Tag Archives: DIVERSITY

Coming to Europe and North America with the Third World Rivers of blood: Streets of Dhaka turn red after Eid animal sacrifices (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

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Coming to Europe and North America with the Third World

Rivers of blood: Streets of Dhaka turn red after Eid animal sacrifices (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

© Amir Hossain
The streets of Dhaka, Bangladesh have turned into ‘rivers of blood’ after floodwaters absorbed the bloody effluent from animal sacrifices marking the Islamic celebration of Eid al-Adha.

Thousands of sheep, goats and cows are slaughtered as part of the annual Muslim holiday marking the end of Dhu al-Hiijah and their meat is traditionally distributed to the poor. However, heavy rain on Tuesday, combined with the city’s poor drainage, has resulted in highly unsanitary conditions.

Images and videos shared online show the shocking scene as residents try to get on with their day-to-day lives despite the bloodied waters around them.

The conditions didn’t stop people from attending mosque and continuing with the sacrifices, according to India Today.

Khandker Millatul Islam, deputy chief waste management official from Dhaka South City Corporation, said that waterlogging has been a problem for a long time and that the corporation was working to resolve the issue.

Citizens have criticized the clean-up efforts of the two city corporations. The agencies in turn accuse residents of using areas close to their homes for sacrifices instead of the locations designated for the religious activity.

The two city corporations designated 1,000 areas – 496 in the north and 504 in the south – for slaughtering animals. However, locals say they were not aware of the selected sacrifice sites as there was not enough done prior to the festival to spread awareness.

READ MORE: 180,000 Muslims celebrate ‘Feast of Sacrifice’ in Moscow (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

“Last year the city corporations launched a mass campaign to encourage people to use the designated spots and that caught our eyes. I went to a spot in Mohammadpur last year, but this year, I don’t even know where the spots actually are,” one resident told The Dhaka Tribune.

Other people pointed out that the chosen spots were too far from their homes.

Eid celebrations began Monday and continue until Thursday. The religious festival is also known as the Feast of Sacrifice and commemorates the Prophet Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son to Allah.


20 Degenerate “Cultures” That Have Formed The Dystopia We’re Living In

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20 Degenerate “Cultures” That Have Formed The Dystopia We’re Living In

Enjoy the freak show while it lasts

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Welcome to the depraved new world. Forget the books and movies, because you’re already living in a dystopia. Take a moment to familiarize yourself with the following progressive cultures of our society that will show you what a wonderful world we now live in.

1. Victim Culture


Victim culture is the mother of all other social insanity that we are witnessing today.

But being a victim today is not without its perks. In one victim package you get: attention, sympathy, ego-boost, the right to censor other people, the right to attack people with impunity, freedom from criticism, financial support from the government and moronic sympathizers, an elevated status, plus other privileges. It’s no wonder so many people today are scrambling to claim their own victim status lest they find themselves at a disadvantage.

And if you ever wonder why these professional victims are so aggressive, you have to understand that victim playing is a zero-sum game where the winner is the biggest loser. There is only so much prize to be won and far too many competitors to play nice. Anyone who engages in victim Olympics must shove their opponents off the stage lest they lose the spotlight.

2. PC Culture

You know you’re living in a dystopia when cry-babies are policing your language.

We live in a toxic PC culture with an unprecedented level of control being imposed upon our daily lives.

While some of the most repulsive men and women are free to roam around naked in gay pride parades and slutwalks, scientist Matt Taylor was bullied until he apologized in tears for wearing a ‘sexist’ shirt his female friend made for him as a gift. And that’s just one of many examples of the politically correct terrorism we’re witnessing on a daily basis.

The most frightening aspect is that there is no knowing what you’ll be guilty of until it happens, for the PC police is always on the lookout for new things to get offended by and new ways to ruin your life. You are to conform and submit in fear, not knowing when or where the next blow will come.

3. “Rape Culture” Culture

raperate1Number of rapes has been free-falling while rape hysteria and false rape accusations are soaring.

Spreading lies about the “rape culture” is vital for the feminists to propagate their narrative of eternal victimhood. You can tell how obsessed they are with maintaining this fantasy with the way they spend more time bitching about it than doing anything to solve it, even going as far as shutting down police campaigns to prevent them.

4. Hypersensitivity Culture


In our infantilized society, just about everything is offensive and triggering. It can be anything from Halloween costumesa priest in a robepro-Trump messages scrawled with chalkdiffering opinions, to the word “upset.”

