Tag Archives: Moslems

There Is a Race War in France (Even If Whites Aren’t Fighting

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There Is a Race War in France (Even If Whites Aren’t Fighting)Andrew Anglin • June 30, 2023 • 1,500 Words • 539 CommentsReplyTweetRedditShareShare9EmailPrintMore9 Shares RSS

At some point, the chickens come home to roost. That is an eternal truth.

All of these immigrants that white people have agreed to flood their countries with are going to roost mercilessly. The brown folk, the refuse of the world who we wanted to play daddy to, are harrowing and apocalyptic chickens.

In France, the reckoning has come. https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?dnt=true&embedId=twitter-widget-

A collection of clips from Thursday night. Just to give you a general idea of what is going down.

Earlier this week, the cops killed some Arab “youth” who was “fleeing the scene of a traffic stop.” His mother filmed it, and demanded a revolution, and the collective brown population obliged her.

A revolution they have now.

Though the riots center around the suburb of Nanterre, the entire city is on fire, in what can no longer be called “riots.” The immigrants are killing cops and seizing their weapons. This is now a war.

Of course, this is the age of total censorship, so we can’t really confirm what is happening on the group, beyond what we see on video. (And even with the video, I highly expect fake video to be put out – video from another event – and then debunked, so as to make people believe that all the real video is also fake.)

The global Jewish media is largely refusing to comment, showing only pre-approved clips, and pushing the narrative that this is France’s George Floyd. It is very similar to George Floyd, in that it is a dumb race hoax drummed up by the media to push hatred and violence against whites.

But the Moslems in France are not like American blacks. They are, instead, capable of a high level of organization. The blacks will just do violence because it is personally fun, they will loot for personal profit. They do not have a collective agenda, and even if they did, they couldn’t organize it.

The Arabs in France have the clear goal of conquering France and forcing whites to submit to them. What’s more, there are quite a few blacks in France, and even if the Arabs can’t really organize their violence, they can control the chaos that the blacks create.

From what we are seeing, this is by far the single worst “race riot” ever in all of history, and as I say, because the Arabs are organizing directly against the cops, and because they have a clear military goal, it is much closer to the first battle in a war.

It visibly looks like a war. The videos are more intense than what you see out of the Ukraine. https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?dnt=true&embedId=twitter-widget-11d66b6f81f4ece693bd4&theme=light&widgetsVersion=aaf4084522e3a%3A1674595607486&width=500px

More importantly: there are two clear sides. Whites are being targeted by nonwhites. It’s not only the cops they are fighting. They are wearing all black – a uniform – and attacking their racial enemies: you.

Here’s a crane on fire. https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?dnt=true&embedId=twitter-widget-

Everything is on fire.

The buses are a prize for vandals, because they’re all (or mostly) electric, and it’s virtually impossible to put the fire out with water. (You pretty much just have to let them burn, if you don’t have heavy equipment with that foam stuff.) https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?dnt=true&embedId=twitter-widget-

The buses are the main thing that the Arabs appear to be telling blacks to target, because that creates an endless distraction while the Arabs get the guns and other equipment from the cops. https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?dnt=true&embedId=twitter-widget-

They have police vehicles.

Africans and Muslims have been burning burn and looting in Paris. Now they are rolling through the streets in armored police vehicles. Mass immigration turned the City of Lights into the city of violent savages. pic.twitter.com/rIPeba11GG

They are looting police guns. https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?dnt=true&embedId=twitter-widget-11&features=e

They also have a lot of fireworks. https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?dnt=true&embedId=twitter-widget-12&features=

Although some of the blacks are no doubt engaged in the violence, many are doing the other thing.

But even the looting feeds the chaos that the Arabs are promoting.

Some of this more organized looting probably isn’t blacks. I’ve never seen blacks use a semi-truck to steal an ATM. https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?dnt=true&embedId=twitter-widget-14&

(You’ll note that they are also in uniform in that clip.)

It appears to be blacks using the buzzsaw on the ATM. https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?dnt=true&embedId=twitter-widget-15&f

Probably blacks in the Apple store too. https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?dnt=true&embedId=twitter-widget-16&

They are lynching white truckers.

