Tag Archives: Canadian Nationalist Front

Immigration Reformers Mass on Quebec-U.S. Border to Protest Invasion by Illegals

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Immigration Reformers Mass on Quebec-U.S. Border to Protest Invasion by Illegals  

Immigration reformers from Ontario and Quebec gathered at the unprotected (after 34 months of invasion) Canada-U.S. border at Lacolle, Quebec to protest the influx of Trudeau-enabled illegals. Many groups, including associates of the Yellow Vests, la Muete, the Canadian Nationalist Party, the Canada First Immigration Reform Committee and the Canadian Nationalist Front attended. Several Mohawks joined the protest. There was a sea of Red Ensigns and Quebec fleur de lys blue flags.


The protest was peaceful because the masked violent antifa failed to show up.

Kevin Goudreau of the Canadian Nationalist Front  reports: “I attended protest at Lacolle Quebec border crossing yesterday, police closed off a lane from the border for us and we literally slowed down immigration for a few hours with about 100 protesters from Ontario and Quebec.”