Tag Archives: Justin Trudeau

Does Canada Have An Anti-Anglophone Federal Government?

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Does Canada Have An Anti-Anglophone Federal Government?

Is Justin Trudeau fulfilling a covert agenda instigated by so-called father Pierre Trudeau? Brad Salzberg Jul 27   Share   Share For nearly eight years in office, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has prided himself on a so-called “progressive” form of governance.
While Canadian media echo the sentiment, an ominous undertone of what “progress” really means falls outside the scope of media narrative. One form of progress is currently eluding millions of citizens of our country who qualify as “Old Stock” Canadians. The offspring of generations of European immigrants, most of these citizens derive from a secular or religious Christian background. To say these communities are getting the “short end of the federal government stick” is the understatement of the decade.

Devoid of community solidarity, white Canadians today exist as a quintessential “silent majority.” It isn’t difficult to see why. Simply put, no one speaks of them. Nearly eight years in office, and PM Trudeau has yet to make verbal reference to English Canada, as well as any form of reference toward our Anglophone communities.

To be sure, Mr. Trudeau doesn’t like our type. He much prefers French-Canadians. Canadians of 3rd World origin are a close second. For verification, we turn to the plight of Anglophones within Canada’s social and political arena. As a result of this week’s Federal Cabinet shuffle, the new Liberal MPs entering cabinet are Jenna Sudds, Rechie Valdez, Ya’ara Saks, Arif Virani, Gary Anandasangaree, Soraya Martinez Ferrada and Terry Beech. Seven new members, one of which is an Anglophone male.

Broadening the scope beyond a federal level reveals what CBC and corporate media never speak of: The “running of the Anglophone” from political office in Canada. Those who believe it to be limited to federal politics take head. At every level of government, white Canadians are being hustled out and replaced with those favoured by Trudeau: Quebecers, 3rd World migrants, homosexuals.

According to Statistics Canada, our country has five cities with a population exceeding one million residents: Out of the five– Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Calgary, Ottawa, Edmonton— just one has an Anglophone mayor. We absolutely cannot understand how an ex-Liberal Cabinet member from the Trudeau government, Amarjeet Sohi, was elected Mayor of Edmonton. In the most recent federal election, the Liberals didn’t win a single seat in Alberta. A total washout, all seats save one(NDP) were taken by the Conservative Party.

What happened? Suddenly every Edmontonian worth their winter boots voted for ex-Liberal MP Amarjeet Sohi? One has to wonder about the forces controlling Canadian politics at present. Whoever they are, they do not like “our kind.”

Why not? Because Anglophones exist as a thorn-in-the-side to Justin Trudeau’s pseudo-communist assault on society. Toss aside the white snowflakes, and what remains are ten million Old Stock Canadians with an ability to see through the veneer of Justin Trudeau’s “woke socialist revolution.” Looking back, we consider the methods that nascent totalitarian governments used to disempower unwanted segments of society.

Fundamental to the endeavor is coordinated government-media propaganda. Trudeau’s Liberals accomplished this through a tacit purchasing of establishment media. Once accomplished, the PM went about insulting and degrading our communities, branding us racist, homophobic and genocidal. Covid from China brought another neo-communist tactic to the mix: the “running of the Christian,” manifest in a plethora of arrests of Canadian pastors. After 50 Christian churches were burned down in arson attacks, PM Trudeau responded with a shrug of his shoulders, stating that the attacks “were understandable.” Make no mistake– this Trudeau fellow has it in for us, big time.

His LGBT advocacy delivers another angle to the agenda. It’s a funny thing– as much as LGBT, Pride and Transgender propaganda have permeated society, media never speak of a specific downside: LGBT results in fewer children being born. Do tell, fellow patriots: why, in a country with a rapidly shrinking population, does our prime minister promote the hell out of non-birthing LGBT advocacy? Trudeau maintains the same vehemence toward promoting Abortion and Euthanasia. All of which maintain a commonality. They result in an impediment of children being born in Canada. It’s a weird phenomenon– until we begin to think about which communities most indulge in these practices.

Every way you look at it, Anglophones in Canada are down on their luck. Media never speak of us in a communal sense. Muslims, Sikhs, Chinese, Quebecois, Tamil Tigers. Your name them, and Justin Trudeau has pandered to them in a giant way. But when it comes to Anglophone Canadians, silence is golden. And here we are sitting back and taking it. If we had to pick a question most often asked of CAP by our readers, it would be something along the lines of “why do we put up with it?” A fair question it is– why do Anglo-European Canadians sit back and take the abuse Team Trudeau has been throwing in our faces for the past seven-plus years? The answer comes in recognition of a 50-history of pre-meditated socio-political seduction.

With Canada’s colonial founding as ammunition, a Quebecois communist by the name of Pierre Trudeau set our people up for the fall. The first major sign was an introduction of Multiculturalism in the early 1970’s. Forced upon an unsuspecting general public, it was only a matter of time before “diversity” steamrolled right over our communities. Wanna know the problem with so-called diversity? It has no ceiling. No point of demarcation exists as to when multiculturalism will be declared a success. Canada’s multicultural pushers are insatiable. Nothing is good enough, and nothing ever will be.

That is, until whitey is pushed to the side, his position usurped by PM Trudeau’s preferred form of citizen: Those willing to accept every draconian, freedom-stripping piece of neo-communism he is throwing at our society. Back in the world of high-level politics, we point to the reality of the Anglophone-Canadian predicament. Out of 39 Liberal Cabinet Members, just seven are male Anglophones. In what seems like ancient history, ex-Conservative PM Stephen Harper’s Cabinet had 18 out of 38. A microcosm for society it is. Justin Trudeau is gunning for disempowerment of one identifiable Canadian community. Like so-called father Pierre, he is at heart a Quebecois communist. Caught off-guard through a half-century of seduction, the destiny of English Canada and its Anglophone communities stands on shaky ground.