White truck drivers are now being lynched in France. Black and Arab gangs are totally in control of the streets. The savages have defeated the West. pic.twitter.com/eR9qALJRG8

— Trump Defense Force (@trump_reich) June 30, 2023

Fittingly – they released the gorillas from the zoo. https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?dnt=true&embedId=twitter-widget-18&features=

The lions as well – for good measure. https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?dnt=true&embedId=twitter-widget-19&

They also just burned down the largest public library in Marseille. https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?dnt=true&embedId=twitter-widget-20&

The mall is also on fire – it looks like a big mall. https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?dnt=true&embedId=twitter-widget-21&f

People on Twitter are framing some of the race attacks as “uncovering undercover cops.” This is an obvious lie that should just be disregarded.

They are very obviously just attacking white people.

Right now, the cops are fleeing the brown people. That is to say: they’ve already completely fled. They fled on their faggot little scooters to leave the city to burn. https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?dnt=true&embedId=twitter-widget-23&f

I’m sure some of that is not wanting to be accused of racism for using deadly force – which is the only force they could possibly use here. But they also simply do not have the resources to engage in urban warfare with an army of thousands of men, armed with their own weapons.

The other thing about the Arabs – they’re not going to get bored and go home like the blacks in America do.

Because there are no cops and no journalists left in the part of the city that the war is taking place, no one knows how many fatalities there have been. There must have been several at this point, just by looking at the videos.

This guy looks like he’s probably dead. https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?dnt=true&embedId=twitter-widget-24&features=eyJ0ZndfdGltZWxpbmVfbGlzdCI6eyJidWNrZXQiOltdLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfSwidGZ3X2ZvbGxvd2VyX2NvdW50X3N1b

That’s not a serious government target, but it’s getting close.

Macron is probably going to have a problem. He was cheering them on earlier in the week, talking about the “injustice” of the “teen” at the traffic stop. But who knows – he’s such a weirdo, he might switch it up and start racially insulting them.

Wednesday night, when the riots were heating up, he went to see Elton John with his granny wife.

Today, he called some kind of emergency meeting. Then he blamed the internet and demanded more extreme censorship.

The most amazing thing about this is the media narrative. A race war is not at all amazing. Anyone with any common sense would have expected that – you can’t just force-integrate two totally different populations and expect them to coexist; everyone knows this is just idiotic nonsense.

But who would have thought the media would be capable of covering up something this massive, of making the international population sympathetic to the murderous mob of vicious criminal gangs?

Personally, I’m glad this is happening. It was going to have to happen some time. It’s better it’s happening now.

My hope is that whites will see this, and they will remember it. My hope is that moving forward – at least in France – there is clarity about this relationship that Europeans have with the Moslems and the blacks.

Thus far, I’ve only seen one video of a Frenchman fighting back – driving through the smoke, smoking a cigarette, and plowing the bastards with his car.Subscribe to New Columns https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?dnt=true&embedId=twitter-widget-26&

These people are going to Europe to conquer. That is the goal. They have done this before, throughout history. For 1,500 years, these people have been trying to conquer us. This is in no way new, and it is unfortunate that it could possibly be a surprise. But this is the situation we live in: our morals and values are determined by the whims of women, and men have been beaten into submission, to the point where they actually believe this gibberish that women spout about “vibrant diversity.”

We need to remember that it was women who wanted this. Of course the Jews came up with the idea, but this was enforced by women.

The first thing we need to do is stop listening to women. Then, we need to find a solution to the immigrant problem. After women, the biggest obstacle is the government, which is controlled by the Jews. But that is a minor obstacle, after we stop listening to women.

One way or the other, this is going to end. Either we win or we lose, but it will end.

Good luck and Godspeed, brothers.

Remember who you are.

Putin Speaks Common Sense on Endless Accommodation of Moslems

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Putin Speaks Common Sense on Endless Accommodation of Moslems


Mirror Mirror On The Wall, Which Is The Most Inclusive Political Party Of Them All?

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Mirror Mirror On The Wall, Which Is The Most Inclusive Political Party Of Them All?

by Tim Murray

Slick Suit Singh
Jagmeet Singh, seen above wearing an NDP orange turban, announced his bid for the federal NDP leadership in Brampton on Monday night amid cheering party supporters

Finally it’s official. The dynamic deputy leader of the Ontario NDP, Jagmeet Singh, has formally thrown his “hat” into the ring of the federal NDP leadership contest. His mission: to build a Canada where “nobody should be made to feel that they don’t belong.”

