Tag Archives: DIVERSITY

Immigration Wisdom from William Lyon Mackenzie King, Canada’s Longest Serving Prime Minister

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Immigration Wisdom from William Lyon Mackenzie King, Canada’s Longest Serving Prime Minister

Canadians never asked to be replaced.

Canadians never asked for “diversity”.

Diversity is not our greatest strength.

“Diversity” is a code word for anti-White, a code word for the replacement of of the European founding/settler people of Canada.

Who Are the True “People of Colour?

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Diversity is a Destroyer

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What “Diversity’ Looks Like

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Homogeneity vs Gov’t Induced “Diversity”

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Ukrainian Female Refugees Who Sought Safety in “Multicultural” Sweden, Are Now So Terrified in That Country, They Are Asking to be Sent Back to Ukraine March 25, 2022

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Ukrainian Female Refugees Who Sought Safety in “Multicultural” Sweden, Are Now So Terrified in That Country, They Are Asking to be Sent Back to Ukraine March 25, 2022


As previously reported here, African and Arab Muslim migrant men have been getting into the Ukrainian refugees’ residence in Sweden, where they are banging on doors and trying to enter the bedrooms of sleeping women and children.  Not surprisingly, many of intruders are Somali Muslims. Apparently, the threat of Russian missile attacks in Ukraine is a lot less scary than staying in “multicultural” Sweden.

EU Times The Swedish news outlet Samnytt spoke with female Ukrainian refugees residing in the town of Örebro following an incident last week where foreign men entered their hostels and tried to attack them.
“When there are bombs, I know at least that I can go down to the basement and hide there,” one victim told the news outlet. Another woman who gave her name as Oksana spoke to Swedish public radio, saying, “They said that Sweden was a safe country, but I have not seen that.”
The women had arrived in Örebro in recent weeks with their children and were accommodated in a hostel. On Monday evening, several unknown males of foreign origin attempted to break in where Ukrainian women were staying with their children.
The first incident occurred at 3 a.m. when two Somali men started knocking on the front door of the hostel. Without opening the door, one of the Ukrainian women tried to talk to the men outside, explaining that only Ukrainian women and children live in the hostel, but the Somalis claimed that they have a friend who lives there, which was a lie.
They did not give up and soon a third Somali man appeared outside the premises and one or more of them managed to enter the hostel, knocking on bedroom doors. At 5 a.m., a group reportedly of Arab origin arrived at the premises and attempted to enter the hostel.
According to the volunteer, the women are scared of gang rape, which one of them says she has already experienced in Germany. Despite the safety measures put in place, there has not been a report filed at the Örebro police department. According to the volunteer, the Ukrainian women were too afraid to report the case. An interpreter allegedly told the women that they may not call the police because they are not yet registered with the Swedish Migration Agency.
The incident in Sweden follows after two migrants raped an 18-year-old Ukrainian refugee girl in Germany just last week.
VIDEO says the same as text: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxEMZq8BUbc&feature=emb_imp_woyt  3 Minutes

Study Warns That New Work From Home Trend is Making People More “Racist”

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Study Warns That New Work From Home Trend is Making People More “Racist”

by Paul Joseph Watson November 17th 2020, 7:39 am

People who live in more diverse communities were “more likely to be negative towards ethnic diversity.”

A new study being promoted by the mass media claims that working from home makes people more “racist” because they are less exposed to ‘diversity’ in the workplace.

The survey, conducted by polling company Survation for the Woolf Institute, “warns that without alternative settings to offices being set up, opportunities for social mixing between different religious and ethnic groups will be greatly reduced,” according to the BBC.

76 percent of those who work in shared offices in the UK are exposed to ethnic diversity, meaning those who work from home are isolated from such a setting and as a result more likely to be “prejudiced,” according to the study.

37 percent of unemployed people are also more likely to only have friends from their own ethnic group.

With huge numbers of people now working from home due to coronavirus restrictions, 44 percent of the workforce in the UK, this presents a conundrum for technocrats overseeing a “Great Reset” that seeks to restructure capitalism.

“Academia, long removed from scientific breakthrough and existential exploration, has seemingly become an industry dedicated to the relentless pursuit of racism, wherever it may dwell,” writes Graham Dockery.

“The Woolf Institute studies relations between faiths and ethnicities in the UK, and wouldn’t exist if it couldn’t root out ever more bizarre instances of prejudice to publicize.”

Interestingly enough, the study also concedes that people who live in more diverse communities were “more likely to be negative towards ethnic diversity.”

In other words, people who are actually exposed to ‘diversity’ don’t find it to be a “strength” and don’t like it.

This correlates with a 2019 peer reviewed study by Danish academics which found that ethnic diversity has a negative impact on communities because it erodes trust.

Seeking to answer whether “continued immigration and corresponding growing ethnic diversity” was having a positive impact on community cohesion, the study found the opposite to be the case.

So diversity really isn’t a strength after all, but our new technocratic overlords are going to force you to embrace it anyway.

How “Diverse”: Shoes Thrown at RCMP in Surrey

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How “Diverse”: Shoes Thrown at RCMP in Surrey

The joys of “diversity”. It is noteworthy that not only is Newton, Surrey 58% South Asian but throwing shoes at people is a public act of disgust. BC has undergone truly massive demographic change, as a result of immigration.