Canada Tests the Limits of Its Liberal Immigration Strategy

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American Renaissance

Posted on August 18, 2023

Canada Tests the Limits of Its Liberal Immigration Strategy

Paul Vieira, Wall Street Journal, August 14, 2023

High levels of immigration made Canada the second-fastest growing developed-world economy in recent years, trailing only the U.S., as it competed to attract high-skilled workers from around the world.

Now, the newcomers are starting to strain the country’s ability to absorb them, putting at risk an important engine of the country’s growth.

The country of 40 million people last year welcomed more than one million permanent and temporary immigrants, Statistics Canada said. That influx generated a population growth of 2.7%; the increase of 1.05 million people was nearly equivalent to last year’s increase in the U.S., a country with more than eight times Canada’s population.

In the next two years, Canadian officials say they will boost the number of permanent newcomers by almost a third, with most being skilled migrants such as carpenters, computer scientists and healthcare workers who qualify under a merit-based points system.

The system, touted by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government but first developed in the 1960s, has helped drive economic growth, attract entrepreneurs and fill vacancies for skilled positions. It has been broadly supported across the Canadian political spectrum, with the goal of attracting the world’s best and brightest to Canada.

But the intake of newcomers is increasing so rapidly that analysts and newly arrived immigrants say it is adding fuel to an overheated housing market, straining a stressed healthcare system and clogging up roads in cities unaccustomed to traffic jams.

The country’s housing prices remain among the highest in the world even after a rapid and hefty rise in interest rates, according to data compiled by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. The price of a Canadian home sits 36% above 2020 levels because residential construction can’t keep up with population growth, analysts say.

TD Bank economists, in a report last month, forecast that based on current demographic trends, the shortfall in housing units that are needed to keep up with projected demand could roughly double to a half-million units within just two years.

Historically, newcomers flocked to major cities such as Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal, but they are now also settling in smaller urban and suburban areas.

The total population of Canada’s capital region, around Ottawa, grew by 8.5% between 2016 to 2021, according to the national census, and house prices there surged 84% in the same period, based on data from the Canadian Real Estate Association. In the Kitchener-Waterloo-Cambridge region, a technology and manufacturing hub 70 miles west of Toronto, the population grew 10% to 575,000. In the 2016-21 period, house prices more than doubled.

As immigration has surged, Canada’s gross domestic product per capita—widely used by economists to measure a country’s standard of living—has declined. National Bank Financial said last month that Canada’s per-capita output is on track to fall 1.7% in the second quarter from a year ago, and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development predicts Canada’s GDP-per-capita growth could be one of the lowest among developed-world economies over the next four decades.

Canada’s aggressive immigration “camouflaged the real underlying problem in this country, which is a lack of business investment and productivity,” said David Rosenberg, former chief North American economist at Merrill Lynch and now head of Rosenberg Research. This is showing up in everything from stressed public-transportation, roads, healthcare and housing, he said.


INSANITY! — We Build Fewer Homes Today Than in 1974, When We Had Half the Population and One-Tenth the Immigration

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FIRST READING: Ottawa could fix housing if it felt like it. They did it before

In the 1970s, Canada decisively tamed a housing shortage via low immigration and an explosion in home-building Author of the article: Tristin Hopper Published Aug 14, 2023  •  Last updated 4 days ago  •  9 minute read 370 Comments Newly minted housing minister Sean Fraser, who recently said he will be increasing housing affordability without bringing down real estate prices. The sentences are mutually exclusive. Newly minted housing minister Sean Fraser, who recently said he will be increasing housing affordability without bringing down real estate prices. The sentences are mutually exclusive. Photo by Justin Tang/The Canadian Press


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This may be the month that the Trudeau government officially dropped all pretence of caring about fixing the housing crisis.

The Liberals strode into office in 2015 with promises of unlocking home ownership for the middle class. Instead, housing prices under their tenure have nearly doubled, and even in Canada’s mid-sized cities, home ownership is increasingly out of reach for anyone on a median salary.

And just this week, newly minted housing minister Sean Fraser effectively told Canadians to accept these numbers as the new normal. Whatever tack Ottawa is going to take on housing, they will be ensuring that prices stay high. “Our goal is not to decrease the value of their home,” Fraser told Bloomberg News.

But there was a time when Ottawa could look upon a country critically short of homes, and respond not with finger-pointing, but with an all-out construction boom the likes of which Canada had never seen. Affordability surged, rents dropped and analysts soon began to boast that Canadians were “now among the best housed people in the world.”

The prime minister during this long-lost golden age in affordable housing also happened to be named Trudeau. Tragically for the two-thirds of young Canadians who have now officially given up on owning a home like their parents, there’s no real reason Trudeau’s son couldn’t have done much the same thing.

In 1974 — the same year that Pierre Trudeau won a shattering re-election victory — the number of new homes built across Canada reached a level that they’ve never since exceeded. In that year, builders put the finishing touches on 257,243 new Canadian homes.

By comparison, over the last 10 years Canada has averaged just 197,000 annual housing completions — 76 per cent of the 1974 peak.

The contrast is all the more remarkable given that there were only 22.8 million people living in Canada in the mid-1970s. In 1974, one in every 100 Canadians could have purchased a brand-new home, and there still would been several thousand to spare.