Singh’s announcement lends credence to the impression that the NDP is determined to win the “who is the most inclusive” derby. Sikhs, Muslims, First Nations, and the LGTBQ community are all to be prominently featured in the shop window. Every identity group must be appeased. Every group that is, except the White working class, which as we all know from watching the CBC, is inherently racist, xenophobic, parochial and ignorant. We only keep them around because, well, somebody has to pay the taxes.

Electing a Sikh to lead the federal party would come with a cost I would think. Most New Democrats would be electrified but some would not. I mean, in a pluralistic society, you can’t please everyone, can you? The dream candidate would be a transgender aboriginal who has converted to Islam, but then that would make Blacks and Punjabis feel marginalized. How about a transgender Black Muslim with a Sikh partner? But that would leave out First Nations. OK, then how about a gender-fluid Black aboriginal hybrid Sikh who celebrates Ramadan? No? Let’s see what party strategists can come up with.

It is obvious that as our society continues to unravel according to the Frankfurt School plan, and the pace of cultural fragmentation picks up speed, recruitment of diverse atomized individuals across the full spectrum of contrived identities will become increasingly challenging. How does a political party represent each one of 624 emerging identities when they are only 338 seats in the House of Commons? It can’t.

The only recourse is for our inclusive parties to exclude dozens of victim groups, each clamouring for attention. Perhaps they can put their heads together and agree to carve up the pie so that no grievance group will be left out. Much like Chicago mob bosses carved up the city’s drug trade.

In that case, we shall need electoral reform so that 30 different parties can win seats, and a grand coalition of 15 of them can form the government. This means that another 102 cabinet posts would need to be created to ensure that every ethnic/gender/religious faction can joust for attention at the very summit of our democracy. NHL referees would be called in to control the fracas. Or UN peace keepers. Since Diversity Is Our Strength, and there is Unity in Diversity, I am sure that they would work things out and come to a peaceful consensus. Just because ‘diversity’ is a spectacular failure across the globe is no reason to believe that it can’t work here. We are Canadians after all. We are exceptional. Even the Law of Gravity doesn’t apply to us.

But the institution of proportional representation will not suffice. Canada is a nation of regional as well as ethnic, gender and linguistic differences. Where you live can determine how you view the country. A Vancouverite and a Torontonian often see things quite differently. So it should be apparent that to reach the right decisions, any effective national lawmaking assembly must include ethnic, religious and gender axe-grinders from every corner of the nation.

It is important, for example, that Albertan transgender immigrant women of colour be represented in Ottawa. We can’t have the transgender immigrant women of colour in Ontario hogging the mic. Non-White Western trannies have a unique perspective that deserves a hearing too. They bring something to the table that Eastern queers can’t. Ditto for aboriginal Muslims in northern Quebec. Their voice must not be appropriated by First Nations jihadists out West. And of course, Sunnis and Shiites must be represented in numbers proportional to their presence in the community. I think a Triple E Senate is the answer.

Try as we might to find a formula for total inclusion, however, we must admit that we will fall short of the ideal arrangement. It’s a fact of life. Some Canadians will be left out. Some will have to content themselves with being seen and not heard. There is simply not enough room in the legislatures and town council rooms for all of us. Not for all splinter groups, who are busy splintering away from themselves as we speak. The tent can only grow so wide.

Regrettably therefore, if only in the interests of economy, we must continue to leave the White working class on the outside looking in. In that regard, the NDP can show us how that can be done. They have had five decades of experience in excluding the very people whom they claim to speak for, and I think it is high time that we yielded to their expertise. Social Democratic and “Labour” parties in Europe can also be of service, if need be. Their splendid showing in recent elections demonstrate that.

Trudeau Tells Us Multiculturalism Must Go From “Tolerance” to “Acceptance” — Hell, No!

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Uniform? Heck, in the Multiculti RCMP Moslem Women Can Make Up Their Own & Wear A Hijab

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Uniform? Heck, in the Multiculti RCMP Moslem Women Can Make Up Their Own & Wear A Hijab

Yes, here in Absurdistan (Canada), the RCMP has once again modified its uniform {Latin, for one or single form} for a privileged minority. Now Moslem chicks can wrap a hijab around their head. Mere White officers, of course, must wear the standard Stetson. This picture came from the Polish paper Gazetta (August 29, 2016). Our own lamestream media didn’t give this latest outrage much space.