Let’s Hear It For “Diversity”: We’re Told It’s Our Greatest Strength

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Let’s Hear It For “Diversity”: We’re Told It’s Our Greatest Strength

Subway … Now I know why Rob Ford wants more Subways

 I think these are even better than the Walmart pictures..The US has it’s Wal-Mart’s and Canada has the Toronto Subway. Oh, yes, and thanks to Tyrant John Tory, people venturing into this lunatic asylum have to wear the mask of servitude 

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Paul Fromm Discusses The Politics of Replacement

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Paul Fromm Discusses The Politics of Replacement
Lecture delivered to the Japan First Party in Tokyo.
paul fromm japan firstpaul fromm japan first

Criminals Betraying Canada by Dan Murray

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Criminals Betraying Canada
by Dan Murray – December 20, 2019

Every year, Canada’s population gives its national broadcaster, the CBC (the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) at least $1 Billion. Justifiably, Canadians expect the CBC to provide unbiased coverage of important national issues. But what Canadians get is biased and unquestioning reporting on all issues, especially senseless immigration. This amounts to criminal action against Canadians. It also amounts to denial of such a basic human need as affordable shelter to hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Canadians. As a result, to many Canadians, the abbreviation “CBC” now means “Criminals Betraying Canada”.

The public has long thought of real estate developers and much of the rest of that industry as a collection of society’s low life who deserve to be spurned. Most Canadians would say that this low life should be the last to be considered to rule the country. Yet in the midst of the Metro Vancouver and Toronto housing chaos which saw Vancouver housing costs soar to the second highest in the world, the CBC has virtually married the real estate industry. It has colluded with that industry in promoting and formulating national policy. In the view of a senior Canadian diplomat, that coalition has virtually raped hundreds of thousands of Canadians. The CBC has accomplished that by repeatedly broadcasting the real estate industry’s fraudulent claim that the easiest solution to housing unaffordability is to increase “SUPPLY”. That means increasing the number of housing units. Simultaneously, the CBC has repeatedly suppressed a much more reliable and honest analysis of Metro Vancouver’s housing unaffordability that was done by UBC’s David Ley. Dr. Ley concluded that relentless high immigration is the cause of Metro Vancouver’s stratospheric housing prices. From Dr. David Ley’s analysis, the obvious solution to the housing unaffordability crisis is a dramatic reduction in immigration. After all, the big question is this: How can Metro Vancouver and other areas of Canada such as Metro Toronto ever return to affordability as long as a relentless yearly inflow of hundreds of thousands of immigrants continues? Common sense tells Canadians that these places cannot. Common sense also tells Canadians that senseless high immigration will continue to cause enormous collateral economic, cultural and environmental damage.


To make this point clearer, let’s imagine a janitor trying to mop up a floor where a nearby tap has been damaged and water is spraying out uncontrollably onto the floor. Unless the janitor locates a water shut-off valve and shuts off the water that goes to the broken tap, his efforts at mopping the floor will be overwhelmed. To translate simply: The broken tap is Canada’s immigration intake, now over 1 million per year, almost all of which is unjustified!! The water on the floor is the damage being done to Canada by unnecessary immigration. The janitor is the Canadian infrastructure which has been overwhelmed.

The corrupt real estate industry knows that its claim about increasing “SUPPLY” is a lie. But it also knows that if it says its lie often enough, many people will actually believe its lie.

Very serious and widespread unrestrained criminal acts depend on the support of many people. Those include the CBC and the private media which disseminate information that is vital to decision-making . If the CBC and other media decide to with-hold or omit information which severely harms or destroys the lives of Canadians, they are guilty of criminal acts. There is absolutely no doubt that the CBC and other media are guilty of that. Every day, the CBC damns itself and arrogantly thinks it can continue to get away with its actions.

The CBC’s collusion with the real estate industry has been very clear in subsequent events :

(1) Ottawa’s announced housing strategy for the country and

(2) The City of Vancouver’s announced 10-year housing strategy

Neither strategy even mentions the word “immigration”. Why? The country is run by a substitute drama teacher (Trudeau) who has committed Canada to a mindless pursuit of so-called “Diversity” and thereby proved himself to be a complete fool. The rest of the country’s rulers (Other MP’s, Provincial and municipal governments) are quislings and cowards. Even the “DIVERSE” hordes of low-quality immigrants (that our three levels of government have allowed in) laugh at them behind their backs. For example, as huge areas of Metro Vancouver are demolished and densified, to add to the insanity, Vancouver continues to claim it will become the World’s Greenest City!!!

If the CBC had been doing its job, it would have challenged Vancouver and other cities on these disgraceful “strategies”. But it has said nothing. What greater sin is there than betraying one’s country and the Canadian family in it?

What but the lowest Circle of Hell would be suitable for Trudeau and the xenophilic horde of criminals in Parliament, other political positions, the real estate industry, the CBC and elsewhere?

At the beginning of December every year, the CBC devotes one day to collecting money for food banks across the country. Again this year, the CBC has hypocritically implied that it deserves to be commended for raising money for such a basic need as food. However, the damage the CBC has done to such a basic need as affordable shelter on the other 364 days of the year negates any good the CBC does on its Christmas Food Bank Day. There is absolutely no question that in Metro Vancouver and in many other parts of Canada, the CBC has demonstrated itself to be a criminal organization and is a criminal accomplice to the corrupt real estate industry.

Where are our rocket launchers?