“Social Equity” Or Racism Against White Canadians: Judge For Yourself“

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“Social Equity” Or Racism Against White Canadians: Judge For Yourself

Many of them[Canadians] think that they have a right to equal treatment under the law. They think that discrimination is illegal. But nothing could be further from the truth.”Brad SalzbergOct 21 READ IN APP Share“Canadians have been sold a bill of goods,” says Bruce Pardy, the author of the report and a Queen’s University law professor.“Many of them think that they have a right to equal treatment under the law. They think that discrimination is illegal. But nothing could be further from the truth. In Canada, discrimination is lawful as long as it is committed against the right groups — and in particular against straight white men.”Professor Pardy’s distinction between social equality and social “equity” is critical to race-relations in our country. At present, the ominous nature of his statements are poorly understood within Canadian society. “Social ‘equity’ recognizes that each person has different circumstances and allocates the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome. Social ‘equality’ means each individual or group of people is given the same resources or opportunities.” “This isn’t just the law, but part of the Canadian Constitution. Unequal treatment is embedded as a constitutional standard — and in some situations, a constitutional requirement.”“Equal treatment and equity are opposites,” writes Pardy, senior fellow at the Aristotle Foundation.

As an example, we turn to Toronto Metropolitan University[formerly Ryerson], who recently made an administrative decision to limit the intake of white medical school students to 25% of those accepted to the program.Equality, or racism? If and when Caucasian Canadians reach 25% of TMU medical school acceptance, further candidates will be excluded simply because they are white, heterosexual males.“The law cannot simultaneously apply the same laws and standards to everyone and also adjust them depending upon the group. Equal treatment and equity are mutually exclusive and cannot co-exist.””This issue should be particularly concerning to young Canadians who could be squeezed out of opportunities because of their identity.”Is it a hyperbolic statement to suggest that TMU policy emulates Nazi-era racial prejudice?“In April 1933, the law restricted the number of Jewish students at German schools and universities. In the same month, further legislation sharply curtailed ‘Jewish activity’ in the medical and legal professions.”

Back on contemporary Canadian soil, we learn the following:“While the American constitution sets out limits on the powers of legislatures,” Pardy writes, “For most of its history, Canada did not have an equivalent.””In 1974, the Canadian Supreme Court underscored this point by saying that while citizens are entitled to the application of law in a neutral way, lawmakers are not curtailed from drafting unequal laws.”Wanna know what this spells for Canadians of European heritage? T-r-o-u-b-l-e, that’s what. The source of inverted racism against Anglophone Canadians is the Canada Research Chair program.“The current opening for a Canada Research Chair in physics  at the University of New Brunswick will not accept applications from white men. Similarly, white people can’t apply to Dalhousie’s opening for a chair in industrial engineering. Many more such cases exist.”To justify the prejudice against white Canadians, academia reference the following: “We pursue policies that were established in law by the Federal Court and subject to a mediation that was overseen by the Canadian Human Rights Commission.” “Those policies are contained in an addendum to the program and are set to ensure that by the year 2030, the Canada Research Chairs Program will ‘look’ more like Canada…”How the woke vengeance-seekers love this one. Knowing that whites are on a demographic decline, they plan to push this to the limit. Down the road, let’s say when whites comprise 20% of our demography, these communities would be limited to 20% of employment opportunities within Canada’s university system.Bringing about an obvious question: what if the policy doesn’t apply exclusively to schools, colleges and universities? What if– lord help us– these policies permeate every government-related job sector in Canada?We dare to put forth a proposition perpetually eschewed by media– including our “alternative media” sector, as minimal as it is.Immigration policy in Canada is serving as the impetus to transition Canadians of European heritage to a second class community. Why do you think the woke, media, academia and government are unified in their advancement of the evils of “colonialism?”

