Politicians in Dress Up Beyond Shameless in Sikh Parade
Who is that guy in the saffron do rag standing on the podium? Why it’s Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was among the speakers at the 2017 Khalsa Day Parade. (Martin Trainor/CBC)
Held in commemoration of the Sikh new year, the Khalsa order of Sikhism and the end of Sikh heritage month, this year’s event also celebrated the 350th anniversary of the birth of Sikh Guru Gobind Singh.”
Not to be unkind, but is there a European Heritage Month or a Christian Heritage Month? Didn’t think so.
The CBC report continued: “In addition to appearing at the event, the prime minister also spoke to the revellers and celebrated diversity in Canada
“This is just a wonderful time to celebrate the fact that Canada is a country that is strong not in spite of our differences but because of our differences,” Prime Minister Trudeau said.
The mayor also built on the theme of diversity when he spoke to the crowd.
“The city embraces and celebrates what is good in every faith and every culture,” Tory said. “Diversity has helped build a society that is as harmonious as it is diverse.”
For all the blather about the joys of diversity would these politicians join or celebrate a European Heritage or White Pride event? Of course not. Only privileged minorities merit this attention.
And as for the dress up? Why must some politicians parade around as degraded clowns? Why not attend the event, if they must, dressed respectfully and respectably in a business suit and shirt and tie?