Former Immigration Minister Seeks Tory Leadership on Boost Immigration Platform
Economics or cultural replacement matter little to a voice of Canada’s political establishment; they just can’t replace the European founding/settler people of this country fast enough”.
“Former immigration minister Chris Alexander has confirmed he plans to run for the Conservative leadership and that a key plank of his campaign will be a proposal to sharply increase the intake of immigrants to 400,000 every year, including 40,000 refugees, because ‘this is a core value for me and for Canada.’
Although not yet officially a candidate, the McGill and Oxford graduate said the paperwork would be completed within the next week or two. After that he intends to undertake a cross-country journey by car to the West Coast, ‘stopping in every place we can where we have an invitation, to speak with groups, large and small, of Conservatives and potential Conservatives’.” (National Post, October 12, 2016)
Now, there’s a novel Tory platform to confront the Liberals — massively boost immigration, almost all of it from the Third World, to hasten the replacement of the European founding/settler people.. But, come to think of it, that’d exacty what Canada’s unhealthy looking and sallow Immigration Minister John McCallum is hinting at, after consulting with “stakeholders” ( that is, the immigration lobby — immigration lawyers, ESL teachers, hangers on in the $1-billion annual immigration settlement industry.) The Liberals are hinting at a big boost in immigration and refugees. Yet, the polls, as opposed to the self interested lobbies that have the minister’s ear, show Canadians oppose an immigration increase, opposed the admission of so many Syrians last year, and support the idea of screening out immigrants with “anti-Canadian” attitudes (arrangement marriage, honour killings, etc.) Indeed, a Forum Research Poll for the Toronto Star found: ” Two-thirds of Canadians want prospective immigrants to be screened for “anti-Canadian” values, a new poll reveals, lending support to an idea that is stirring controversy in political circles. Conservative MP Kellie Leitch, a candidate in her party’s leadership contest, has floated the idea of screening newcomers for their attitudes on intolerance toward other religions, cultures and sexual orientations and reluctance to embrace Canadian freedoms.” (Toronto Star, September 10, 2016)

Alexander, 48, was Canada’as Ambassador to Afghanistan before he entered politics. He lost his seat in the last election.
Still, he insists: “‘I think we are still a very pro-immigration party.’ He reasoned that Canada needs more immigrants to replace retiring baby boomers and because immigrants are essential if the economy is to grow.”
This is elite nonsense. With 7 per cent official unemployment — real figures likely twice that — just what are the present cohort of about 305,000 immigrants, let alone a planned boost to 400,000, going to do: they will either get a job and take it from a Canadian (Canada loses) or they will not get a job and have to be supported on welfare and in public housing (again, Canada loses). Far from “growing the economy”, except that of the immigration industry, immigration is a huge drain on the economy. Professor Herb Grubel in a 2011 study for the Fraser Institute pointed out that the cohort of immigrants,. mostly from the Third World, from 1980 on cost taxpayers well over $25-billion annually. That’s the tax benefits they consume less the taxes they pay — a net deficit. Massive immigration to “replace retiring baby boomers”? Why not wait until there actually is full employment or a labour shortage. Why import people for jobs that may never be there.
Whatever else establishment Alexander may be he is no conservative in economics, but, apparently, one of his “core values” — how we hate this cliche — is the Speeded up replacemeNt of his OWN people. In a saner age he would be dismissed as a comical loon!
Superficially, a coast to coast motor tour to listen to the people sounds like a good populist idea. However, when he actually was in power, Alexander had no time for immigration critics. His staff pleaded that he was very busy. In the Spring and Summer of 2014, Immigration Watch Canada repeatedly contacted him for a meeting to discuss immigration levels. He was always too busy. Finally, on August 25, IWC and the Canada First Immigration Reform Committee held a protest outside his constituency office. A horde of Durham Region Police showed up to protect the minister’s staff and the office abruptly closed.
However, Mr. Alexander had plenty of time for non-Whites. An Immigration Watch Canada statement from the time noted:
– About 8 to10 members of the Durham Police showed up about an hour before our protest began and ordered us to remain about 100 feet away from the front door of Immigration Minister Chris Alexander’s office. According to the police, Alexander’s office sat on “private property”. To offset that disadvantage, we used a high powered megaphone to broadcast our message to any office staff who were listening. We also used a large banner which was visible to any staff member who was watching our protest.
– While walking to Alexander’s office along the street, we displayed our 10-foot long banner which had the message “SAVE CANADA. CUT IMMIGRATION” . Many cars passed by and drivers both honked their horns in approval and gave us a “Thumbs Up” in support of our message.
– Someone had alerted Alexander’s office staff about our peaceful protest. Staff had locked the front door of Alexander’s office. While assembled, we noticed several constituents trying to get into Alexander’s office but they could not open the door.
– For at least 6 months prior to our protest, we had requested Alexander’s Department of Citizenship and Immigration to provide evidence which would justify Canada’s immigration intake, an average of 250,000 per year for the past 23 years. Alexander’s office staff claimed such evidence existed, and that they would send it. However, they have never sent us anything.