The premise is deceptively simple: “you stole the land in the first place, so we have the right to steal it back.”Back to Bruce Pardy: “By comparison[with United States], in Canada, unequal treatment has become the constitutional standard. So we are stuck with a big problem.”CAP refuse to mince words:  It’s Canada’s “Old Stock” communities who are stuck with a “big problem.”“Our Supreme Court is largely to blame, but of course our foolish politicians and woke bureaucracies have had a big hand in fostering it as well.”Kudos to Professor Pardy. As for CBC, CTV, Globe & Mail, Toronto Star, Montreal Gazette, Calgary Herald et al, you can forget about it. They wouldn’t expose these realities for all the white rice in China.“Every individual is equal before and under the law,” says the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, “and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination.”“But the Supreme Court of Canada has long insisted that the clause does not mean equal treatment but equity.””So what happened? The federal government established a Royal Commission on Equality in Employment, also known as the Abella Commission after its commissioner Rosalie Abella. Abella, now retired, would later become the most activist judge on the court.””The commission’s report, released in 1984, recommended employment equity policies in the federal government and in federally regulated companies, and led to the passage of the federal Employment Equity Act in 1986, which required affirmative action programs that gave preference to candidates from some groups over others.”In Canada, “Liberalism” in all its vicissitudes– government, academia, corporations, law, courts–  has instituted a program for comprehensive marginalization of Canada’s Caucasian communities.Is this the true meaning behind Justin Trudeau’s proclamation stating that Canada is a “post-modern” society? Who, pray-tell, was prime minister of Canada during the 10-plus years that all of this came into being? Pierre Trudeau is your answer.“The strict enforcement of diversity rules has indeed changed the demographics of the Canada Research Chairs program. As of last September, it surpassed its 2029 racial minority quota of 22 per cent, but the racially exclusionary job ads persist.”President of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Ted Hewitt “revealed that he had no plan to pare back the quotas — even though some have been surpassed.”Bingo. There’s your social “equity” for you. Now, back to Hockey Night in Canadastan.


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How ‘identity’ trumps public safety in Canadian criminal sentencing

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How ‘identity’ trumps public safety in Canadian criminal sentencing

Violent crime is up almost everywhere across Canada, and is now 30 per cent higher than it was just 10 years ago. This is in addition to staggering rises in several categories of property crime, with Canada now officially ranking as one of the world’s worst countries for auto theft.

A big part of the problem is a justice system that is wholly unable to keep chronic offenders off the streets for more than a few months at a time. Just this month, the group International Downtown Association Canada said that Canadian small businesses are under siege by “repeat offenders.” They join mayors, premiers and any number of police forces who have similarly said that the singular driver of crime across the country is criminals being freed to commit more crimes.

Below is a gallery of examples from just the last few weeks of what this looks like in practice. Four offenders who faced judgement for severe and even deadly crimes, all of whom were handed light sentences with the reasoning that it wasn’t really their fault.

No jail time for fatally stabbing a random senior, judge cites Indigenous identity

On the afternoon of Dec.15, 2020, 27-year-old Anthony Woods left his room at Vancouver’s The Biltmore, a 95-room low-barrier homeless shelter. He was drunk and on drugs, and began screaming and pounding doors as he made his way to the elevator.

This apparently upset a 72-year-old man in the elevator named Alex Gortmaker, who confronted Woods. Woods reacted by producing a knife, stabbing Gortmaker in the chest, and then pushing him out of the elevator to bleed to death on the floor.

As this goes to press less than four years later, Woods is already out of prison; he was given a conditional sentence earlier this month. All told, the crime will have netted him just eight months in jail given than he’s been on bail through most of the interim.  

Murder in Canada all comes with a mandatory prison sentence; 10 years for second-degree, 25 years for first-degree. But this crime wasn’t categorized as a murder, it was manslaughter.

And in handing out one of the lightest possible sentences for manslaughter, Provincial Court Judge R.P. Harris cites everything from Woods’ ADHD to his unstable childhood to his intoxication at the time to his Indigenous background to the history of the Edmonton Indian Residential School, that some of his family members attended.

It’s a federal requirement for sentencing judges to consider these things, particularly when the offender is Indigenous. As a result, most of the sentencing decision is a detailed biography of Woods’ life and family history. “Mr. Woods recalls playing with cousins, picking berries and learning how to cut and jar fish,” reads one section about how his summers were spent as a child.

The decision does contain a victim impact statement from the family of the man Woods killed, but it takes up just 200 words out of a decision running to 8,500 words. Gortmaker’s niece is given a couple paragraphs to say that “she is haunted with nightmares; that going outside fills her with anxiety” and “that her foundation of trust and empathy has been lost.”

Repeat offender given lighter sentence after criminality blamed on Arab background

Saeed Abbas’s entire adult life has been a string of crimes, brief prison sentences and parole violations. In a criminal record spanning 25 years, the 44-year-old has racked up 25 convictions (ranging from arson to car theft), and 22 breaches of parole.

