White Hating Educators Propagandize Vulnerable Students With “White Privilege” Posters
Canadian schools facing blowback for ‘white privilege’ awareness campaigns
Both a B.C. school district and an Ontario university ran poster campaigns trying to make students aware of their privilege

The University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) put up posters encouraging students to “check their privilege” using a list of privileges such as “Christian,” “White,” “Heterosexual” and “Male.”
Meanwhile, B.C.’s School District 74 put up posters featuring school administration officials highlighting their own encounters with racism and privilege.
In one, district superintendent Teresa Downs stands next to a quote reading, “I have unfairly benefitted from the colour of my skin. White privilege is not acceptable.”
In another, district principal of Aboriginal education Tammy Mountain appears next to the quote, “I have felt racism. Have you?”
In the case of UOIT, the posters appear to have been quickly taken down after attracting online scorn.
“I fit the bill for almost every single category yet the promoters have no idea whether or not I’ve had ‘unearned access to social power’ because of this,” wrote one critic on the Facebook page of UOIT Student Life, the department that created the posters. …
In B.C., meanwhile, a local CBC report quoted Kansas Field Allen, a parent who had taken to Facebook to complain that by encouraging students to be extra cognizant of racial identity, the School District 74 posters were sowing racial division.
“I’d say 95 per cent of the people are in favour of having the posters taken down, and that’s from all races,” she said.
Online discussions of the posters quickly descended into ugliness. One pro-poster commenter was targeted by private messages reading “it’s hilarious when you talk about white privilege when you walk around with a status card.”
Field Allen, in turn, reported being berated for raising “white racist children.”