I’m surprised that social justice cowards are even able to muster up the courage to scream at people’s faces while they themselves have to snap their fingers because clapping is too triggering.

5. Shameless Culture

Giving tips on self-improvement? “Stop shaming me into marriage! I want to play my video games!”

Imagine yourself as an obese woman with no self-discipline. Do you:

A) Decide to be healthy by eating right and working out.


B) Bitch at everyone to accept you for who you are and call them fat-shamers if they gag in disgust from looking at your pile of lard.

“A” kind of requires effort, so…

6. Zero-Responsibility Culture

Why am I not surprised to find out that she’s a feminist?

Everyone today is perfect and nothing is ever their fault.

“It’s not my fault I’m fat, It’s my genes.”

“I feel like a slut after having drunk sex with him. It’s not my fault, I must’ve been raped.”

“I can’t attract women because [insert your usual excuse].”

“My life sucks and it’s all because of [select favorite scapegoat: Patriarchy, big government, evil white men, feminists, discrimination, Obama, etc.].”

7. Sexual Deviancy Culture

351228_toronto festival

Sodom and Gomorrah had nothing compared to the sexual degeneracy of today. Now with homosexuality normalized and transsexuality also going mainstream, the door as flung open for all other sexual degeneracy to follow. Expect more furries, bestiality, pedophilia, and other biology-defying sexual deviance in the near future.

8. “Empowerment” Culture

Feminist terror movement needs government force like fish needs water.

“Empowerment” is a code word for all the losers who desperately need to compensate for their insecurities. The truth is that the only way these leaches are able to “empower” themselves is by shoving others down while sucking off society’s sympathy and resources.

9. Oppressor Guilt Culture

“I’m so sorry for being white, just please don’t call me a racist again!”

When the victims start oppressing their “oppressors,” the wimps among them will break down and start feeling guilty for their very existence.

10. “I’m Disgusting, So I’ll Bring Everyone Else Down To My Level” Culture

Feminist role model for today’s dumb and shallow American girls. The future certainly looks sparkling.

When feminists can’t improve themselves (which is always), they need to start poisoning everyone and everything around them. This is especially prominent among the sluts who feel the need to turn all other decent women into drunken whores. Go to a feminist site like Jezebel and you’ll see how they openly teach women to corrupt themselves.

11. Special Snowflake Culture

“Look! I dyed my hair blue and got retarded tattoos, now I’m unique and special like the other attention-whores!”

Everyone is so unique and special like everyone else, and we have to respect their individuality no matter how stupid and repulsive they are. If you don’t have any real accomplishments to speak of, your self-perceived uniqueness is the next best thing.

12. “You Can Be Anything You Want” Culture


If you’re still innocent enough to think that male and female are the only sex identities, consider yourself spared. You’ll be surprised to know that we now have a dozen or more different types of sexual identities (I lost track of them after trans-whatever), along with other batshit made-up identities. Our world has gone completely insane with mentally sick individuals coming up with new ways to identify themselves just to see how low they can go.

13. Infantilized Culture

Adults in New York paying up to $1000 to be in preschool again.

It’s not just the cry-babies in colleges who are infantilized, but the adults as well. This sort of degeneracy, along with the others on this list, only seem to be prevalent in large cities, which is why I now refuse to live in one.

14. Diversity For The Sake Of Diversity Culture

Excellent photoshop job by the Canadian Socialist Republic’s Ministry of Truth.

Everything, everyone, and every space must now be enforced enriched with diversity, which is our strength (whatever that means)—everything except our political opinions, of course.

15. Go Cry To The Authorities Culture

Nothing says strong and independent woman like crying to the UN for help.

Want to make easy money? Play professional victim and beg people to crowd fund you.

Is someone making fun of you on Twitter? Whine about sexism and get him censored or fired from his job.

Want to get back at your ex-lover? Cry rape and get him kicked out of school or jailed without a shred of evidence. Even if he doesn’t get convicted, his life will still be ruined.

16. Nanny-State Culture


The professional whiners of today complain that they even have to go cry to the government to receive the pampering they seek. They believe Big Brother should turn the entire society into a giant safe space while being spoiled with freebies until they die.

17. Knee-Jerk Hostility Culture

When identity-politics gets out of control, people start to develop knee-jerk reaction to those who they consider their enemies:

White male? “Your opinions are worthless, cis-scum. Go kill yourself.”

