Tag Archives: anti-White discrimination
CIBC Bank corner of 41st & Victoria in Vancouver B.C……….….
A call to the bank is answered in English and then Chinese. Shows whom the bank thinks is more important. |
Nairobi-born Black hates Canada, won’t quit complaining
“To be a black Muslim woman in Toronto is to feel deep isolation, the result of omnipresent systemic anti-black, patriarchal and Islamophobic discrimination… forces that torment me and members of my community… and so two months ago I tweeted, “Plz Allah give me strength not to cuss/kill these men and white folks out here today… Our lives are plagued by institutional and individual anti-black racism that compromises our access to safety, economic freedom, proper health care, food, housing, employment, education and culturally restorative support services. To be black in this city is to fight to survive.” – (emphasis added) – Yusra Khogali, co-founder of “Black Lives Matter Toronto” (1).
That was very kind of Yusra, backing off from killing us and all that, and I must admit that I sometimes feel rather like killing something myself after spending a few minutes reading rabid, anti-White garbage like this in the Toronto “Red” Star. But read it I must, if I am to stay fully aware of the dangers we face, and as White Europeans throughout the world are vilified and prepared for multicultural genocide by the likes of Ms. Khogali.
It is also worth noting that while such language as Ms. Khogali used in her Tweet would carry a very real risk of investigation and the possible laying of “hate” charges if uttered by a White person, members of privileged minorities can apparently say such things and walk away completely unscathed by our massive, publically-funded “human rights” industries.
Perhaps a clue to her astonishing viewpoint of bemused White readers as “racist” and “privileged” can be found in the background information at the foot of her column – “Yusra Khogali, co-founder of Black Lives Matter Toronto, is a community organizer, anti-racism educator and black feminist poet. She is also a graduate student at the University of Toronto pursuing a master’s in Social Justice Education.”
Her Facebook page (2) tells us that “She is a daughter of the sudanese diaspora by ancestry, born in nairobi, but a toronto bred and based black feminist…”, (lack of capitalization in original), and that “Yusra believes in the self determination of black peoples lives globally and all her artistic resistance and activism, education and community organizing is dedicated to die fighting for this.
“For Inquiries about performance requests, you may contact me via email: yusra.ali.k@gmail.com.”
Oh my! Is her being “dedicated to die fighting” conditional upon how many “performance requests” she receives, and how remunerative they are? I can’t help finding the juxtaposition of these two statements rather bizarre…
Her commercial professionalism could perhaps account for her fine turns of phrase, such as “omnipresent systemic anti-black, patriarchal and Islamophobic discrimination”, which certainly leaves very little to the imagination. And in the hands of the police, ordinary firearms suddenly become “violent weaponry”, perhaps a stereotypical insinuation about the police themselves, and of the remarkable ability of firearms to acquire, perhaps through some form of ideological osmosis, the deplorable racial attitudes of those to whom they have been issued.
It would seem that at least one person is not appreciative of Ms. Khogali’s gratuitous representation (FB copy-and-paste today): One Yoruba Kiniun had this to say at 10:19am this morning – “If you are going to speak on our behalf then make sure you’re not retarded. Otherwise you are just making it harder for the people you claim to be an advocate for, while at the same time empowering the devils of this world. And if you’re going to spit some retarded shit, then at least own it instead resorting to Whataboutery 101. Been trying to stave off the glad bigoted hordes since your likkle tweet came out to the light of day. Thanks heffa.” I have no idea what “heffa” means, but the overall message seems clear enough.
Another co-founder of Black Lives Matter Toronto is one Sandra “Sandy” Hudson, who has very recently achieved fame and glory by finding herself and two alleged accomplices sued by the University of Toronto Students’ Union, regarding the circumstances under which she received no less than $277,508.00 as a severance deal after being employed by them for only 2 1/2 years (3).