Image may contain: 1 person , sunglasses
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This what Obama did for us and now Hillary will continue it. good bye America!!!

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This what Obama did for us and now Hillary will continue it.  good bye America!!!

NEW YORK – Madison Avenue, we knew it was coming , but never expected this soon!

This is in New York City, on Madison Avenue

This is in New York City on Madison Avenue – not France, Yemen, Kenya or the Middle East.  A Christian Nation cannot put up a Christmas scene of the baby Jesus in a public placebut the Muslims can stop normal traffic every Friday afternoon by worshiping in the streets – anywhere they wish.  Please be aware – this street display is not about praying to ‘Allah’, they can kneel down, face Mecca, and pray in their own homes or in their Mosques – Lord knows there are enough of them.  They take over a street merely as a demonstration of their ‘unity’, of their ‘strength of numbers’, of the ‘power they possess’ and ‘because they can’, knowing that authorities will not touch them.  This audacious behavior says, “Look how strong we are – your authorities fear us and are too frightened to try and stop us“.

What do YOU think would happen if Christians  entered New York en mass and blocked off Madison Avenue to kneel in prayer to their God and stop traffic on a Friday afternoon.

Something very bad and sinister is taking place in America, Canada and Australia that is reminiscent of what is happening in Europe. This friends is what we call the ‘thin edge of the wedge’ the more they get away with, the further ‘in’ they drive the wedge (and the more difficult it becomes to remove it) – this continues until they are running the show and you are merely an outsider – your craven political leaders have led you to this point.  

This is Political Correctness gone crazy….yes, it’s that – and much more.  This is purely and simply a clandestine invasion – taking control by stealth – just a bit at a time, but always seeking (and getting) more and more.  This is (and has been) theirmodus operandi  all over the world for years now, and cowardly, inept and spineless leaders allow it to happen.

Is there a message here:  you better believe it.  Muslims are surreptitiously claiming your country as their own.

America, Canada and Australia are being claimed for Allah.
If our political leaders don’t wake up soon and start showing just a scintilla of courage –we are going to “politically correct” ourselves right out of our own country!

PLEASE SEND THIS TO EVERY Australian, Canadian & American and New Zealander YOU KNOW!!!!

Dissecting Toronto’s New “Anti-Racism” Posters

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Dissecting Toronto’s New “Anti-Racism” Posters


The City of Toronto has released a new poster which is being featured on bus stops around the city.

The poster is problematic for a number of reasons:

  1.       The most obvious problem is the depiction of white people as “racist”. This message incites hatred towards European Canadians and reinforces a damaging stereotype.

  2.       By disseminating this trope of the “racist white person” Toronto is contributing to the message that “racism” is “something that white people do” and thereby pairing “racism” with “white people” in the minds of the public. This is damaging to European people everywhere because it enables others to disguise attacks on white people as attacks on “racism” and it splashes hatred for “racism” onto white people in general.

  3.        On a deeper level, the third problem is that the posters reinforce the construct of “racism” itself. The term “racism” is a rhetorical weapon which is used, primarily, to oppress and stigmatize political assertiveness on the part of white people and to moralize us into a state of political impotency. For example, in this poster the white person is depicted saying “go back to where you came from” and this is meant to be an example of “racism”. Although presented in a deliberately simplified fashion, his words convey an entirely legitimate political position. This country is a democracy, and simply by being citizens here, people are granted a share of political power over the spaces in which we Europeans live. It is a rational political practice for European Canadians to endeavour to maintain a greater portion of power over the environments where we live by making up a greater percentage of the voting demographic. It is our responsibility to ensure our own well-being as well as that of our progeny and political power is the only thing that enables us to do that. 