And this rate of feverish home-building kept up for quite some time. For the entire 1970s, an average of 229,113 homes were built every single year. In the 43 years since, the 200,000 mark has been cracked only a handful of times.

What’s more, the 1970s were also relatively low-immigration years for Canada. There wasn’t a single year of Pierre Trudeau’s 15-year premiership in which the number of new immigrants was higher than the number of new homes. In 1978, Canada completed 246,533 homes and welcomed just 86,300 new immigrants.

None of the 1970s property boom was by accident. The sheer volume of new homes hitting the market was the end result of a federal government that openly vowed to put its middle and working classes into respectable accommodation — and actually meant it.

“We must … not only improve the operation of private markets in order to accelerate the total output of housing but we must also stimulate the provision of modest accommodation for low-income people,” Liberal MP Robert Andras — a perennial Pierre Trudeau cabinet member — declared in 1969.

Poverty had been on the upswing throughout the 1960s, and the solution pitched by the Liberal government was to throw up whole cities of new homes practically overnight, so that these growing ranks of Canadian poor would at least have a place to live.

In the 1970s, the housing-assistance activities of the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation “exploded,” according to one history of the era.

A latticework of loan guarantees, tax credits and direct subsidies emerged to put millions of Canadians within reach of home ownership, and the construction market roared into high gear to meet the new demand.

Meanwhile, the Canada Rental Supply Program extended interest-free loans to developers who built social housing, and a firehose of federal monies was directed at subsidized housing projects.

“In the heyday of Canadian social housing from 1965 to 1990, 10 percent of total housing production was non-profit, public or co-operative,” wrote housing analyst Greg Suttor in a 2017 profile of this period.

That was enough affordable homes to “house half the lowest-income segment of the roughly 170,000 households added in Canada each year,” noted Suttor.

And rather than city cores increasingly becoming conclaves of the rich, the 1970s saw a flourishing of low-income options opening up “in the same neighbourhoods as middle-class Canadians lived in.”

When the Canadian government spoke of housing policy in the 1980s, it was framed as an unvarnished national triumph that stood as an example to the world.

“We have tripled our housing stock and rehabilitated the best of our older dwellings. Canadians are now among the best housed people in the world,” read a 1987 report issued by then housing minister Stewart McInnes.

It was basically the polar opposite of the situation now. The yearly output of new Canadian homes has now been stagnant for at least 20 years. In 2002, housing completions stood at 185,626. In 2019, the last full year before the COVID-19 pandemic, they stood at a near-identical 187,177.

At the same time, the number of Canadians needing homes is reaching meteoric highs. In 2022 alone, Canada registered one million new immigrants against 219,942 new home completions.

It’s now been a full 24 years since Canada has come close to marking a year that, like the 1970s, saw the number of new homes outpace the number of new immigrants.

A recent TD report forecast that if these trends continue, Canada’s housing shortfall will grow by another 500,000 units in just two years. “Greater thought and estimation needs to occur on what’s a true absorption rate for population growth,” cautioned the writers.

The cause of the Canadian housing affordability crisis has always been pretty simple: There are too few homes.

There are ways to tweak this by banning foreign investment or raising interest rates. But if immigration is going to stay at historic highs (and the Trudeau government has indicated that it might climb even higher); home prices aren’t going to be returning anywhere near normalcy until Canada can start building way more homes, way faster.

Even before recent immigration spikes, Canada already had the greatest structural housing deficit in the G7. According to a Scotiabank estimate from 2021, it would require an extra 1.8 million homes just to reach an affordability rate on par with the rest of the G7.

At current home building rates, even if the Canadian population stayed put it would take nine years just to make up the gap.

There’s no real reason that Canada couldn’t pull out all the stops to re-enact the 1970s building boom — although there are a few major barriers in the way.

For one, much of the low-hanging fruit is gone.

Nowadays, any significant expansion of the Canadian housing stock would likely require a fair bit of “intensification”: Turning single-family homes into four-plexes, building apartment buildings in the suburbs and remaking infrastructure to handle denser cityscapes. But in the 1970s, even in Canada’s largest cities, expanding the housing supply was usually just a matter of greenlighting some more subdivisions.

In 1977 Vancouver, single-family homes were so plentiful that it was still possible to buy one for the modern equivalent of only $375,000. In Toronto, when the 56-storey TD Bank Tower first opened in the middle of the city’s financial district in 1967, the city’s density was so low that its next-door neighbour was a surface-level parking lot.

“We can’t easily sprawl our way out of this,” said Steve Lafleur, a public policy analyst who writes often on the subject of housing affordability. Fifty years ago, builders could still “plop down a subdivision a 20-minute drive from the heart of the national economy,” said Lafleur.

But if there’s one glaring roadblock preventing Canada from pursuing a second all-out building boom, it’s the fact that today’s municipalities are way more obstinate than their 1970s predecessors. Restrictive zoning laws and other thickets of municipal red tape have largely kneecapped any ability of developers to build with the feverish intensity of the 1970s.

In the 1970s, said Lafleur, “the feds were serious about expanding affordable rental options and the municipalities didn’t really get in the way.”

Cities didn’t get in the way of any new development, really. “The image of rapid growth in … major urban centres was widely accepted in the late 1960s and early 1970s,” read a 1975 report by the Science Council of Canada. Vancouver in the late 1960s and early 1970s was so uncompromisingly pro-development that there exist images of its mayor riding a wrecking ball.

The federal government of 2023 is again willing to drop billions on affordable housing, albeit at much lower rates than the Pierre Trudeau government. But even that “won’t move the needle because municipalities aren’t willing to accommodate enough growth,” said Lafleur.