Skin colour is a shade browner than an Ivory soap? “Filthy muslim kebab, wait till we exterminate you.”

Not excited about having multiculturalism and pansexuality shoved down your throat?“You ignorant, Nazi piece of shit! Intolerant assholes like you need to disappear from the world!”

Not enthusiastic about putting anyone left of Pinochet into gas chambers? “I’m going to punch your mouth you cultural-Marxist filth! Calm down? Don’t try to censor me you Leftist faggot!”

18. The “-ist” Culture


Person A: “Oh, you’re just a _____-ist, so your opinions are invalid.”

Person B: “Shut up, _____-ist! You’re just delusional.”

19. Labeling People With Political Mental Illness Culture


Not only are the patients running the asylum, but they’re also diagnosing YOU with mental illness.

“You don’t like gay Muslims? Since I’m a doctor with a PhD in Social Justice, I’m going to diagnose you with homophobia and islamophobia. My treatment is going to be to shame you for your mental illness you until you shut up.”

20. Emasculation Culture

Emasculation of men starts early in today’s America with feckless parents who enable it.

When feminists, government, and the entire culture is harping for female empowerment at the expense of men, the result should be obvious: the systematic emasculation of men at all ages. Today, men are starting to talk like women, more men are turning homosexual, and more of them are changing sex. For the wimps, when it’s too difficult to be a man, it’s far easier to just abandon ship.

The Verdict

Nuke-it-from-OrbitIt’s the only way to be sure.

I realistically don’t see any hope of peaceful return to a patriarchal (or just normal) social order even if Trump becomes dictator for life. Nothing short of violent upheaval will reverse the cultural decay we’re witnessing today. Our society is going on a downward spiral and it can’t burn down fast enough.

Diversity DESTROYS Social Cohesion in the West

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Preview YouTube video Diversity DESTROYS Social Cohesion in the West

Diversity DESTROYS Social Cohesion in the West

Radna Omidvar, Iranian Immigrant from 1981, Scores Big-time: Appointed to Senate by Trudeau

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Radna Omidvar, Iranian Immigrant from 1981, Scores Big-time: Appointed to Senate by Trudeau

I wonder if I emigrated to, say Iran, and spent my time agitating against the interests of the majority of Iranians, would a grateful government hand me a sinecure until age 75 in their Senate and a big expense account to boot?
Somehow, I didn’t think so.
Only in Canada, you say?
Pity for Canadians. –
Paul Fromm



Justin Trudeau Appoints Anti-Anglo Multicult Leader to Senate

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“Chair of Lifeline Syria plans to keep speaking out for immigrants, refugees.”

Of course she does, as Omidvar has built an entire career out of pushing our country to accept as many uneducated, unemployable and non – official language speaking migrants and refugees as possible.
A Toronto woman who has spent more than 30 years fighting to make Canada more inclusive received a call from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau earlier this week.”
More inclusive? Yes, as long as it means making Canadian-born citizens less inclusive.
Omidvar: “When we did our research in Toronto we asked organizations, ‘Why is it that your board still looks like old Canada?
In multicult-speak, “Old Canada” means “White Canada.” The individual is not a fan. Her entire modus operandi has been to disempower “generational” Canadians:
– Diversity Onboard pushes to have Canadians of European heritage removed from  corporate board rooms of our nation, as well as from government positions, to be replaced with third world immigrant Canadians.
– Lifeline Syria takes Canadian tax-payer dollars and hands it to non-Canadians who are not from Syria, and in many cases are not authentic refugees.
“As an expert in immigration, diversity and inclusion, she said she will continue the work she has been doing for decades. That means speaking out for people whose voices have not always been heard.”
Brad: Ratna Omidvar is what Canadians with common sense refer to as a “Professional Refugee.” Her finest skills are moaning and complaining about the so-called domination of Canadians of European heritage. Click on article below to learn why this is a fallacy within Canadian society: 

Douglas Todd: Visible minority women are the most educated people in Canada


“The comprehensive report found that Chinese, Korean, South Asian, Filipino and other visible minority women, especially those with at least one immigrant parent, are among the most highly educated people in Canada.”

