Monthly Archives: June 2024

Climate Hysterics’ Hypocrisy

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Climate Hysterics’ Hypocrisy

White Canadians Income, Education Proves “Systemic Racism” A Falsehood

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White Canadians Income, Education Proves “Systemic Racism” A Falsehood

“Student test scores data are generally contrary to the notion that public schools are systemically racist against visible minorities,” the study notes.


“An analysis of educational attainment and economic outcomes shows limited evidence of broad systemic racism in Canadian society, despite what anti-racism activists and the mandate letters from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to his cabinet might insist.”

It is in no way an abstraction to state that our Liberal government’s proclamation of “systemic racism” in Canadian society qualifies as a calculated misnomer. Straight from the horse’s mouth at Statistics Canada arrives an initial piece of evidence:

“Median wage of economic immigrant principal applicants surpasses that of the Canadian population one year after admission.”

“In 2019, applicants of economic categories in 2018 had a median wage of $43,600, 12.4% higher than the Canadian median wage in the same year ($38,800).” 

We begin to speculate on motivation for what amounts to a false assessment from government bodies on the topic of “social equity” in Canadian society. Additional data adds to the theory that “the pot has called the kettle black.”  In fact, it may be fair to say that if systemic racism is endemic in Canada it’s actually being directed at citizens of Anglo-European heritage.

“Data On Education And Wages Don’t Show Systemic Racism In Canada: Study”

“If you take various minority groups, some of them earn more than the white population, some of them earn less. And that’s roughly what you would expect to see if Canada was a society that did not favour the white population.”

What’s up with this, Jagmeet Singh? In June, 2020 the New Democratic Party leader was quoted as saying “I think if you refuse to acknowledge that systemic racism exists, you certainly do not have an open mind to address this issue.”

Yet, if Mr. Singh drilled down on issues relating to immigrant-racialized community education and income, he would discover that Anglophones do not sit atop a “white privilege” totem pole. Why bash these communities regardless?

“If all of our institutions and the way our institutions are set up, set up on this notion that we discriminate against minorities, you would expect to see white people with the highest weekly average earnings.”

“The paper points to weekly earnings of Canadian-born men and women in 2016. White Canadians are at the middle of the pack, earning $1,530 for men and $1,120 for women.”

Well, what do you know? Turns out that whitey is, generally speaking, “your average Joe.” Naturally, that won’t do for the current prime minister of Canada.

In 2020, PM Justin Trudeau stated that “his administration will tackle ‘systemic racism,’ and break down the ‘systemic barriers’ that exclude people of colour from full participation in Canadian life.”

Sounds to CAP as if these folks are doing just as well, if not better, than white Canadians.

Why the vilification? This question has haunted Cultural Action Party [est. 2016] since the day an under-qualified politician darkened the door of the PMO in Ottawa.

Trudeau, Singh, and a host of other politicians have indulged in this practice, including omni-present Liberal MP Ahmed Hussen, a politician who has held more Cabinet files than properly-fitting outfits hanging in Chrystia Freeland’s closet:

“Hate and discrimination have no place in Canada. This is why the Government of Canada will continue to support and advance policies and programs to tackle systemic racism, secure equitable access to justice and healthcare, increase access to education and job training, and promote human rights informed by the lived experiences of peoples and communities.”

Speaking of education, we contrast half-Somalian citizen MP Hussen’s statement with a quote from a recent article published by the National Post:

“40 Canadian university professors have recommended to the House of Commons that Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) policies in federally funded research be abolished.”

“The head of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, which oversees the racial-quota-bound Canada Research Chairs Program, told the committee that he has no plans to stop identity-based hiring, even though its quota for non-white researchers has been surpassed.” 

Bingo. We come to the what should be understood as a pivotal element of the social equity debate in Canada. For effect, we repeat: “has been surpassed.”

After which CAP offer up a fundamental of our thinking. If the racial quota element has been achieved, and the program continues, what message can be extracted? Furthermore, what’s to stop this structure from being replicated in every educational institution across the country?

In this we see the shifting of socio-political tides that we believe constitute the very essence of Liberal-NDP-Trudeau-Singh politics in Canada.