Nowadays, whenever the feds greenlight a new package of demand-side measures to put more money into the housing market, it doesn’t spur construction — it mostly just bids up prices even worse.

The easiest way out of this impasse is simply to steamroll municipal power, and there have indeed been recent moves in that direction. B.C. and Ontario have both introduced legislation that would essentially ban cities from restricting lots to single-family homes.

And Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre is now pitching a housing program that would shut off federal money to cities that doesn’t meet federal homebuilding targets: In essence, defunding any city council with overly NIMBYist tendencies.

In 1974, Canada built an average of 704 new homes every single day. Notably, that’s almost exactly the same number by which the current housing shortage is getting worse. If TD’s estimates of a 500,000-unit shortfall over the next two years hold true, that’s another 685 units added to the shortfall each day.

Whatever’s going to fix this, it will need to be big. As for the measures now being pitched to increase densification: “It’s too little, too late,” said Lafleur.

Maxime Bernier is Right in Denouncing Trudeau’s Cult of Diversity: It’s a Form of Genocide Against Canada’s Founding/Settler People Wrapped in Woke Lies

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Maxime Bernier is Right in Denouncing Trudeau’s Cult of Diversity: It’s a Form of Genocide Against Canada’s Founding/Settler People Wrapped in Woke Lies

Maxime Bernier, leader of the People’s Party of Canada, is right in denouncing Trudeau’s cult of diversity and extreme multiculturalism. It is a form of genocide against Canadians wrapped in wrapped in woke lies.

Exactly five years ago, I denounced Trudeau’s cult of diversity and extreme multiculturalism in six tweets that caused general consternation in the media and political class.

My then leader Andrew Scheer and some of my Conservative colleagues publicly denounced me. A few days later, I resigned from that party. Weeks later, I announced the launch of the PPC.

It’s more important than ever that we have this debate about the future of our country, as Trudeau is implementing his mass immigration plan that is destroying Canada’s identity, economy, social cohesion, and way of life.

As you can see below, my tweets were absolutely sensible and on the mark, despite the hysteria that greeted them.

1/ Trudeau keeps pushing his “diversity is our strength” slogan. Yes, Canada is a huge and diverse country. This diversity is part of us and should be celebrated. But where do we draw the line?

2/ Ethnic, religious, linguistic, sexual and other minorities were unjustly repressed in the past. We’ve done a lot to redress those injustices and give everyone equal rights. Canada is today one of the countries where people have the most freedom to express their identity.

3/ But why should we promote ever more diversity? If anything and everything is Canadian, does being Canadian mean something? Shouldn’t we emphasize our cultural traditions, what we have built and have in common, what makes us different from other cultures and societies?

4/ Having people live among us who reject basic Western values such as freedom, equality, tolerance and openness doesn’t make us strong. People who refuse to integrate into our society and want to live apart in their ghetto don’t make our society strong.

5/ Trudeau’s extreme multiculturalism and cult of diversity will divide us into little tribes that have less and less in common, apart from their dependence on government in Ottawa. These tribes become political clienteles to be bought with taxpayers $ and special privileges.

6/ Cultural balkanisation brings distrust, social conflict, and potentially violence, as we are seeing everywhere. It’s time we reverse this trend before the situation gets worse. More diversity will not be our strength, it will destroy what has made us such a great country.

Media’s Cover-Up Of China’s Influence On Canadian Politics Exposed

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Media’s Cover-Up Of China’s Influence On Canadian Politics Exposed

Justin Trudeau empowers China, damages democracy in Canada, and due to media, gets away with it.


Brian Lee Crowley, founder the Macdonald-Laurier Institute, a public policy think tank focused on Canadian national issues, has unpleasant things to say about China’s presence in Canada. Crowley pulls no punches in an article published this month by The Telegraph in the U.K.

‘Canada’s Secret Service Is Fighting A Hidden Civil War’ 

“The leaks reveal a China hell-bent on suborning Canadian institutions. The allegations include: charges of Chinese interference in elections at every level (federal, provincial and municipal), the existence of Chinese police stations operating with impunity on Canadian soil, the intimidation of Canadians and permanent residents of Chinese origin, and threats to the families of prominent Canadian politicians.”

A motherload of condemnation it is– from the foreign press. It’s Justin Trudeau’s good fortune that he has been successful in taking the anti-China wind out of media sails in Canada.

Stalling, excuses, futile appointments(David Johnson), obfuscation and delays. Government understand the methodology. Each time a piece of damnation bubbles to the political surface, drawing out conclusions for as long as possible is the remedy. Part of which is preventing articles like Crowley’s from penetrating the consciousness of Canadian society.

This man is no conspiracy theory-pushing flake. He holds degrees from McGill and the London School of Economics, including a doctorate in political economy from the latter. His doctoral thesis focused on F.A. Hayek’s social and political philosophy and was published by the Oxford University Press.

“This civil war doesn’t pit Quebec nationalists against English Canada, but centres instead on China.”

“For decades Canada’s national security establishment has sounded the alarm about foreign authoritarian interference. Their dire warnings were ignored.”

By the Liberal Party of Canada, that is. And why not? It’s a reciprocal relationship. The government of China prop-up Justin Trudeau, and in return receive open doors for communist infiltration of Canadian society.

Think this to be a paranoid delusion? Is it not a fact that ex-Liberal PM Pierre Trudeau was a communist enthusiast who opened the doors for China to waltz into Canada, impacting everything from mineral resources to public education.