  4.        Another point of interest is how the messages of this poster conflict with our state policy of multiculturalism. Multiculturalism is a policy which says that we should maintain our ethnic and cultural identities and continue to view ourselves, and others, not simply as uniform “Canadians”, but as members of groups with unique ethnic, cultural and historical backgrounds. In this poster, the European tells the African Muslim to ‘go back where you came from” and she responds with “Where? North York?” as if she’s oblivious to what people actually mean when they use that expression. The whole project of multiculturalism is to tell people to not forget where we came from, and yet this poster seems to imply that it’s ridiculous and ignorant to suggest that our histories and identities extend beyond our relatively recent time in Canada. Not only is it entirely truthful and accurate to suggest that we are more than just “Canadians”, but that is the very perspective that our government has been encouraging for the past 30 years!

  5.       It’s interesting that, in explaining the project, campaign spokespersons say that the effort is aimed at helping “racialized communities”. The term “racialized” is Marxist rhetoric which refers to anyone who isn’t white. On top of the fact that this campaign incites hatred towards European Canadians by portraying us as “racist”, if it is also the case that it explicitly excludes certain groups from its scope, then it is guided by a special-interest agenda and shouldn’t be receiving public funding.

  6.       According to their press release, the goal of the campaign is to “create a Toronto that says ‘No’ to all forms of discrimination and racism”, and yet, in light of their anti-white themes and Marxist rhetoric, one can’t help but wonder, how would the team behind this campaign define “racism”? If it were asked of them, “isn’t this campaign ‘racist’ towards white people?”, how would they respond? If, like the Marxists in our universities, they hold that it’s not “racism” if it’s against white people and that “only white people can be racist” then we’re sure the white people who paid the taxes that helped fund this effort would be very interested to hear that.

  7.       Toronto brands itself as “the most multicultural city in the world” and its identity is rooted in the idea that diversity and multiculturalism are inherently good. The official city motto is “Diversity Our Strength”. And so isn’t it ironic to now see Toronto, the flag-ship city of Canadian multiculturalism, investing its resources in combating inter-ethnic conflict. So which is it, Toronto? Is “diversity our strength” or is it a source of tension, violence and conflict?

  8.       The final problem is the timing of the posters. Toronto says that the posters are, in part, a response to “a number of crimes committed against Muslims earlier this year”. As evidence of said crimes, CityNews links to story of a Muslim woman who was pushed and called a “terrorist”—in November 2015—by a black male! But, just three days before the campaign’s launch, a Muslim committed the largest mass shooting in the history of the United States. On the heels of this landmark massacre, why are white people the ones being condescendingly thought-policed? If Toronto is concerned about inter-ethnic conflict, then aren’t Islamic bullets a bigger problem than white words? Isn’t getting murdered a more serious concern than being told to “go back where you came from”? Muslims kill us and then Toronto tells us that we’re the problem? This poster is an insult.

  As the forces of globalization continue to create the demographic pressures which are turning European peoples into minorities in the spaces where we have lived for generations, expressions of hostility and hatred towards us will become of greater and greater significance. In this context of anti-white hostility and demographic weakness on the part of Europeans, it is important that we have institutions to study and identify our interests and advocate on our behalf. This is why Students for Western Civilisation exists, and this is why we need a #whitestudentsunion.

For sensible immigration policies for the 21st century

20 Degenerate “Cultures” That Have Formed The Dystopia We’re Living In

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20 Degenerate “Cultures” That Have Formed The Dystopia We’re Living In

Enjoy the freak show while it lasts

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Welcome to the depraved new world. Forget the books and movies, because you’re already living in a dystopia. Take a moment to familiarize yourself with the following progressive cultures of our society that will show you what a wonderful world we now live in.

1. Victim Culture


Victim culture is the mother of all other social insanity that we are witnessing today.

But being a victim today is not without its perks. In one victim package you get: attention, sympathy, ego-boost, the right to censor other people, the right to attack people with impunity, freedom from criticism, financial support from the government and moronic sympathizers, an elevated status, plus other privileges. It’s no wonder so many people today are scrambling to claim their own victim status lest they find themselves at a disadvantage.

And if you ever wonder why these professional victims are so aggressive, you have to understand that victim playing is a zero-sum game where the winner is the biggest loser. There is only so much prize to be won and far too many competitors to play nice. Anyone who engages in victim Olympics must shove their opponents off the stage lest they lose the spotlight.

2. PC Culture

You know you’re living in a dystopia when cry-babies are policing your language.

We live in a toxic PC culture with an unprecedented level of control being imposed upon our daily lives.