It is not equality, but surpassment, that motivate the political powers that be in  Justin Trudeau’s “no core identity” Canada.

What About European Pride?

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What About European Pride?

In Ireland, Germany, And Japan Locals Fight Back Against Immigrant Crime

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In Ireland, Germany, And Japan Locals Fight Back Against Immigrant Crime






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Ireland, and Europe generally, are suffering an outrageous and preventable wave of murder, rapine, and robbery by immigrants, legal and illegal. Sadly, there are those, including the current Japanese Prime Minister, who want to do to Japan what is happening in Europe and the United States.

The Irish, the Germans, and the Japanese are being forced the invasion of criminal aliens to fight immigration and immigrant-led crime through vigilantism, as if it were San Francisco in 1851 overrun by crime.

Sadly, Japan is going to be experiencing a crime wave similar to what is happening in Europe, led by Muslim and black criminals, because a small minority of the Japanese elite want to remake Japan. This includes the current Prime Minister, Kishida Fumio, below, of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), but the invasion started under the liberal Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ).

The Lying Press in Japan is cheerleading, minimizing the costs of immigration, only telling the story of the joys of diversity. Their lies are so flagrant that now the Lügenpresse is telling the Japanese and the world that Japan is a nation of immigrants. A nation that is now 97.3 percent Japanese, sadly down from 98 percent just a year ago.

Spurred by disputes among Kurds, the bashing intensified, and soon members of the Kurdish community were being bombarded with abusive phone calls and facing xenophobia-fueled demonstrations. However, discrimination remains unjustifiable, regardless of the pretext.

Attacks on Kurds rose prominently in spring 2023, with the spread of social media posts demanding they “get out” and calling them “fake refugees.” This coincided with discussions in the Diet on amendments to Japan’s immigration law aimed at thoroughly enforcing the deportation of undocumented foreigners. Meanwhile, many Kurds who had not won recognition as refugees were being given temporary release from immigration detention centers.

Editorial: It’s Time The Gov’t Said It Loud And Clear: Japan Is Now An Immigrant Nation, Mainichi, May 7, 2024

And the cost of these unruly immigrants, legal and illegal, are to be borne by the Japanese, with the gaijin taking no responsibility to acculturate.

The Oizumi town government has put real effort into smoothing the way for foreigners in the community, such as hiring multilingual staff, publishing newsletters in Portuguese and other languages, providing Japanese language classes in all public primary and junior high schools, and supporting local private Japanese language schools. Moreover, the town has set up “cultural interpretation” programs aiming to introduce Japanese culture and manners, and encouraging participants to pass on the lessons to their family and friends.

One would think that the Kurds would have the courtesy to leave their conflict with Turks and among their own clans at home, but the Mountain Turks bring their conflicts with them.

What was once a harmonious and functioning society is slowly being destroyed by the traitor Kishida. Compare the rioting Kurds with what amounts to crime committed by the Japanese.

Apparently a theme train, a unique Japanese cultural expression, had some Detective Conan, a famous anime series, headrest covers stolen.

Chizu Express has announced its intention to file a police report concerning the theft of pillow covers from the ‘Detective Conan Super Hakuto’.

The company has stated that those who return the stolen pillow covers will not be targeted in the report and has requested for the items to be returned via mail.

The ‘Detective Conan Super Hakuto’ is an express train connecting the Keihanshin area and Kurayoshi in approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes. It commenced operations on December 3, 2023. The train is themed after ‘Detective Conan’, whose creator, Gosho Aoyama, hails from Tottori Prefecture. As such, streets, stations, and airports named after ‘Detective Conan’ elements have been established.

Chizu Express Files Police Report for Theft of ‘Detective Conan Super Hakuto’ Pillow Covers,Traicy, April 24, 2024

You can bet that some of the thieves, more likely otakus than Kurds, will turn themselves in out of shame and embarrassment. Though, thinking about it, I can see an organized group of Kurds stealing these headrest covers deliberately to sell more than I see this many Japanese stealing so many of anything.