Sam Cooper is a Canadian investigative journalist and best-selling author, best known for his coverage of Canada-China relations. In a recent article, Cooper writes:

“Based on recent information from the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), those efforts allegedly involve payments through intermediaries to candidates affiliated with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

“Placing agents into the offices of MPs in order to influence policy, seeking to co-opt and corrupt former Canadian officials to gain leverage in Ottawa, and mounting aggressive campaigns to punish Canadian politicians whom the People’s Republic of China (PRC) views as threats to its interests.”

And still we wait in silence. In an authentic democratic society, inclusive of media independence, these developments would bring down the ruling government.

The fact that it isn’t happening tells us that Canada is no longer an authentic democracy. Adding to the absurdity is the fact that Trudeau’s Liberals are more concerned about uncovering and punishing those who leaked the information than preventing China’s infiltration of our federal political arena.

It’s a surreal experience not once alluded to by mainstream media. Their job has transitioned away from objective news reporting. As financed by the Feds, the role is monolithic in intent: to preserve Justin Trudeau’s pseudo-dictatorship indefinitely. If and when a replacement is appointed, CBC and corporate media will back that candidate.

On the opposite side of the political spectrum is the Conservative Party. Media’s goal here is equally one-dimensional. No matter who leads the party, depict that individual as “right-wing,” racist and homophobic. Crush their potential for victory at all costs.

All of which fits into the pro-China bag that government, media and academia currently work out of. It should come as no surprise that our government is today chock full of China-apologists.

One of them is Senator Yuen Pau Woo, arguably Canada’s greatest China-pusher, appointed to the Senate by PM Trudeau in 2016. Another goes back to the days of Conservative PM Stephen Harper.

Senator Victor Oh, Vice-Chair of the Canada-China Legislative Association, thinks that our China-detractors are serious meanies.

In a video posted to WeChat, Senator Oh spoke about the “need to raise money to cover costs for [people affected] by all of these unreasonable reporters who try to smear Chinese and discredit Chinese.”

Commonly known as the “race card,” we witness how the China-lovers conflate the issues to arrive at a favourite hobby indulged in by Justin Trudeau and his motley crew of neo-communists.

It’s “racism”– end of story. Senators Victor Oh and Yuen Pau Woo wish it was. Likely, they will get all they ask for. The Chinese interference will eventually blow over. Until this is achieved, no federal election will be called.

Upon which we leap to the Mount Everest of foreign infiltration in Canadian society:

Did the government of China win the past federal election for Justin Trudeau?

According to a series of reports in the Globe and Mail newspaper and by Global News, CSIS intelligence sources, China provided secret funding through its Toronto consulate to 11 candidates who ran in the 2019 federal election.”

The popular vote was won by the Conservative Party, meaning that 11 ridings may have been enough to seal the deal for Trudeau’s Liberals. Media breathe not a word about the possibility.

Is China in charge, or what? It’s the $8,888,888 million dollar question which, more than likely, won’t be answered for decades, if ever.

Justin Trudeau empowers China, damages democracy, and because of media, gets away with it. Isn’t post-modern Canada just the greatest thing?

Five Reasons Not to Move to Canada

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Five Reasons Not to Move to Canada

Attached is a video slamming Canadian immigration propaganda. Of course, Trudeau plans to replace Canadians with the Third Worlders It is his idea of the future.

He is a tyrant who hates all Whites, especially English. Now he is a dynastic ruler of Canada surrounded by “yes” politicians to his liking. What do we have? Taxation slavery, housing out of reach for young Canadians, unless they go begging to the bank, below replacement fertility for Canadians, high crime rates and imported terrorism, out of control government regulations, etc.

C:\Users\Winuser\Downloads\Top 5 reasons not to move to Canada _ Why Canada is broken(4).mp4

A Canadian Veteran Warns:The North American immigrant invasion is much worse than a Disease    http://canadafirst.nfshost.com/?p=2767

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: The North American immigrant invasion is much worse than a Disease Invasion         

  Hello Alberta, Canada (and the World) The photo below illustrates clearly an illegal immigrant invasion of North America! This will become much more that a “disease invasion” when these illegal immigrants become embedded in North American cities and towns, encouraged to become members of the criminal BLM and Antifa savages, part of the cultural revolution promoted by the leftist Biden and Trudeau governments! (Many of these illegals carry weapons and the majority of the men are of fighting age, suggesting this could become much more than a disease invasion).   

The world will recall that violence began during the onslaught of immigrants into the European Union several years ago when murders, robberies and rapes began and continue to this day. North Americans thought this could not happen here, but crime has increased dramatically all across North American cities as a direct result of the push to defund police by leftist governments. This is increasing in cities like Calgary, that has a woke Communist Mayor and violence has only increased. Examples include the early prison release of Al Qaeda terrorist Hiva Alizadeh because he “promised to abandon terrorism”?

Since September 2022, 10 Canadian police officers have been killed, 9 of them murdered! This cultural change has been in progress for years with the insidious infiltration of Marxist thought in North Americas institutions, educational systems, law firms, labour unions and political parties. This immorality is even occurring in conservative Alberta as  the NDP are only one step away from becoming part of what will eventually become Trudeau’s Communist Canada.  

Beyond Communism, JFK warned us of what could become a one world globalist government that if successful, will include Communist China, the World Economic Forum and the United Nations with it’s International Organization for Migration (IMO), offices open all over the world today. It should come as no surprise that JFK was assassinated. President Kennedy warned us that a Globalist World Order was upon us and has been growing since the 1970’s.

Canada was introduced to Communism after Justin’s father was elected in ’68 and dined with Mao in ‘73. The proof is in the way Justin is continuing the Trudeau “publicly spoken” reverence for the Chinese Communist style of government.  

