well, I do, for a brief time, and only so that I can clearly see what could be in store for myself, my daughters, my granddaughters. If you read the news, that very same thing is happening in our country, but downplayed by the “Media”.

Facing it, in its horrific gory detail, gives me the strength to pick up a rifle and know that I must defend myself and my family at all costs and at all times. I am a gentle woman who cannot even watch a scary movie. I closed my eyes and covered my ears when watching “Saving Private Ryan”. I have not seen war up close and personal like many of our heroes have. They have seen things that they will not retell us, for their own sanity, and to protect ours. So, it is up to us individually, even if we get our gumption from an uncanny novel. If the evil can be written about, the evil exists.

If you still don’t believe that our country is at grave risk, right now, from the illegal invaders, you might find that reading some of Michael Yon’s writings, a veteran and journalist who has been chronicling the invasion, helpful. Or not. Suit yourself.

I cannot face such realities in large doses should I slip into despair. It has been many years since I studied the holocaust survivor testimonies, and many years before that I read The Gulag Archipelago. I can only face it in small doses, but each time I do, it gives me courage to fight the good fight. It helps me to be exceptionally aware that great evil exists in the world. It causes me to turn to the Lord God and request mercy and protection against the great evils. It causes me to be prepared, as best as I humanly can. It informs my politics. It influences my associations. It causes me to accept that “situational awareness” at all times is 100% essential. Reading the book may not be for you. Maybe you don’t want to know or fill your mind with that kind of knowledge. My opinion about this book written 50 years ago… is it is essential reading for the times we are in.

Put Canada & Canadians First: No Syrian “Refugees” for Canada

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Put Canada & Canadians First: No Syrian “Refugees” for Canada
Frederick Fromm's photo.


The Surrender of Europe September 5, 2015: A Day that will Live in Infamy

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The Surrender of Europe September 5, 2015: A Day that will Live in Infamy

The walls have come tumblin’ down. The Germans and Austrians have thrown their borders wide open. Syrian migrants in their tens of thousands are pouring in. Soon there will be almost a million of them, with an endless queue forming behind them. Word will get out to Africans and Asians: “The West is weak. They have given up. Their resistance is broken. Pick up your bags and let’s  join the stream.” Jean Raspail’s nightmare has come to pass.

The Camp of the Saints

[French journalist Jean Raspail’s prophetic novel The Camp of the Saints predicted the Third World “refugee” invasion of Europe, aided by political traitors and a rotten anti-white ruling class.. Available for $25.00 postpaid from C-FAR Books, P.O. Box 332, Rexdale, ON., M9W 5L3, CANADA.]

We will remember this day for the rest of our lives. 

This is the day we lost our civilization. The enemy is within our gates, and more and more will pour in. We are finished. This is the end. Or at the very least, the beginning of the end.  And to think that it took just one image, one photo of a three year old boy lying dead on a Turkish beach, to shatter our resolve and turn the tide. One image was the straw that broke Europe’s back. 

I can’t find any words to describe my feelings at this point.  A composite of impotent rage, despair, fatalism? It is hard to say. 

 What does one say when he bears witness to the unfolding displacement, conquest or extinction of his tribe, and the destruction of a legacy that reaches back to ancient Athens? What do say when you realize that the people in your family who gave their lives to save Europe seven decades ago evidently died in vain? And what of the heroes centuries ago  who beat back the Muslim invaders at Tours and the Battle of Vienna? It seems in retrospect, that their victories were just a holding action. Europe survived the Muslim and Mongol invasions, but it has succumbed to an incursion of an unarmed army of wretched refugees. 

It is as if, before our eyes, European-based culture in North America, Australia and Europe is being torn apart by a pack of wild dogs. One dog is Middle Eastern, one dog is African, one is Central American, another is Chinese and another is South Asian. And many of them are Muslim. 

Some of us are fighting back. Donald Trump. The Prime Minister of Hungary. The President of the Czech Republic. Populist politicians who are vilified by the mainstream media and shut out of power.  But they are the beleaguered few.  Will this be their Last Hurrah?

We could have stopped the flood. But our leaders lacked the will, and too many people were making money selling out their country. There is no conceivable punishment that could be meted out to these despicable traitors that would be commensurate with their crimes. What retribution would be fitting for Angela Merkel? What is the penalty for betraying one’s people and murdering their heritage?     

Tim Murray
September 5, 2015