He was in a Kelowna court this month facing charges related to his most recent crime spree: Five months of break-ins, fraud offences and car thefts. The crimes cited included at least five break-ins, four stolen cars, and several spending sprees with stolen wallets. When police caught him in the midst of breaking into a Mercedes Benz dealership, he had a loaded, illegal gun on him.

For all this, the Crown is recommending a maximum sentence of two years – well short of the more than 10 years that this kind of crime spree could technically yield.

The news website Castanet covered the sentencing hearing, and found that everyone in the room – from the judge to the Crown to the defense — agreed on the fact that the crimes aren’t entirely Abbas’s fault because he’s he has an Arab background and has Muslim parents.

A pre-sentence report said Abbas had been driven to criminality by racism and poverty, and also noted his various mental health and addiction problems.

“The Crown certainly takes no issue with the fact that Mr. Abbas’s personal experiences as a Muslim Canadian would have undoubtedly played a role in him coming before the court today,” said the prosecutor.

Five years for killing a man at a homeless shelter because offender is mentally ill

The central crime in this case is remarkably similar to the Anthony Woods case described above: A minor confrontation at a homeless shelter that escalates to murder.

In the early morning hours of Jan. 3, 2022 at Edmonton’s Herb Jamieson Shelter, resident Thomas Gignac stumbled on his way back from the bathroom. This woke up fellow resident Stanley Jago, who brutally attacked Gignac until he suffered a fatal seizure.

In sharp contrast to Woods — who did express remorse for stabbing Alex Gortmaker — Jago’s trial featured the accused throwing punches at sheriffs, threatening members of the court and claiming he didn’t do it. Jago was also on probation at the time he killed Gignac, having been convicted for indecent exposure.

In late August, Jago was sentenced to five years in prison. When accounting for his pre-trial custody, this means he’ll be out within a year.

The sentencing decision doesn’t delve too much into Jago’s background, in part because he isn’t Indigenous and thus isn’t subject to Gladue principles requiring sentencing judges to consider his personal circumstances.

Jago is of Haitian descent and was raised by a wealthy adoptive family in B.C. A sentencing judge didn’t once mention race in the decision, but the document makes clear that Jago is getting a lighter sentence because his severe mental health problems reduce his “moral blameworthiness” for the crime.

“When mental illness contributes to the commission of an offence, general deterrence will be a less important consideration because a mentally ill offender is not a suitable exemplar to dissuade other members of the public from similar conduct,” reads the decision, written by Court of King’s Bench Justice Anna Loparco.

The decision is open about the fact that although Jago has expressed an “intention to change,” once he’s free it’s unlikely he will be able to keep up with treatments to keep his mental illness in check. “I am uncertain of his prospects to follow through once released, even with a probation order,” it reads.

Nevertheless, while manslaughter can result in a life sentence, five years was deemed “fit and proper” in Jago’s case. “Understanding the root cause of his criminality, and finding ways to address it, is in my view, the key to the long-term protection of society,” wrote the judge.

“Traumatic” childhood helps yield just three years for a fatal random attack

The random killing of former CBC producer Michael Finlay was one of the most high-profile examples in a string of deadly stranger attacks that made headlines through the winter of 2022/2023. Finlay, a 73-year-old cancer survivor, was walking along Toronto’s Danforth Avenue in January 2023 when – without provocation – he was violently pushed to the ground.

Finlay broke ribs, suffered a punctured lung, and was plunged into a series of cascading medical problems that killed him shortly after.

As with all the other killings on this list, the charge was manslaughter. And last month, the serial offender convicted of Finlay’s death was given a sentence of just three years. With time served, he’ll be out by the fall of 2025.

At the time he shoved Finlay, Robert Cropearedwolf, 43, had a string of criminal convictions dating back to 1995 – and occurring everywhere from Alberta to Ontario to at least five U.S. states. This included at least five convictions for violent crime, including domestic assault.

Cropearedwolf is Indigenous, so his sentencing had to consider his personal and family history; a pre-sentence report said his forced removal from a mother with substance abuse problems was an example of the Sixties Scoop.

One of Finlay’s friends, Lesley Krueger, would challenge the notion of Cropearedwolf’s traumatic background as having driven his criminality. In a victim impact statement she said, “There are large numbers of Aboriginal people, Black people and people of all sorts of backgrounds who have had very dreadful times and most of them don’t hurt people.” (National Post, October 19, 2024)

Healthy Poland, Sick England

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Immigration Policy Is The Root Cause Of Foreign Election Interference In Canada

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Immigration Policy Is The Root Cause Of Foreign Election Interference In Canada

Fascinating it is to note the “missing link” in all of this– the degree to which government and media sublimate the number one cause of foreign interference.