He told us his plans during the 2015 election campaign; that he was going to make Canada “a post-national country” implying quite correctly if anyone had been listening; that white men need not apply. He is proving his point with his treasonous actions encouraging anyone and everyone who wishes to cross north American borders almost uncontested. (This is the direct use of migration as a politicized weapon of cultural change)!   Canadians should remember Trudeau sarcastically saying, “The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock white Canadians are an unpleasant relic and quite frankly replaceable, and we will replace them”.   What’s left of Canada (and America), have become colonies of Communist China with Trudeau (and Biden’s) open border’s, with these new “bought and paid for Communist voters” coming in droves. Get ready North America! See attached.                           L. Leugner CD, Warrant Officer (Ret’d), Member, Veterans4Freedom, Cochrane Alberta.

Red Chinese Diplomat in Canada Threatens Tory MP’s Relatives in China — Trudeau Does Nothing

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Red Chinese Diplomat in Canada Threatens Tory MP’s Relatives in China — Trudeau Does Nothing

Conservative MP Michael Chong says feds did not brief him on alleged threats to his family in China China sanctioned Chong in 2021, barring him from entering the county and prohibiting Chinese citizens from conducting business with him Author of the article: The Canadian Press Published May 01, 2023  •  Last updated 1 day ago  •  1 minute read 102 Comments FILE: Conservative foreign-affairs critic Michael Chong rises during Question Period in the House of Commons on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on Monday, Feb. 13, 2023. FILE: Conservative foreign-affairs critic Michael Chong rises during Question Period in the House of Commons on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on Monday, Feb. 13, 2023. Photo by THE CANADIAN PRESS/ Patrick Doyle

Conservative member of Parliament Michael Chong says Ottawa should have informed him about potential threats to his family made by China’s government.
Chong released a statement after the Globe and Mail reported, citing a top-secret document and an anonymous national security source, that China’s intelligence service sought to target the MP and his family. The former cabinet minister currently serves as the Tories’ foreign-affairs critic and routinely criticizes the regime in Beijing for its human-rights record and its alleged attempts to meddle in Canada’s affairs. Chong says in a statement today that like other Canadians, he has family overseas — and any attempts to threaten them in an attempt to intimidate or coerce people in Canada constitutes a national threat. Chong says the Canadian Security Intelligence Service never briefed him about any threats made against him or his family, adding he believes that is because Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s office did not authorize such a warning.

[ Sources told the Globe that the MP is Conservative Michael Chong and that the diplomat in Canada handling the file, Zhao Wei, is still accredited to work in this country.] (National Post, May 2, 2023)
Trudeau’s office and the security agency did not immediately respond to requests for comment and The Canadian Press has not independently verified the allegations published in the Globe and Mail. China sanctioned Chong in 2021, barring him from entering the county and prohibiting Chinese citizens from conducting business with him. — This report by The Canadian Press was first published May 1, 2

Justin Trudeau, Jagmeet Singh And Sikh Nationalism: The Untold Story http://canadafirst.nfshost.com/?p=2729

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Justin Trudeau, Jagmeet Singh And Sikh Nationalism: The Untold Story

Canadians are being kept in the dark regarding the degree to which Sikh Nationalism has permeated our political environment.

Brad Salzberg

Apr 5

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Justin Trudeau, Jagmeet Singh And Sikh Nationalism: The Untold Story
Canadians are being kept in the dark regarding the degree to which Sikh Nationalism has permeated our political environment.

Brad Salzberg

Apr 5



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Pictured, Canadian prime minister, with one of his 3rd world priority communities.
“The head of an Indo-Canadian organization in British Columbia has complained to local law enforcement about receiving death threats from Khalistani radicals after he organised a reception last month in honour of India’s High Commissioner to Ottawa.”

Due to media obfuscation, Canadians are being kept in the dark regarding the degree to which Sikh Nationalism has permeated our political environment.

Cultural Action Party liken it to a secret pact. As buried by CBC and corporate media, PM Justin Trudeau and political partner Jagmeet Singh are quietly backing Khalistani state independence in India.

New Democratic Party leader Singh is so deep in the mud that the government of India has banned his turbaned-self from entering their country. Lucky for him that Canadian media has successfully covered up the radical nature of the NDP leader, whose family emigrated from India a generation ago.

To place the situation in context, one must understand the nature of contemporary Canadian politics. The first lesson to learn is that the phenomenon is fervently non-Canadian. In our era of globalism, the needs of Canadian-born citizens take a back seat to the desires of globalist forces such as Sikhism, China and the nation of Islam.

“What did the promptness of NDP leader Jagmeet Singh, MP Sonia Sidhu, and others in tweeting about the Punjab situation after Amritpal Singh’s incident and ban on Internet services, say? It was done at the behest of radical votebanks,” says a Brampton Sikh entrepreneur, requesting anonymity.”

Picking up on the vibe, fellow Canadian patriots? In basic terms, both Trudeau and Singh are leveraging support of Khalistan independence to win the Sikh-Canadian vote. We stand aghast as irony drips from the brow of astute Canadians:

Justin Trudeau and Jagmeet Singh are fully dedicated to independent Khalistan nationhood. Given the zealotry involved– not to mention the militancy– it is obvious that nothing less than a Sikh-dominated social and political environment is the intended outcome.

As in– no immigration, no multiculturalism, as well as monolithic religious identity. In other words, an independent state devoid of every fundamental Trudeau and Singh are forcing down the throats of Canadians..

