So Many Brits Still Think They “Won” WW II
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Refuting the anti-White blame game.
Africa is NOT Poor Because of Colonialism: Here’s Why. – Magatte Wade
The Scourge of Islamic Radicalized UK Judges and Police
ByMikeon•( Leave a comment )
THE VOICE OF THE SILENCED MAJORITY This week we have witnessed even more anti-migrant protestors dragged from their homes, put in front of a radicalized government-appointed judge and handed the harshest sentences imaginable.
But now the noose is tightening around the necks of everyone who values freedom of speech and dares to speak out against mass immigration and multiculturalism.
This week a man from Sheffield was jailed for merely posting a picture of what a court described as ‘Asian men’ with the slogan; ‘coming to a town near you’.
For this ‘heinous’ crime he was sentenced to an EIGHT WEEK CUSTODIAL sentence. With over 1000 people already arrested in connection with the recent protests, this may well be just the beginning.
These harsh custodial sentences have shone a light on the corruption and double standards at the heart of the British legal system.
Over the last two decades, over 12,000 rapists, sex offenders and paedophiles have WALKED FREE from British courts, or worse still, been LET OFF with cautions! This is one of the greatest scandals of our time and it is supported by successive governments.
This week, Mark Collett has released a video on this very topic, which is also featured on the PA website in written format. This video exposes how this corruption within the ‘justice’ system goes all the way to the very top, from the police to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), to the courts and even to the highest offices of state. The British establishment is enabling the sexual abuse of children at an institutional level.
Despite the shocking nature of this scandal, the dam is finally beginning to crack with millions of normal people discussing these issues and social media being filled with articles and posts exposing this corruption.
As the number of anti-immigration protestors being sent to jail increases, Patriotic Alternative has launched a campaign to help those who have been handed unduly harsh sentences.
We are attempting to gather the names, addresses and prisoner numbers of those who have been incarcerated so we can offer them support.
We must create a support network for those who have been unfairly imprisoned. For many, this will be the first time they have been jailed and they will likely be isolated, nervous and worried for their future.
If you have information on how we can help someone, you can write to us directly at or you help in one of the ways listed on our website.
Every other ethnic group has an advocacy group dedicated to fighting for their rights – now Indigenous
FIGHTING THE WHITE HATERS! Supporters of Canada First Protest Burnaby Library’s Policy Not to Hire Whites for Senior Positions
The coverage of the protest begins at minute 40.
Nathan Sykes of the Australia First Party Interviews Dr. Jim Saleam, President of the Australia First Party & Canadian Immigration Reform Committee Chairman Paul Fromm
Fear of a White Planet
Critical Race Theory Explained
Paul Fromm – The War on Whites in Canada
Talk in Vancouver, August 8, 2024
100 million Canadians by 2100? Liberal immigration minister met with group pushing radical agenda
Notes from the meeting show that the Liberals are well aware of the public’s perception of 500,000 new Canadians each year being an unmanageable and unfair target.
- By Sheila Gunn Reid
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- August 11, 2024
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- News Analysis
Exclusive access to information briefing notes from the immigration ministry detail a November 2022 meeting between Canada’s immigration minister at the time, Sean Fraser, and a public interest group that seeks to fill Canada with 100 million people by 2100, the turn of the next century.
The group, Century Initiative, has included notable figures like Edmonton’s former mayor Don Iveson, who recently accepted a Trudeau appointment at the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
Canadians are currently struggling with an affordability crisis, which is compounded by Trudeau’s escalating taxes, housing supply issues, costs of living, and unemployment.
And yet the Liberals won’t back away from their insane immigration targets in a complete and total lack of understanding of the very basic rules of supply and demand.
In the briefing notes for the meeting, Fraser seemed well aware of the public’s perception of 500,000 new Canadians each year being an unmanageable and unfair target.
Public support for immigration in Canada remains strong and is dependent on good outcomes in a well-managed system. If immigration levels grow at a rate faster than Canada’s absorptive capacity can handle, it risks turning this public perception negative. As we work to help Canada’s population grow through increased immigration, it will be important to broaden public discourse to ensure that the importance and benefits of immigration remain at the forefront. I believe the Century Initiative can be an important ally in this regard.
The briefing notes also show that the Liberals were aware that “some economists have also noted that increasing immigration rates is not an effective strategy to counter or replace an aging workforce and that increased immigration numbers and the associated increase in housing prices have contributed to the rise of inflation in 2021 to the highest in 18 years.”
However, notes from the minister suggest that not only does the Liberal government not care about the public’s perception, but they want the Century Initiative’s help to drive that number even higher:
I would be very interested in hearing your views on how your organization may be able to help us develop a strategy to achieve even higher growth in a responsible way that supports strong outcomes for newcomers and any thoughts you may have on how your organization can help us ensure that public support for immigration among Canadians remains strong.
You’re being crushed by Justin Trudeau’s unrealistic and ideological drive to change and mould Canadian society to fit his progressive whims.
The Liberals don’t want to fix the problem of affordability caused by out-of-control immigration targets. They want to find so-called allies to push their narrative that what’s happening to Canada is all in your imagination.
And it’s going to get worse.