This has never happened before on any other themed train, so I will blame the Mountain Turks until I see evidence otherwise. Or perhaps it was other gaijin than Kurds; they as a group are not into anime. Could be blacks like Johnny Somali or other annoying gaijin.

But the stereotype is true: foreigners like Kurds, are only a problem and cost to the Japanese. They have so little self-awareness, they must be trained and disciplined at great cost by the Japanese taxpayer.

But the war is on against homogeneous societies, whether it be Ireland or Japan. The Kurds seem to think that it is the Japanese that must adjust to those who are doing the Great Replacement Japan.


Some Japanese are waking up though. The fight is on!

A couple of years ago, Ayako Lawrence had absolutely no interest in politics. But this month she stood in the election for the upper house of Japan’s Diet as the candidate for Sanseito, a new and rapidly expanding political party that shocked analysts by grabbing a remarkable 1.76 million votes and its first seat in parliament.

Those same observers were particularly taken aback that Sanseito’s policy platforms—extremely conservative, anti-globalist, anti-immigration, in favour  of a complete rewrite of the constitution and sharply increased defence spending—found such a firm following with the electorate, especially younger voters.

The party’s policies have drawn parallels with those of the “America First” campaign laid out by Donald Trump in the run-up to the 2016 US elections.

What’s Behind The Rise Of Japan’s Sanseito, A Far-Right Party That Loves Trump And Hates Immigration?, by Julian Ryall, South China Morning Post, July 25, 2022

White Privilege & Other Lies We’ve Been Told

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So Diversity Is Our Greatest Strength?

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So Diversity Is Our Greatest Strength?

The Camp of the Saints Is the Here and Now

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The Camp of the Saints Is the Here and Now

by Paul Craig Roberts | Jun 6, 2024 | 7 comments

Paul Craig Roberts – June 3, 2024

Did you know that Boston, Massachusetts — Brahmin Boston — has a 36 year old Chinese woke female as mayor? What else do you need to know about the speed at which white America is disappearing?

As far as I can tell, there is no White Anglo-Saxon protestant male or female in any top position in the Biden regime. Wherever you look in America, you see “diversity” among mayors, state attorney generals, police chiefs, university presidents, corporate executives, government officials. Many of these officials have been brought up on propaganda that white people are racist exploiters. Can these diverse officials with powerful positions be relied upon to use their positions without discriminating against demonized white people?

Back to Mayor Wu. The British Daily Mail–apparently the US media avoid this type of news–reports that Mayor WU wants to follow San Francisco’s practice and decriminalize black crime. The woke mayor wants to exclude from criminal prosecution shoplifting, receiving stolen property, breaking and entering of property, wanton and malicious destruction of property, and distribution of drugs. Mayor Wu also wants the Boston police’s gang database closed. It is discriminatory to know who the criminals are. They are the wrong color.

Last Christmas Mayor Wu organized a Christmas party but only for non-whites.

There you have it. White America is already displaced. Who displaced it? The White morons themselves. They elected Wu, the San Francisco crazies, the New York ones, the Minneapolis, Chicago, Seattle, and Fulton County Georgia ones, and so on, and white people stood aside while Democrats stole elections. “Oh, we mustn’t say elections were stolen. That would reflect badly on our country.”

Why are white people motivated to defend Ukrainians and Israelis but not themselves?

How do we avoid the realization that white Americans are an unprotected species?

The Dispossessed British Majority: Results of the Invasion — Change the Demographics, You Change the Culture

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The Dispossessed British Majority: Results of the Invasion — Change the Demographics, You Change the Culture

Racial Realities

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Some illegal border crossers receive $224 in food and accommodation per day while awaiting processing

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Some illegal border crossers receive $224 in food and accommodation per day while awaiting processing

[Look at these figures: 42,386 illegals are each collecting $224 per day for food and lodging courtesy of the Canadian taxpayer as they await adjudication of their queue jumping “refugee” claim. ““The NDP-Liberal government is giving TEN TIMES the benefits to illegal border jumpers than it is giving to help Canadian seniors! DISGRACEFUL!” says Conservative MP Lianne Rood. For 30 years, Canada First has advocated that NO ONE should be allowed to show up in Canada and claim refugee status while feasting off the Canadian taxpayer. All immigration and refugee applications should be made to Canadian embassies and consulates and vetted abroad. If and ONLY if they qualify, should the applicants be admitted to Canada. — Paul Fromm, Director]