Media say nothing. Not a drop of the inherent irony flows from the pens of our country’s leading journalists. There you have it– the press in Canada are:

Pro-communist China, pro-Sikh nationalism, pro-Islam. The only thing they are not is pro-Canada. In 2023, this is the condition of PM Trudeau’s “no core identity” society.  Trudeau is using Khalistani independence to win the support of Sikh communities from coast-to-coast.

According to Statistics Canada, Sikhism represents 1.4% of the Canadian population— in contradistinction to accumulated political power:

Premier of Yukon, Ranj Pallai.  Leader of NDP, Jagmeet Singh. Liberal Cabinet Members– Harjit Sajjan, Kamal Khera, .

Liberal MPs: Anju Dhillon, Bardish Chagger, George Chahal, Iqwinder Gaheer, Mahinder Sindu, Randeep Sarai, Ruby Sahota, Sonia Sidhu, Sukh Dahliwal, Parm Bains.

Mayor of Calgary, Jhoti Gondek. Mayor of Edmonton, Amarjeet Singh. 

Again, just 1.4% of our population is Sikh. Talk about GIANT over-representation in government. Media speak not a word about this reality.

Put it all together in a blender, shake and stir, and what is the final outcome? Sikh political power in Canada, including bi-lateral Liberal-NDP federal party support for an independent Sikh nation to be located halfway around the world.
Sensible Canadians know how to summarize the situation: this is Canadian politics in 2023.

Let us think back to the founding of the international state of “Canadastan.” CAP attribute this gem to none other than ex-Liberal PM, Pierre Trudeau. Communist in political orientation, this individual began our transition to a globalist nation-state. Or better put, a “non-state,” as communist philosophy advances.

Beginning with an opening of our national doors to the communist government of China, we note an affinity by which current PM Justin Trudeau runs our country.  In 2015, Trudeau Jr. began to integrate Islam and Sikhism into the fabric of our nation.

Is it overly simplistic to state that more than any force in Canadian history, it is the Trudeau family who destroyed Canadian nationalism? Is it not this communist-admiring Quebecois duo who transformed society into a condition no citizen ever asked for, or approved of?
“When events such as the arrest of Amritpal Singh happen, Khalistan supporters bombard the offices of mayors, MPs, MPPs and Ministers with messages, forcing them to issue hasty statements or tweet,” says an Indo-Canadian restaurant owner in Toronto.”

Which MPs, Mayors and Ministers? The ones listed above, in a political effort completely devoid of Canadian content? Does Canada now exist for the benefit of the Punjab?

Sadly, this is the case. Jagmeet Singh, golden boy of the Canadian press, is one privileged individual. While he prances around in Vaisakhi parades pushing Khalistan independence, CBC and corporate media have not a negative word to say about the man.

Working his buns off for Khalistan while branding Canadians racist is par for the course. “Not a worry, Mr. Singh. Justin Trudeau is paying our salaries, and we tow the globalist line accordingly.”

“Politicians must stop playing identity politics. A criminal is a criminal — not a Sikh or a Hindu or a Muslim. By supporting these elements, ministers and MPs are playing dangerous games and harming Canada which needs India more than ever now.”

Forget about it, buddy-boy. Woke liberalism specializes in carving up communities into distinct silos, only to get them fighting each other within general society. See Marx, Karl for details.

What this person is describing is not some fringe element of Justin Trudeau’s post-modern society. It is contemporary Canada, and thanks to the family Trudeau and traitorous politicians like Jagmeet Singh, it is here to stay.