Many will be familiar with the term the “elephant in the room.” With this in mind, we consider the nature of governmental response to accusations of Canadian foreign election interference.

On the hot seat this week is Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who offered the following comment while being interviewed at the Foreign Election Interference Inquiry:

“These were covert, clandestine, and coercive measures—ranging from threats to withhold family visas, to paying sources for information. These actions represented a serious threat to public safety,” said Trudeau.

In this statement is found the key to the political “escape root” backroom Liberal government strategists are applying to the scandal. The “victims” are members of Canada’s diaspora communities– as opposed to citizens within general society.

Immigrants, refugees, and 3rd world ethnic communities. Eschewed in the narrative is the impact on “the rest of us.” By now, we know the type– “second rate” citizens who form the core of those who oppose PM Trudeau’s brand of globalist politics: Old Stock Canadians, multi-generational citizens, Anglophones, Christians and others of this ilk.

Fascinating it is to note a “missing link” in all of this. Namely, the degree to which government and media sublimate the number one cause of foreign interference.

Immigration policy is the one. As incredible as it seems, no one within Canada’s monolithic media conglomerate has pointed to a tangible truth: mass immigration from China, South Asia and the Middle East is the root source for the undermining of democratic governance in our country.

“Representatives of a B.C. Sikh temple whose president was shot dead last year, as well as the Sikh separatist group he was involved in, say their communities won’t feel safe until India’s consulates in Vancouver and Toronto are shut down.”

Gurkeerat Singh, spokesperson for the gurdwara, stated that “the safety and the security of Sikhs will still be in question unless India’s consulates are shut down.”

Right, The safety of the Sikhs, who at present comprise two percent of Canada’s total population. Holy Cow, these people sure make a lot of noise relative to demographic representation. But hey– that’s so-called “Multiculturalism” for ya.

A recent article from Policy Options shed light on the grief experienced by Chinese-Canadians as result of alleged election interference:

“These stories illustrate the CCP’s direct influence on diaspora communities, making these groups a target for foreign interference efforts. The CCP and China are not alone in conducting interference campaigns in Canada through disinformation campaigns, which have a significant and negative impact on the people who make up diaspora communities in Canada.”

These people may suffer, but does it really compare to the damage being inflicted on general society? The by-products of Liberal immigration policy affect all Canadians, not just government-coddled and coveted 3rd world diaspora peoples.

When media sublimate the high-level damage, they are freed from pointing to another obvious outcome of institutionalized Multiculturalism, diversity and the rest of the woke jive.

The missing link being the relationship between diaspora communities, and members of Parliament they vote into office. While myriad reports speak of the degree that culprits exist within the Liberal Party, our PM delivers the globalist goods:

“Trudeau addressed three memos starting in 2019 that intended to brief him on foreign interference threats, all of which he claimed never reached his desk.”

“I have faith, having looked at the paper, that it was indeed the right decision by the National Security Intelligence Advisor—that it wasn’t a document that significantly added in a relevant way to my understanding of the situation.”

Let Cultural Action Party [est. 2016] state it for the record: if Mr. Trudeau wanted to know details on federal election interference, he could have. The volume of CSIS intelligence output makes it near-impossible for our PM not to be aware of the phenomenon in any capacity.

Therefore, as far as the Liberal Party is concerned, Trudeau functions as a brick-wall of information-gathering. As opposed to that which he was willing to expose in this week’s proceedings:

As reported by journalist Sam Cooper of The Bureau:

“Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has testified on his view of two explosive Canadian intelligence reports, including the ‘Targeting Paper,’ which described how Chinese diplomats assessed Canadian MPs based on how helpful or hurtful they could be to Beijing.”

“Trudeau confirmed that this report was not shared with him by his key security advisor, Jody Thomas.”

A big, fat zero. Trudeau is functioning as a brick-wall of information-gathering prevention. As opposed to what he was willing to expose in this week’s proceedings:

“I have the names of a number of parliamentarians, former parliamentarians and-or candidates in the Conservative Party of Canada who are engaged (in) or at high risk of or for whom there is clear intelligence around foreign interference,” Trudeau said.