At the end of 2023, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada recorded 42,387 pending refugee claims by irregular border crossers

Tristin Hopper

Published May 13, 2024  •  3 minute read


Border crossers
This file photo taken on Aug. 20, 2017 shows a cab dropping off a couple of asylum seekers at the U.S./Canada border near Champlain, N.Y. At the end of 2023, the IRCC recorded 42,387 pending refugee claims by irregular border crossers. Photo by Geoff Robins /AFP / Getty Images

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As the number of Canada’s refugee claimants hits new highs, a Conservative MP has revealed that Ottawa budgets about $224 per day to feed and house some foreigners who claim asylum after illegally entering the country.

Last week, Conservative MP Lianne Rood uploaded documents to social media showing the government’s answer to her question about what “goods and services” are provided to foreigners who have claimed asylum in Canada — but have not yet had their applications reviewed by immigration authorities.

The average accommodation cost is “$140 per night per room,” and the average cost for meals is “$84 per day per claimant” — for a total of $224 per claimant, per day.

And the per diem cost may go even higher once factoring in the other “essential items” provided for free to claimants, including “toiletries, medicines, diapers.”

“Claimants in IRCC operated hotels, regardless of how they entered Canada, are provided with accommodations and meals once they are relocated,” read the official answer to Rood, signed by Paul Chiang, parliamentary secretary to the minister of diversity and inclusion.

“The NDP-Liberal government is giving TEN TIMES the benefits to illegal border jumpers than it is giving to help Canadian seniors! DISGRACEFUL!” wrote Rood in an accompanying caption to a May 7 post on X uploading the document.

As of the most recent figures by the IRCC, there are 156,032 pending asylum claims before the agency — although not all of them are in Canada and living within an IRCC hotel.

With many asylum seekers overwhelming municipally run shelters, the Trudeau government recently began the Interim Housing Assistance Program to “provide limited temporary accommodations for claimants who otherwise would not have a place to shelter.”

In November the program operated 3,800 rooms across Canada, housing approximately 7,000 claimants at a total annual cost of $557 million.

Rood’s question had been in regards to a specific category of asylum seeker referred to in federal circles as “irregular border crossers.” This is someone who entered Canada illegally before making an inland asylum claim. In official IRCC parlance, an irregular border crosser entered Canada “between official ports of entry.”

And in that category, pending claims are at historic highs. At the end of 2023, the IRCC recorded 42,387 pending refugee claims by irregular border crossers.

In just the last three months of 2023, 2,145 people made an asylum claim in Canada after illegally entering the country — an average of one every hour.

In that same three-month period, authorities would only process 4,139 cases out of a pre-existing queue of 44,000; 3,188 of which were accepted as official refugees, with the other 951 either rejected, withdrawn or abandoned.

The intake has stayed high despite the fact that the Trudeau government closed the infamous Roxham Road border crossing in March 2023.

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For six years, the rural Quebec location had been a conduit for more than 100,000 illegal border crossers. On the southern side, U.S. bus companies ran dedicated services for foreigners seeking to enter Canada and claim asylum. On the northern side, the RCMP spent millions to erect semi-permanent structures to process the influx.

Although Canada could have unilaterally closed the Roxham Road crossing at any time (as it did for several months during the COVID-19 pandemic), the Trudeau government waited until the U.S. had approved a minor modification to the Safe Third Country Agreement to start turning away irregular border crossers.

Regardless, 8,131 irregular border crossers entered Canada in the immediate three months after the Roxham Road closure — a rate higher than almost any point in the six years when the crossing was open.

Since the federal government first started keeping tabs on irregular border crossers in early 2017, 39,643 have been approved as official refugees to 22,611 who have been rejected — a ratio of roughly one rejected claimant for every two who had their case approved by IRCC.