Tag Archives: Ron Gray

We’re Being Colonized—With Ottawa’s Help—Part 3

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We’re Being Colonized—With Ottawa’s Help—Part 3

Tue, May 01, 2018   |   Author: Ron Gray   |   Volume 25    Issue 18

We’ve looked at what has made the current colonization of Canada possible and how the Trudeau Liberals have abandoned their responsibility to protect us. Now the question must be asked, “Does Islam need protection from us or do we need protection from Islam?”

Do you really think the money pouring into the coffers of our universities is intended to improve higher education in Canada? Why would Saudi Arabia, with about 60 percent illiteracy, want to improve education in Canada and the USA?

(Oh, I know the official statistics say that 96 percent of Saudis are literate; but you have to understand that Saudi citizenship, officially, is mostly limited to the lineal descendants of Aziz ibn Saud and his 13 wives; about ⅔ of today’s residents of Arabia are not Saudis, but immigrant workers—slaves, in fact—from Pakistan, Indonesia, and Africa. So the real literacy statistics are very, very different from the official ones.)

No, that money pouring in to our universities is intended to lay the groundwork for the on-going colonization of Canada, in preparation for adding us to the emerging global caliphate.

In the Islamic world view, according to all four strains of Islamic jurisprudence, the entire globe is divided into two houses: Dar al-Islam, which means “The House of Submission”—that is, submission to the ideology of Islam; and Dar al-Harb, which means “The House of War.”

Folks, they already declared war on us a long, long time ago! Now they’re infiltrating a fifth column—with Justin Trudeau’s eager help: he’s not really importing “refugees”—because they’re not real refugees at all; almost all of them had already been resettled in Jordan, Lebanon, or Turkey—what he’s importing are Liberal-voters-in-training, to ensure his continuing majority in Parliament.

Did you think his concern was humanitarian? Think again! When a reporter asked him, as he began to fulfill his campaign promise to bring 25,000 Syrian refugees to Canada, whether he would give preference to the most-endangered victims of the Syrian civil war—the Christians and Yazidis—his answer was revealing: “Absolutely NOT!”

What Mr. Trudeau doesn’t realize is that pro-Islamic politicians, like Omar Alghabra and Iqra Khalid will only support democracy until the colonization of Canada is sufficient to crush our pandering politicians clinging to their naive mindset that all world views are equal; after that, democracy is just a dead camel, to be dragged back out of the tent. So is nationalism, because the Islamic world view visualizes a global ummah, ruled by a central caliphate, with no borders… just like the Ottoman Empire that ruled most of the Middle East for 500 years, until it was dismantled at the end of the First World War.

Let me repeat: we’re being colonized—with our own money, and with the eager help of Justin Trudeau’s dumber-than-dirt Liberal government. They’ve sold our freedom for their political gain. Our children, rather than learning to think logically, are being spoon fed political tripe imported, ostensibly for our good, by dictators. On the chopping block are our freedom and equality

Wait a minute: am I being Islamophobic?

No! To quote Justin Trudeau: “Absolutely not!”

A phobia is an irrational fear. But when more than a billion and a half people are being led by imams inspired by a book that many of them have never read, a book that commands them, more than 100 times, to kill all non-Muslims, or to reduce to slavery the few they might allow to live, it’s not irrational to take them at their word. It’s prudent. Scripture says a wise man sees danger coming, and takes steps to protect himself and his family.

Political Islam is deadly, and it’s dangerous; so is Justin Trudeau’s appeasement of militant Muslims like Omar Alghabra, Iqra Khalid and Omar Khadr and the next three jihadis waiting in line for their ten million dollar payouts; and so is our importation of tens of thousands of un-vetted queue-jumpers and border-hoppers, and our Parliament’s gullible, ignorant contemplation of M-103.

Three Islamic nations are competing right now to become the hegemon of a revived Ottoman Empire: Saudi Arabia, Iran and Turkey. Whichever one wins that struggle plans eventually to take over the whole world, because that’s exactly what the Koran commands.

So—do we really stand on guard for Canada, glorious and free? Or will we allow ourselves to become a colony in submission to the Caliphate?

It’s time to stand up with the CHP and all freedom-loving Canadians and oppose creeping Sharia.

Otherwise, hold out your wrists, and accept your shackles.