So Trudeau knows nothing about any of this except the identity of Conservative turn-coats.

“Global News reported that its intelligence sources with knowledge of CSIS affairs reported that [Liberal MP candidate Han] Dong was an alleged witting affiliate in China’s election interference networks.”

“Sources state that Trudeau and senior Liberal party officials ignored CSIS warnings about Dong, which has been denied by Trudeau.”

In 2021, the PM issued the following public statement:  “I do not have any information, nor have I been briefed on any federal candidates receiving any money from China.”

Yet, he has the “dope” on Conservative MPs.

 “Anonymous sources who spoke to Global News “described years of interactive dialogue between senior intelligence officials and Trudeau’s office regarding China’s incursions into Canadian elections.”

Never say die. Unconscionable as the day is long, it’s obvious Justin Trudeau will never come clean with the people of Canada.

In turn, media toe the party line. Mass immigration is the source of scandal; the fall-out being a degeneration of democracy in “post-modern” Canadian society.

Ie source of scandal; the fall-out being a degeneration of democracy in “post-modern” Canadian society.

Huge Anti-White Mural on Summerland School

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Whites are bombarded with anti-White propaganda. Here is a huge mural on a school in Summerland, B.C. Among the freakish looking people, there are no obvious Whites. Message Whites AREN’T important and don’t REALLY belong — strangers in their own country, given over to the glorification of minorities

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Conservatives raise the alarm on Trudeau Liberal’s “black justice strategy” 

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Conservatives raise the alarm on Trudeau Liberal’s “black justice strategy” 


Clayton DeMaine, True North Wire

October 14, 2024


Source: Facebook

While the Trudeau government prepares to respond to recommendations it received from a standing committee on “black justice,” Conservatives are raising alarms on the recommendation’s potential to worsen crime in Canada.

Conservative MP Jamil Jivani grilled the Liberal Diversity Minister, Kamal Khera, Wednesday at a heritage committee meeting about the recommendations given to the government in  “A Roadmap for Transformative Change: Canada’s Black Justice Strategy.”

Jivani called the group’s recommendations “radical.”

“(The recommendations) include mass decarceration, reducing the number of incarcerated people by 30% over the next 10 years, decriminalizing a supply of 30 days worth of hard drugs, including cocaine, heroin and meth, and also defunding police departments by removing 25% of federal grants from eligibility to police organizations.”


When Jivani asked Khera if she as the “DEI minister” supports those particular “radical criminal justice policies” suggested in the road map, she accused Jivani of making a joke out of the issue.

“It would only be a Conservative that would be making a joke out of systemic racism (which as a result) have seen an over incarceration of black and Indigenous people in our criminal justice system,” Khera said. “To be making a joke about that is disgraceful.”

[Khera’s comments are, of course, misleading nonsense. Blacks are disproportionately in prison because they disproportionately COMMIT serious crime. The numerous “gang” related shootings in Toronto are almost all Blacks killing Blacks. “Systemic racism” is a bogus charge.]

In December 2021, the Minister of Justice and Attorney General Arif Virani was given a mandate to “address anti-black racism and systemic discrimination that has led to the overrepresentation of black people in the criminal justice system.”

Jivani denied making a joke out of it and accused the Liberals of “flooding our streets with drugs,” an accusation which Khera denied.

The Benefits of Diversity:Pervert who had sex with chickens in his basement while his wife filmed him is jailed for three years

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Pervert who had sex with chickens in his basement while his wife filmed him is jailed for three years

  • Man convicted of having sex with chickens which was filmed on a GoPro
  • His wife joined her husband in the videos and admitted to aiding and abetting
  • The chickens died as a result of 37-year-old Baig’s sexual activity with them
  • Rehan Baig has been jailed for three years by a judge who told him his behaviour had been ‘depraved, despicable and perverted’
  • Wife Haleem Baig was spared jail after judge heard evidence of domestic abuse 

By Sophie Tanno For Mailonline

A care worker filmed warped home videos of her husband having sex with chickens in the basement of their home, a court has heard. 

The horrifying footage of Rehan Baig abusing the birds, which were family pets, was saved under the file name ‘family vids’ and were shot by his wife Haleema. 

The couple had a GoPro camera rigged up in the cellar of their home to capture the footage of both of them indulging in the ‘depraved and perverted’ acts. 