Hey Multicult Canada…

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Paul Fromm Skewers Justin Trudeau’s Boast to the One Percenters at Davos that in Canada ‘Diversity is the Engine of Creativity’

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Paul Fromm Skewers Justin Trudeau’s Boast to the One Percenters at Davos that in Canada ‘Diversity is the Engine of Creativity’

On diversity:

Diversity is Cancer

Testimony From a Land Being Invaded: German Woman Describes Living With Diversity — Crime, Vulgarity and Hostility

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Testimony From a Land Being Invaded: German Woman Describes Living With Diversity — Crime, Vulgarity and Hostility


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Canadian Cities as “Hubs of Diversity”: Part I

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Canadian Cities as “Hubs of Diversity”: Part I
by Ricardo Duchesne

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Kerry Starchuk

Afew days ago the Canadian Race Relations Foundation sent an invitation to Kerry Starchuk to “two very important events” being hosted by this organization in the Greater Vancouver Area. The first event, “The Urban Agenda Vancouver. Creating a Great City of Communities”, is taking place at UBC Robson Square on January 19, 2016. The second one, “Richmond Living Together Symposium”, is taking place in Richmond, on January 21.

These two events, and other similar ones, have been occasioned by a need to reinforce among Vancouver residents the blessings of diversity in response to the dissenting actions of Kerry Starchuk, a fourth-generation resident of Richmond, which is sometimes identified as a city itself, or as part of “greater” Vancouver, against the usage of Chinese-only signs in businesses.

Starchuk has drawn local, national, and even international media attention. She is not a designated speaker at any of these events, but is expected to sit and listen to officially approved diversity ideologues. I will be writing about these two “very important events” in Part II.

I have spoken to Kerry a few times, and she is extremely upset and psychologically depressed about the way Asian immigration has ransacked the Anglo identity of Richmond. Her questioning of Chinese-only business signs poses no threat, and yet it has frightened the establishment for fear that her objections may open the door to a groundswell of discontent against the impending marginalization of Anglo-Europeans in Vancouver.

She has been an keen eye witness to an extreme demographic shift in Richmond, from a congenial and harmonious British city to a crass immigrant land-lot plastered with ugly Chinese commercial signs in just a matter of three decades. The Chinese proportion of the population has grown from 34% in 1996, 40% in 2001 and 45% in 2006, to 47% in 2011, and still rising. Overall, more than 70 per cent of Richmond’s population is currently categorized as a “visible minority”. The 30 percent White residents are still categorized as the “majority” and in need of learning to cope with diversity. 

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Journalists have flown in from places such as South Korea, Germany and Japan to spend days with Kerry Starchuk, to talk about the dramatic demographic changes occurring in Richmond, B.C.

Community Engagement: Language on Commercial Signs

What she, along with other and Richmond residents, has been pursuing in the last few years is a simple bylaw requiring English-only signage. But a few months ago, May 2015, Richmond Mayor Malcolm said there would be no language by-law. Instead there would be “education programs” “to facilitate community harmony”. The “two very important events” are a continuation of this effort. A preceding first effort, “Community Engagement: Language on Signage”, took place on March 2015, organized directly by the City of Richmond, described in the official website as “a multi-pronged outreach and education campaign to explore the issue of language on signs in the context of community harmony”. 

This workshop is worth examining in some detail. Innocuous a gathering as it may appear, a mere local affair, it is actually a salient embodiment of the ruling ideology of our times across the West. 

The workshop “presentation” is totally committed to further diversification, with the signage issue turned into an opportunity to “enhance intercultural harmony and co-operation in Richmond”. In order to make Richmond “the most appealing, liveable and well-managed community in Canada”, the presentation states that Richmond citizens need “to better incorporate a value for and understanding of diversity into all its planning and services.” Never mind that every other town and city in Canada has exactly the same mandate, celebrating each city as “unique in its diversity,” while making everyone feel that this is what all Canadians are doing, what is normal everywhere else. Every inhabitant ofevery city in Canada is being told that diversification is a unique component of their city’s vitality; making it the “most appealing and liveable” city. Not just in Canada, but in every country in the Western world. 

Richmond residents will be educated to have “pride in and respect for diverse heritages and traditions”. Be assured that this is primarily directed at White residents; the whole workshop, after all, was occasioned by the Anglo residents in Richmond who objected to Chinese-only signs. Richmond is already 50 percent homogeneously Chinese, and over 70 percent Asian, and the objective is to encourage the remaining White minority to accept the further expansion of Asian residents in Richmond. This is why the mandate looks to the future and speaks in terms of making Richmond “the most welcoming, inclusive and harmonious community in Canada”. 