While some of the most repulsive men and women are free to roam around naked in gay pride parades and slutwalks, scientist Matt Taylor was bullied until he apologized in tears for wearing a ‘sexist’ shirt his female friend made for him as a gift. And that’s just one of many examples of the politically correct terrorism we’re witnessing on a daily basis.

The most frightening aspect is that there is no knowing what you’ll be guilty of until it happens, for the PC police is always on the lookout for new things to get offended by and new ways to ruin your life. You are to conform and submit in fear, not knowing when or where the next blow will come.

3. “Rape Culture” Culture

raperate1Number of rapes has been free-falling while rape hysteria and false rape accusations are soaring.

Spreading lies about the “rape culture” is vital for the feminists to propagate their narrative of eternal victimhood. You can tell how obsessed they are with maintaining this fantasy with the way they spend more time bitching about it than doing anything to solve it, even going as far as shutting down police campaigns to prevent them.

4. Hypersensitivity Culture


In our infantilized society, just about everything is offensive and triggering. It can be anything from Halloween costumesa priest in a robepro-Trump messages scrawled with chalkdiffering opinions, to the word “upset.”

I’m surprised that social justice cowards are even able to muster up the courage to scream at people’s faces while they themselves have to snap their fingers because clapping is too triggering.

5. Shameless Culture

Giving tips on self-improvement? “Stop shaming me into marriage! I want to play my video games!”

Imagine yourself as an obese woman with no self-discipline. Do you:

A) Decide to be healthy by eating right and working out.


B) Bitch at everyone to accept you for who you are and call them fat-shamers if they gag in disgust from looking at your pile of lard.

“A” kind of requires effort, so…

6. Zero-Responsibility Culture

Why am I not surprised to find out that she’s a feminist?

Everyone today is perfect and nothing is ever their fault.

“It’s not my fault I’m fat, It’s my genes.”

“I feel like a slut after having drunk sex with him. It’s not my fault, I must’ve been raped.”

“I can’t attract women because [insert your usual excuse].”

“My life sucks and it’s all because of [select favorite scapegoat: Patriarchy, big government, evil white men, feminists, discrimination, Obama, etc.].”

7. Sexual Deviancy Culture

351228_toronto festival

Sodom and Gomorrah had nothing compared to the sexual degeneracy of today. Now with homosexuality normalized and transsexuality also going mainstream, the door as flung open for all other sexual degeneracy to follow. Expect more furries, bestiality, pedophilia, and other biology-defying sexual deviance in the near future.

8. “Empowerment” Culture

Feminist terror movement needs government force like fish needs water.

“Empowerment” is a code word for all the losers who desperately need to compensate for their insecurities. The truth is that the only way these leaches are able to “empower” themselves is by shoving others down while sucking off society’s sympathy and resources.

9. Oppressor Guilt Culture

“I’m so sorry for being white, just please don’t call me a racist again!”

When the victims start oppressing their “oppressors,” the wimps among them will break down and start feeling guilty for their very existence.

10. “I’m Disgusting, So I’ll Bring Everyone Else Down To My Level” Culture

Feminist role model for today’s dumb and shallow American girls. The future certainly looks sparkling.

When feminists can’t improve themselves (which is always), they need to start poisoning everyone and everything around them. This is especially prominent among the sluts who feel the need to turn all other decent women into drunken whores. Go to a feminist site like Jezebel and you’ll see how they openly teach women to corrupt themselves.

11. Special Snowflake Culture

“Look! I dyed my hair blue and got retarded tattoos, now I’m unique and special like the other attention-whores!”

Everyone is so unique and special like everyone else, and we have to respect their individuality no matter how stupid and repulsive they are. If you don’t have any real accomplishments to speak of, your self-perceived uniqueness is the next best thing.

12. “You Can Be Anything You Want” Culture


If you’re still innocent enough to think that male and female are the only sex identities, consider yourself spared. You’ll be surprised to know that we now have a dozen or more different types of sexual identities (I lost track of them after trans-whatever), along with other batshit made-up identities. Our world has gone completely insane with mentally sick individuals coming up with new ways to identify themselves just to see how low they can go.

13. Infantilized Culture

Adults in New York paying up to $1000 to be in preschool again.