– In July, Immigration Watch Canada sent registered letters to both Alexander’s constituency office in Ajax and his office in Ottawa. In the letters, we requested an August meeting with him to discuss evidence he had for Canada’s immigration intake. About a week later, we received a call from a member of his staff who stated that Alexander would be busy ‘travelling in August” and therefore would not be available. We told the staff member that his response sounded like a very lame excuse.
– The numerous postings below that Alexander has made on his Facebook Page clearly show that Alexander’s excuse was indeed “lame”. The “travelling” Alexander did in August and July was to meet many ethnic groups in his area and in other areas nearby. To us, this clearly demonstrates that Alexander believes that the immigration-related views of themajority of Canadians don’t count and that in his view, ethnic groups and the immigration lobby are the only ‘stakeholders” in Canada’s immigration process. To put it mildly, Alexander and other government representatives need a severe jolt to wake them up.
– According to Chris Alexander’s social networking pages, here is what his “travelling” consisted of in August and July : (NOTE: The dates you see are the dates on which he posted these items to his Facebook Page. A number of events posted on July 14 probably happened earlier. )
July 14
Durham Tamil Association’s 14th Annual BBQ and Family Picnic (4 photos)
July 14
Durham Caribbean Festival
July 14
Durham Diversity Society “Together In Diversity” (8 photos)
July 17
This month I visited New Delhi and Mumbai to promote the economic and cultural ties between Canada and India. Canada and India enjoy a strong bilateral relationship that is based on shared democratic values and mutual economic interests. (11 photos) Canada’s Citizenship and Immigration Minister Chris Alexander announces the launch of the CAN+ program, which will result in more efficient processing for Indian visitors coming to Canada: CAN+ is open to Indian nationals who have travelled to Canada or the United States of America within the last 10 years.
August 13: “Last night I had the pleasure of attending India’s National Day Gala 2014 in Brampton with Prime Minister Stephen Harper+ many more friends and colleagues. Wonderful evening spent with Indo-Canadians who have made valuable contributions to our great country. Thanks to The Honorable Senator Asha Seth for a great event!”
August 14: “Had the pleasure of hosting a productive roundtable with Peter Braid, Member of Parliament and MP Stephen Woodworth at Communitech this afternoon. Engaging conversation with an impressive group of people with the experience and expertise we can tap into to ensure economic growth, innovation, and long-term prosperity in Canada. – “The Start-Up Visa Program is one of our newest and most exciting programs which targets immigrant entrepreneurs with the potential to build innovative companies here in Canada, creating jobs for Canadians.”
August 20: “We’re only halfway through 2014, and I’m honoured to report we’ve welcomed the 150,000th newest Canadian citizen of this year. This is compared to 129,000 in all of 2013! We’ve been able to welcome more new citizens because of the important changes we’ve made to citizenship processing. This is an indication that our government’s changes to the citizenship system are working.”
August 21: “On August 17th, I had the pleasure of attending ICCAD’s 9th Annual Festival of India’s Heritage & Flag Raising Ceremony in Pickering. Held in celebration of India’s Independence Day, the Festival gives Durham region residents the opportunity to learn about India’s rich cultural heritage.”
August 22: “This past week, I had the pleasure of meeting with the Women’s Activity Group at the Ajax Welcome Centre. These dynamic women meet to practice their English, become involved in the creation of art, all whilst helping each other through life’s obstacles. The centre’s volunteers, a vital part of this activity, share their knowledge and experience with the newcomers helping them to network in the local community.”
-A large number of people called Alexander’s office both while we were assembled and after the assembly concluded. They requested any Government of Canada report which provided (1) credible evidence that justified mass immigration of 250,000 per year and (2) evidence that this intake is benefiting Canadian society. They also stated that they stood in support of the peaceful assembly hosted by Immigration Watch Canada !
The staff in Alexander’s office did not pick up the phone to answer most calls. Instead, many callers were transferred to Alexander’s voice mail. This treatment of legitimate complaints by thoughtful Canadians is typical of the hypocrisy in Canada’s immigration system : Immigration Ministers and many of Canada’s politicians continue to grovel at the feet of immigrant voters. Yet they treat Canada’s majority population with contempt.
In the past, Alexander’s office staff have been anything but co-operative and knowledgeable about the immigration issue. Instead of working diligently to provide callers with requested information and noting their concerns on current immigration policies, they simply told callers such things as “We are a local MP’s office and have nothing to do with immigration.” or “We do not talk about immigration-related issues here !!! Your complaints need to be directed to CIC. You can also email them to the Immigration Minister’s office in Ottawa”.
As you can see, Alexander, his government and Parliament continue to demonstrate that they have no intention of protecting Canadians and Canada. They could be introducing measures to dramatically cut immigration, but Alexander’s Conservative and all other parties continue to grovel for their share of the immigrant vote.