Note: The news story describes her as a member of Black Lives Matter Toronto, not as a co-founder, but she is introduced as a co-founder in an interview written by Carolyn Turgeon of Daily Brew posted on April 8th this year (4), and in other places on the internet.
Although this matter is before the courts, and nothing has been proven or disproven as yet, the news item does tell us that despite her managerial position, she claimed 1,975 hours of overtime on April 1, 2015, having never recorded or claimed any overtime up to that point.
According to the claim by the Student’s Union, as reported by the Toronto Sun, “She filed for all the overtime the day after an election was held to choose the next executive committee… The deal was reached on April 16, 2015, and the two defendants who allegedly signed off were both leaving their posts at the end of the month.”
It will be interesting to see how that works out…
Getting back to my own opinions, I have never approved of mixing the races together, as the inborn cultural, religious and biological differences between the races inevitably cause stress and strife, and there can be no winners. This doesn’t do people like me any good, and has at least once driven Ms. Khogali to the point that she needed to appeal to her deity for the strength to not go out and start killing White people.
And as a White European Christian, I find it offensive and unacceptable that “traditional Canadians”, (you know, the people who built this country), are greatly discriminated against, particularly when it comes to government employment. In my post “Ottawa will not move on racist, anti-White hiring practices” (5) posted on August 10th, 2012, I had this to say:
“Legalised anti-White racial discrimination is solidly built into our national fabric, so if Prime Minister Harper thinks he can solve the problem simply by ordering that there be no more race-specific postings for federal job openings, then he mistakes re-arranging the deck chairs for avoiding the iceberg.
“In addition to the legal and constitutional barriers to equality for all, is the leftist, ‘politically correct’ mindset adopted by liberals, unions, religious denominations, and all of the other usual suspects, plus an astonishing culture of ‘entitlement’ which gives unrealistically high expectations to aboriginals and minorities, and can result in violence and property damage if these bloated expectations remain unfulfilled.
“In the meantime, a white person from Newfoundland, whose family history in the New World goes back 400 years or more, must take second place to a recently-arrived third-worlder, whose ancestors have contributed precisely nothing to this country.
“‘Human rights industry’ activists are so deeply entrenched in government personnel departments that the only way to bring a halt to this all-pervasive and viciously anti-White racist discrimination is to pass legislation expressly forbidding it… Anything less than that is a complete waste of time.”
And in “Canada’s racial and cultural problems” (6) posted on Jan. 26th, 2011, I had this to say:
“Minorities are given preference in hiring regardless of qualifications, and are provided with free legal services by ‘human rights’ commissions to whom intent is meaningless and the truth irrelevant. As a union officer, I often saw ‘human rights’ complaints being filed simply as a backup to the grievance procedure.”
As I see it, this can all come together in creating an all-consuming culture of entitlement, accompanied by greed, inefficiency, and juvenile power-tripping on the part of the delighted recipients.
This is a thoroughly unnatural situation, and must be attended to before White anger and resentment spills over into a “market correction” which may well be accompanied by violence and the beginnings of very real “hatred” which could take generations to subside.
Let’s hope our multi-cultural, politically correct politicians back off and “get real” before things become any worse than they are right now…
Jeff Goodall.
(1) – Read “I was vilified for telling the truth about racism in Toronto” here.
(2) – See Yusra Khogali’s Facebook page here.
(3) – Read “Black Lives Matter member sued for severance deal” here.
(4) – Read “Q&A with Sandy Hudson, co-founder of Black Lives Matter Toronto” here.
(5) – Read “Ottawa will not move on racist, anti-White hiring practices” here.
(6) – Read “Canada’s racial and cultural problems” here.
And, see the University of Toronto Students’ Union ‘Statement of Claim’ against Sandra Hudson and two others on the studentunion.ca website here.
This entry was posted on Sunday, April 10th, 2016 at 4:54 pm and is filed under Canadian Interest, Culture of Entitlement, Human Rights Industry / Free Speech / “Hate”, Perils Of Diversity, Reference & Background Material. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.