There is stuff about “inter-faith dialogue” and, of course, about natives, with a brilliant new idea to hold “the first National Aboriginal Day Celebration at City Hall”. Natives are now regularly exploited as mascots by diversity promoters. 

There are two videos; in the first one we see the participants, mostly Whites and Chinese, with a few other Asians. They are all adults. Everyone gives pre-packaged answers, everyone is an agreeable participant in the diversity project; they are all “accepting” people; it is all about making diversity “work.” No one in the audience actually debates the merits of immigration or diversity itself. Whites are expected to be “accepting” about this “intercultural” state of affairs. This is why the new lingo of these promoters is “dialogue”, not “debate”, as we will see in more detail in Part II. 

Debating, a singularly Western trait, the spirit of inquiry, questioning, not accepting the claims of powerful elites, is now deemed by academics and leftist bureaucrats as too disruptive and not conducive to “community harmony”. These are the same arguments elites made in Communist and Nazi controlled societies. 

The second video consists of pro-diversity answers about Richmond and the signage issue. Most of the respondents are non-White, and they all love diversity; some say it might be a good idea to add English in the Chinese-only signs, but the fact that Richmond originally an Anglo community and is undergoing a radical demographic transformation with no end in sight, is not even an issue. Everyone interviewed was a conformist or a minority enjoying multicultural welfare. Diversity is great, and it does not matter if it means less Whites, that is the objective. One Asian in the video is sympathetic to the presence of Chinese-only signs, for, after all, she noticed that this “community” is mostly Chinese; so why should non-Chinese immigrants expects the Chinese majority not to use only their language? 

This is the “ideas board”: 

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This is what politics among adults in Canada has been reduced to; child like images and child like slogans interpreted as “ideas” — all amounting to the acceptance of mass immigration and the displacement of Whites from their homelands.

Artistic Rendition of Canadian/Western Values

There is an “artistic rendition of workshop discussion,” which is even more revealing in capturing all the central tenets, feelings, and cliches of the diversity regimen. This work of “art” is the front image for this article, which can be foundhere. According to this artist, “community harmony” was agreed upon by the participants, and by this they meant “multiple sounds”, “empathy”, “inclusive”, “capacity for difference”, “understanding before judgment”, “addressing racism”, “multiculturalism”. These values are inherently inclusive and everyone agrees that they are good; capacity for difference does mean a capacity to think whether diversity may be entailing the radical dissolution of Eurocanadian communities, whether Richmond was already harmonious and democratic before the Asian invasion. 

No, it means a capacity to accept the dissolution of Canadian communities, to accept on your knees millions of immigrants, their different customs, languages, even if this brings an Asian ethnic majority in many cities in Canada. One of the values stressed in this workshop is “good conversation” and “shared vision”; sharing, that is, the diversity vision, and talking about issues in a way that is not disruptive, through amicable dialogue, amicable acceptance of the goals. 

There is “rendition” of questions about assimilation: should new immigrants assimilate the same way Eurocanadians did, learning the English language? I am sure there were participants in this harmonious workshop with queries, comments about what exactly multiculturalism entails; does it mean retaining one’s culture, or do new immigrants assimilate to “Canadian values”? But in reality this question is deservedly on the margins of the artistic rendition, since “Canadians values” have already been predefined by the harmonizers as “multiculturalism”, “respect” for “difference”, for the Chinese language. 

“How do we learn from other ethnic leaders?” It is a done deal: Diversity = Canada, and it means accepting it, and those who want to debate the principles will not be tolerated, accepted, included in the workshop, but instead will be labelled as beyond the pale of acceptable dialogue, ostracized in the most damaging ways, with labels intended to avoid any discussion with them. 

This artistic rendition sums up the entire philosophical outlook dominating the West today. It is the same view Justin Trudeau continually voices when he says that Canada is not really a nation but a place in which humans from multiple cultures around the world hold the same common values of diversity, tolerance, and inclusiveness. It is the view every leader of the West, be they socialist, liberal, or conservative, expresses whenever they make a general statement about their most deeply held beliefs as leaders of their countries.

Paul Fromm — “The Case Against Immigration”

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Paul Fromm — “The Case Against Immigration”

https://youtu.be/Preview YouTube video Canada First Immigration Committee

Canada First Immigration Committee