Tag Archives: White Privilege

And This Is “White Privilege” & White Supremacy?

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A Small Step Towards Sanity at Johns Hopkins

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Johns Hopkins rescinds DEI memo calling white, Christian, English-speaking people privileged College Fix Staff •January 11, 2024 Share this article: The College Fix on Facebook The College Fix on Twitter The College Fix on Reddit Share on Email

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine on Wednesday rescinded an e-mail sent recently from its diversity, equity and inclusion chief that called white, Christian, English-speaking people privileged, among several other “social identity groups,” according to screenshots of the memo posted on X.

Others listed on the privileged list included: able-bodied people, heterosexuals, cisgender people, middle or owning class people, and middle-aged people.

The January 2024 memo was sent Dr. Sherita Golden, Johns Hopkins Medicine’s chief diversity officer and a professor of medicine, who listed “privilege” as the “diversity word of the month.” It was sent to employees, according to End Wokeness, the X account that posted the screenshots.

The DEI memo stated in part that “privileges are unearned and are granted to people in the dominant groups whether they want that privilege or not, and regardless of their stated intent.”

“Reparations is a race con – people who were never victims expecting money from people who were never perpetrators.”

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When Do We Have White Privilege?

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When Do We Have White Privilege?

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A Christian nurse has claimed the National Health Service (NHS) is “forcing racist ideology” on students, in the first case of its kind http://canadafirst.nfshost.com/?p=2519

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A Christian nurse has claimed the National Health Service (NHS) is “forcing racist ideology” on students, in the first case of its kind.

Amy Gallagher, 33, is suing the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust alleging discrimination on the basis of race, religion and philosophical belief, as well as victimisation and harassment.

The mental health nurse, who is in the final stages of a two-year course in forensic psychology at the trust, objected to a lecture titled “whiteness – a problem of our time” in Oct 2020, where attendees were forced to confront “the reality of white privilege”.

In another race lecture the following month, Ms Gallagher claimed she was told that “Christianity is racist because it is European” by a talk leader.

The case escalated in March this year when an external speaker at the trust complained to the Nursing and Midwifery Council, alleging that Ms Gallagher could not work with “diverse populations” and had “inflicted race-based harm”.

Paul Jenkins, chief executive of the trust, told her that it “has committed itself to an explicit ambition of becoming an anti-racist organisation”.

‘It needs to be stopped’

White Privilege — One Man’s Account — “NOT “privilege” but hard work and using my brains made it all possible”

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White Race Privilege?

White Privilege — One Man’s Account — “NOT “privilege” but hard work and using my brains made it all possible”

The only White Privilege I ever had was having the SKILLS to qualify for the job.Almost 13 Years of school didn`t give me any pivilege. Skills either.
 I learned welding by taking private lessons at a shop. Paid for it with an acetylene outfit I didn`t know how to use. But I learned. Then I went to work for the Caterpillar Tractor factory. Became an exellent welder.

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While there, I studied Economics – Commodity Futures; NOT taught in any school. Self-taught in technical analysis.Which allowed me to BE self-employed. Became Successful, I went to work at Paine Webber managing accounts. Age 28.Inline imageInline image

Then moved and started my own trucking company. Successful for 10 years.Practically self-taught and fully self-financed.Inline image
Wanted to become a machinist. Studied the books and BOUGHT the tools to learn – very expensive! Practice – practice! Inline imageInline image
Built two custom homes; my designs, self-taught. All these skills led to more jobs;

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My boss had me restore and get running an antique 1941 Hyster forklift! I had to make parts for it; Handy little machine!

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Machined a new reciever and other parts for the 1928; A challenge and victory for me.
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NOT “privilege” but hard work and using my brains made it all possible.

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White Hating Educators Propagandize Vulnerable Students With “White Privilege” Posters

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White Hating Educators Propagandize Vulnerable Students With “White Privilege” Posters

Cultural Marxist “educators” are trying to brain tenderize students to accept the massive Third World invasion and special treatment for a host of minorities. One way to do that is to go on the offensive. Lest students notice that their country is being taken away from them and begin to feel angry, educators counter by saying that they are in the wrong; that they have something called “White privilege”. So the bad guys become Whites, heterosexuals, Christians and, worst of all, White Christian males.
About a year ago, I was in Calgary at a sports bar. I got talking to the waiter, a good looking young man who hailed from Ottawa. I asked him about himself. He told me he got a university degree in Ottawa and had wanted to join the police force. However, he wasn’t accepted. “They weren’t looking for people like me,” he said. I asked him to elaborate. He said: “Well, the wrong sex and colour. I guess it’s White privilege.” I heard no hint of irony. He seemed to actually believe that, because he had this “White privilege” thing, he somehow deserved to be a waiter.
I said: “Do you hear what you’re saying? White privilege. You lost out BECAUSE you were White!” I saw the lights go on. For the first time, he saw himself as the victim this minorities-loving system has made of him.
The NATIONAL POST (March 8, 2018) reveals the latest assault on White, heterosexual Christians
Paul Fromm

Canadian schools facing blowback for ‘white privilege’ awareness campaigns

Both a B.C. school district and an Ontario university ran poster campaigns trying to make students aware of their privilege

‘Check your privilege’ posters at UOIT in Oshawa.Jack Boland/Toronto Sun/Postmedia Network

Two Canadian educational institutions this week faced blowback for campaigns intended to highlight the racial “privilege” of students.

The University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) put up posters encouraging students to “check their privilege” using a list of privileges such as “Christian,” “White,” “Heterosexual” and “Male.”

Meanwhile, B.C.’s School District 74 put up posters featuring school administration officials highlighting their own encounters with racism and privilege.

In one, district superintendent Teresa Downs stands next to a quote reading, “I have unfairly benefitted from the colour of my skin. White privilege is not acceptable.”

In another, district principal of Aboriginal education Tammy Mountain appears next to the quote, “I have felt racism. Have you?”

In the case of UOIT, the posters appear to have been quickly taken down after attracting online scorn.

“I fit the bill for almost every single category yet the promoters have no idea whether or not I’ve had ‘unearned access to social power’ because of this,” wrote one critic on the Facebook page of UOIT Student Life, the department that created the posters. …

In B.C., meanwhile, a local CBC report quoted Kansas Field Allen, a parent who had taken to Facebook to complain that by encouraging students to be extra cognizant of racial identity, the School District 74 posters were sowing racial division.

“I’d say 95 per cent of the people are in favour of having the posters taken down, and that’s from all races,” she said.

Online discussions of the posters quickly descended into ugliness. One pro-poster commenter was targeted by private messages reading “it’s hilarious when you talk about white privilege when you walk around with a status card.”

Field Allen, in turn, reported being berated for raising “white racist children.”

White Privilege? — One Fed Up White Woman

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White Privilege? — One Fed Up White Woman


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