Rehan Baig, pictured, has been jailed for three years by a judge who told him his behaviour had been 'depraved, despicable and perverted'

Rehan Baig, pictured, has been jailed for three years by a judge who told him his behaviour had been ‘depraved, despicable and perverted’

Bradford Crown Court heard that Haleema Baig joined her husband in the videos and that he at one stage alternated between having intercourse with his wife and the chickens. 




The brown and white chickens died as a result of 37-year-old Baig’s sexual activity with them, the court heard. 

He was jailed for three years by a judge who told him his behaviour had been ‘depraved, despicable and perverted’ and ‘would make any right thinking member of society sick to their stomach.’ 

Haleem Baig, 38, admitted aiding and abetting her husband’s sick actions but she was spared jail after a judge heard there was evidence that she had suffered domestic abuse at Baig’s hands. 

The offences came to light after a raid on the couple’s home in Great Horton, Bradford, West Yorkshire, on July 9 last year by the National Crime Agency who were acting on intelligence that Baig had images of sexual abuse of children. 

Two computer towers, a laptop and a mobile phone were seized and examined and images and videos of child abuse – 11 in the most serious category A – were recovered. 

Baig was jailed for three years by a judge who told him his behaviour had been 'depraved, despicable and perverted'

Baig was jailed for three years by a judge who told him his behaviour had been ‘depraved, despicable and perverted’

However investigators found more than they bargained for when they realised the sickening acts on the chickens and a dog captured in some of the footage featured Baig himself. 

Prosecutor Abigail Langford told the court: ‘Moving images were found of the defendant engaging in penetrative sexual intercourse with a number of chickens. 

‘Haleema Baig was depicted in some of these videos. Having viewed them it is clear they are filmed in the cellar or basement of their property and both are clearly depicted in the videos. 

‘Rehan Baig is seen naked from the waist down and Haleema Baig is seen to perform a sexual act on him. He penetrates the chicken while she is standing close by. 

‘There are other examples where Haleema Baig engages in penetrative sexual activity herself with the defendant while he moves between penetrating the chickens and her. 

‘She is heard to make sexually encouraging moans to the defendant and engages in consensual sexual activity with him. These do help with her culpability in these particular acts.’ 

Ms Langford said still images were also found of the couple involved in sexual activity with a dog, which has not been found or identified and was not believed to be there own pet. 

Reham Baig encouraged the animal into sexual acts with himself and his wife. She added that the chicken abuse had not taken place on only one occasion. 

Haleema Baig, 38

The horrifying footage of Rehan abusing the birds, which were family pets, was saved under the file name ‘family vids’ and were shot by his wife Haleema Baig (pictured)

She said: ‘There were numerous different chickens, brown and white birds and the defendant appears to be wearing different clothing, it is the Crown’s case that this was repeated behaviour.’ 

She said the chickens died in the course of the shocking abuse at the hands of Rehan Baig. 

Some were seen in the videos being thrown into bin liners afterwards and in one instance Baig appeared to be having sex with a chicken that was already dead. 

Ms Langford said: ‘Haleema Baig admitted in interview that the chickens had initially started as family pets. No dog was found at the address.’ 

Simon Hustler, mitigating on behalf of Rehan Baig, said: ‘Sometimes the exposure of the crime is substantial punishment in itself and these offences have attracted such derision, loathing and ridicule that this might just be one of those rare cases. 

‘When he entered his pleas his life as he knew it came to an end. This case has attracted attention that is rare even in the digital age and he now rarely leaves the house, even sending out for cigarettes if he needs them.’ 

Mr Hustler said the case had brought shame on Baig’s family and had become notorious as far afield as Pakistan, Germany and Spain. 

He added that the family had suffered threats and reprisals in the form of attacks on their home which had meant they had to call the police. 

John Bottomley, for Haleema Baig, said she was a woman of good character who had risen from being a cleaner in a care home to becoming a senior care assistant ‘working long hours.’ 

He said Baig was appearing at court via a video link from a women’s refuge where she was living, saying: ‘She left the marital home, she would say, because of domestic abuse. The nature of that abuse being her husband screaming at and assaulting her.’ 


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He added that she had been a victim of her husband’s depravity herself after he rigged up a secret camera, hidden in an iPhone box, in their bedroom. 

Mr Bottomley said: ‘She will suffer shame and humiliation for the rest of her life. Rehan Baig admitted two counts of performing ‘an act of penetration with your penis on the cloaca of a living animal, namely a brown chicken’. 