It’s not just the cry-babies in colleges who are infantilized, but the adults as well. This sort of degeneracy, along with the others on this list, only seem to be prevalent in large cities, which is why I now refuse to live in one.

14. Diversity For The Sake Of Diversity Culture

Excellent photoshop job by the Canadian Socialist Republic’s Ministry of Truth.

Everything, everyone, and every space must now be enforced enriched with diversity, which is our strength (whatever that means)—everything except our political opinions, of course.

15. Go Cry To The Authorities Culture

Nothing says strong and independent woman like crying to the UN for help.

Want to make easy money? Play professional victim and beg people to crowd fund you.

Is someone making fun of you on Twitter? Whine about sexism and get him censored or fired from his job.

Want to get back at your ex-lover? Cry rape and get him kicked out of school or jailed without a shred of evidence. Even if he doesn’t get convicted, his life will still be ruined.

16. Nanny-State Culture


The professional whiners of today complain that they even have to go cry to the government to receive the pampering they seek. They believe Big Brother should turn the entire society into a giant safe space while being spoiled with freebies until they die.

17. Knee-Jerk Hostility Culture

When identity-politics gets out of control, people start to develop knee-jerk reaction to those who they consider their enemies:

White male? “Your opinions are worthless, cis-scum. Go kill yourself.”

Skin colour is a shade browner than an Ivory soap? “Filthy muslim kebab, wait till we exterminate you.”

Not excited about having multiculturalism and pansexuality shoved down your throat?“You ignorant, Nazi piece of shit! Intolerant assholes like you need to disappear from the world!”

Not enthusiastic about putting anyone left of Pinochet into gas chambers? “I’m going to punch your mouth you cultural-Marxist filth! Calm down? Don’t try to censor me you Leftist faggot!”

18. The “-ist” Culture


Person A: “Oh, you’re just a _____-ist, so your opinions are invalid.”

Person B: “Shut up, _____-ist! You’re just delusional.”

19. Labeling People With Political Mental Illness Culture


Not only are the patients running the asylum, but they’re also diagnosing YOU with mental illness.

“You don’t like gay Muslims? Since I’m a doctor with a PhD in Social Justice, I’m going to diagnose you with homophobia and islamophobia. My treatment is going to be to shame you for your mental illness you until you shut up.”

20. Emasculation Culture

Emasculation of men starts early in today’s America with feckless parents who enable it.

When feminists, government, and the entire culture is harping for female empowerment at the expense of men, the result should be obvious: the systematic emasculation of men at all ages. Today, men are starting to talk like women, more men are turning homosexual, and more of them are changing sex. For the wimps, when it’s too difficult to be a man, it’s far easier to just abandon ship.

The Verdict

Nuke-it-from-OrbitIt’s the only way to be sure.

I realistically don’t see any hope of peaceful return to a patriarchal (or just normal) social order even if Trump becomes dictator for life. Nothing short of violent upheaval will reverse the cultural decay we’re witnessing today. Our society is going on a downward spiral and it can’t burn down fast enough.

Vladimir Putin — Common Sense on Immigration & Minorities

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Vladimir Putin — Common Sense on Immigration & Minorities
Vladimir Putin’s speech – SHORTEST SPEECH EVER.  Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, addressed the Duma, (Russian Parliament), and gave a speech about the tensions with minorities in Russia:
Frederick Fromm's photo.
“In Russia, live like Russians. Any minority, from anywhere, if it wants to live in Russia, to work and eat in Russia, it should speak Russian, and should respect the Russian laws. If they prefer Sharia Law, and live the life of Muslim’s then we advise them to go to those places where that’s the state law.
“Russia does not need Muslim minorities. Minorities need Russia, and we will not grant them special privileges, or try to change our laws to fit their desires, no matter how loud they yell ‘discrimination’. We will not tolerate disrespect of our Russian culture. We better learn from the suicides of   America , England, Holland and France   , if we are to survive as a nation. The Muslims are taking over those countries and they will not take over Russia. The Russian customs and traditions are not compatible with the lack of culture or the primitive ways of Sharia Law and Muslims.
“When this honorable legislative body thinks of creating new laws, it should have in mind the Russian national interest first, observing that the Muslims Minorities Are Not Russians.”
The politicians in the Duma gave Putin a five minute standing ovation.