He also pleaded guilty to the same charge charge on ‘several brown and white chickens’. 

He also admitted possessing extreme pornographic images which were ‘grossly offensive, disgusting or otherwise of an obscene nature’ which portrayed in an ‘explicit and realistic way’ a person performing an act of intercourse with an unknown animal, a dog and several chickens. 

He also pleaded guilty to three counts making indecent photographs of children, some aged just six years old, as well as the possession of 405mg of cocaine and 4.07g of cannabis resin. 

His wife, 38, pleaded guilty to three aiding and abetting counts, namely filming her husband having sexual intercourse with a chicken. 

The brown and white chickens died as a result of 37-year-old Baig's sexual activity with them, the court heard (Stock image)

The brown and white chickens died as a result of 37-year-old Baig’s sexual activity with them, the court heard (Stock image) 

Jailing Rehan Baig, Judge Richard Mansell, QC, told him: ‘The videos you made would make any right thinking member of society sick to their stomach and involved unspeakable acts of cruelty to animals you abused for your own depraved sexual gratification.’

One film showed two brown chickens dead on the floor and there is one occasion where it is perfectly apparent you were penetrating a chicken that was already dead. 

‘The pain and suffering you must have inflicted on these animals must have been horrific and all these chickens died as a result. 

‘These home videos were created for your own sexual gratification and kept so that you could go back and watch them, again for sexual gratification. They are beyond comprehension.’ 

He jailed Baig for a total of three years, placed on the sexual offenders register for life and banned him from owning animals for life, telling him: ‘You are not fit to bring up or look after an animal after what you have done.’ 

He said there was reliable evidence that Haleema Baig had suffered domestic abuse within the marital home and said he was prepared to suspend her six month jail term for 18 months. 

But Judge Mansell told her: ‘You gave the appearance of having enjoyed some of the sexual acts with the chickens and dog. 

‘You aided and abetted him in these acts although in truth he doesn’t appear to have needed much encouragement to indulge his depraved sexual practices.’ (Daily Mail, October 19, 2020)

Germany: Over Half Of Prisoners Are Foreigners In Many States, Costing Taxpayers Billions

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Germany: Over Half Of Prisoners Are Foreigners In Many States, Costing Taxpayers Billions

In numerous German federal states, the prison population is made up of more than 50 percent foreigners, with the cost of these prisoners totaling €2 billion a year, according to an exclusive report from the Austrian news outlet Freilich.

Already in mid-July, German state media outlet SWR reported that for the first time, more than half of all prisoners in the southern state of Baden-Württemberg are foreigners. Currently, this figure stands at 50.8 percent. Freilich decided to look into the situation in other German states and found that five others also feature prison populations that are more than 50 percent foreign.

The state with the highest proportion of foreigners is Hamburg, which stands at 57.8 percent.

Maxime Bernier Warns People Not to Trust Pierre Poilievre

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Lavone Darnel4:53 PM (5 hours ago)

From:Maxime Bernier

Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2024 12:30 PM

Subject: Poilievre will be a huge disappointment

Pierre Poilievre keeps saying he wants a “carbon tax election”.

He considers scrapping the carbon tax his most important priority.

This in itself should tell you all you need to know about how unambitious he is and how disappointing a Poilievre government will be.

(Let alone the fact that he will simply replace the carbon tax with subsidies to “green” technologies and carbon capture in order to reach the Paris Accord targets, which he still supports.)

If that’s his priority, how can anyone expect him to adopt any of the bold policies that Canada needs?

  • He won’t cut back unsustainable spending.
  • He won’t repeal Trudeau’s laws and abolish Trudeau’s programs.
  • He won’t stop sending money for foreign wars.
  • He won’t send to jail the transgender industry monsters who mutilate our kids.
  • He won’t stop mass immigration and protect Canadian identity.

If he were serious about fixing Canada’s problems, Poilievre would call for a “mass immigration election”, given this is by far the biggest issue we face and it is literally destroying our country.

But he won’t because he’s just Trudeau lite.

Lavone, the whole country is fed up with Trudeau and yes, realistically, yes, it’s almost guaranteed that Poilievre will be the next prime minister.

But that makes it even more important for the People’s Party to have strong showing at the next election.

There must be a credible populist and patriotic opposition to the next Conservative government, not just a collection of globalist and socialist parties.

We must be there to keep Poilievre on his toes and offer a real alternative when Canadians are inevitably disappointed.