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Pictured, Canadian prime minister, with one of his 3rd world priority communities.Share“The head of an Indo-Canadian organization in British Columbia has complained to local law enforcement about receiving death threats from Khalistani radicals after he organised a reception last month in honour of India’s High Commissioner to Ottawa.”Due to media obfuscation, Canadians are being kept in the dark regarding the degree to which Sikh Nationalism has permeated our political environment.Cultural Action Party liken it to a secret pact. As buried by CBC and corporate media, PM Justin Trudeau and political partner Jagmeet Singh are quietly backing Khalistani state independence in India.New Democratic Party leader Singh is so deep in the mud that the government of India has banned his turbaned-self from entering their country. Lucky for him that Canadian media has successfully covered up the radical nature of the NDP leader, whose family emigrated from India a generation ago.To place the situation in context, one must understand the nature of contemporary Canadian politics. The first lesson to learn is that the phenomenon is fervently non-Canadian. In our era of globalism, the needs of Canadian-born citizens take a back seat to the desires of globalist forces such as Sikhism, China and the nation of Islam.“What did the promptness of NDP leader Jagmeet Singh, MP Sonia Sidhu, and others in tweeting about the Punjab situation after Amritpal Singh’s incident and ban on Internet services, say? It was done at the behest of radical votebanks,” says a Brampton Sikh entrepreneur, requesting anonymity.”Picking up on the vibe, fellow Canadian patriots? In basic terms, both Trudeau and Singh are leveraging support of Khalistan independence to win the Sikh-Canadian vote. We stand aghast as irony drips from the brow of astute Canadians:Justin Trudeau and Jagmeet Singh are fully dedicated to independent Khalistan nationhood. Given the zealotry involved– not to mention the militancy– it is obvious that nothing less than a Sikh-dominated social and political environment is the intended outcome.As in– no immigration, no multiculturalism, as well as monolithic religious identity. In other words, an independent state devoid of every fundamental Trudeau and Singh are forcing down the throats of Canadians..Media say nothing. Not a drop of the inherent irony flows from the pens of our country’s leading journalists. There you have it– the press in Canada are:Pro-communist China, pro-Sikh nationalism, pro-Islam. The only thing they are not is pro-Canada. In 2023, this is the condition of PM Trudeau’s “no core identity” society.  Trudeau is using Khalistani independence to win the support of Sikh communities from coast-to-coast.According to Statistics Canada, Sikhism represents 1.4% of the Canadian population— in contradistinction to accumulated political power:Premier of Yukon, Ranj Pallai.  Leader of NDP, Jagmeet Singh. Liberal Cabinet Members– Harjit Sajjan, Kamal Khera, Anita Anand.Liberal MPs: Anju Dhillon, Bardish Chagger, George Chahal, Iqwinder Gaheer, Mahinder Sindu, Randeep Sarai, Ruby Sahota, Sonia Sidhu, Sukh Dahliwal, Parm Bains.Mayor of Calgary, Jhoti Gondek. Mayor of Edmonton, Amarjeet Singh. Again, just 1.4% of our population is Sikh. Talk about GIANT over-representation in government. Media speak not a word about this reality.Put it all together in a blender, shake and stir, and what is the final outcome? Sikh political power in Canada, including bi-lateral Liberal-NDP federal party support for an independent Sikh nation to be located halfway around the world.Sensible Canadians know how to summarize the situation: this is Canadian politics in 2023.Let us think back to the founding of the international state of “Canadastan.” CAP attribute this gem to none other than ex-Liberal PM, Pierre Trudeau. Communist in political orientation, this individual began our transition to a globalist nation-state. Or better put, a “non-state,” as communist philosophy advances.Beginning with an opening of our national doors to the communist government of China, we note an affinity by which current PM Justin Trudeau runs our country.  In 2015, Trudeau Jr. began to integrate Islam and Sikhism into the fabric of our nation.Is it overly simplistic to state that more than any force in Canadian history, it is the Trudeau family who destroyed Canadian nationalism? Is it not this communist-admiring Quebecois duo who transformed society into a condition no citizen ever asked for, or approved of?“When events such as the arrest of Amritpal Singh happen, Khalistan supporters bombard the offices of mayors, MPs, MPPs and Ministers with messages, forcing them to issue hasty statements or tweet,” says an Indo-Canadian restaurant owner in Toronto.”Which MPs, Mayors and Ministers? The ones listed above, in a political effort completely devoid of Canadian content? Does Canada now exist for the benefit of the Punjab?Sadly, this is the case. Jagmeet Singh, golden boy of the Canadian press, is one privileged individual. While he prances around in Vaisakhi parades pushing Khalistan independence, CBC and corporate media have not a negative word to say about the man.Working his buns off for Khalistan while branding Canadians racist is par for the course. “Not a worry, Mr. Singh. Justin Trudeau is paying our salaries, and we tow the globalist line accordingly.””Politicians must stop playing identity politics. A criminal is a criminal — not a Sikh or a Hindu or a Muslim. By supporting these elements, ministers and MPs are playing dangerous games and harming Canada which needs India more than ever now.”Forget about it, buddy-boy. Woke liberalism specializes in carving up communities into distinct silos, only to get them fighting each other within general society. See Marx, Karl for details.What this person is describing is not some fringe element of Justin Trudeau’s post-modern society. It is contemporary Canada, and thanks to the family Trudeau and traitorous politicians like Jagmeet Singh, it is here to stay.

David Johnston, Trudeau’s “Special Rapporteur’ on Red Chinese Election Meddling is a Close Family Friend, a Committed Sinophile With Long Contacts With Red China

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  • National Post
  • 23 Mar 2023
  • Terry Glavin
Former governor general David Johnston has been named a “special rapporteur” into China’s interference into federal elections, but his connections to the Asian power are extensive, Terry Glavin writes.

There are so many crazy things the Trudeau government has been expecting Canadians to believe about the partisan advantage the Liberals have accrued to themselves owing to their cosy relationships with China’s agents of influence in this country that it’s really difficult to decide which is the most objectively unbelievable and easily disprovable.

It’s a target-rich environment, as military tacticians would say. But I’m going to lay out the evidence against just one howler, which is Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s proposition that “horrific, partisan attacks against a man of extraordinary integrity” is anything like a reasonable way to characterize doubts about former Governor General David Johnston’s independence in the matter of Beijing’s influence-peddling operations in Canada.

In the muddle of the playby-play coverage of House of Commons committee manoeuvres and the fate of a resolution calling for a public inquiry into Beijing’s well-documented interference operations in the 2019 and 2021 federal elections, there are two key things to keep your eye on.

The first is that Beijing’s influence operations in Canada went into hyperdrive after the Trudeau government came to power in 2015, and Beijing’s United Front Work Department undertook extraordinary clandestine measures in 2019 and 2021 to keep the Trudeau government in power. The second is that Trudeau has enlisted Johnston as his “independent special rapporteur” in the matter in order to avoid answering these straightforward questions: What did Trudeau know about what Beijing was up to, when did he know, and what did he do about it?

For argument’s sake, let’s set aside the relevance of the intimate relationship between the Johnstons and the Trudeaus — their neighbouring cottages in the Laurentians, the childhood ski trips the Trudeau boys and Johnston’s daughters went on together, and so on. You can even set aside Johnston’s role as one of the governing members of the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation, even though the foundation has been directly caught up in the scandal, owing to the clandestine donations the Foundation recently chose to return to a certain superrich Chinese benefactor following disclosures that the money was part of a Beijing-directed grooming operation targeting Trudeau himself, going back to 2013.

The unreported and unarguably pertinent facts to take into account involve Johnston’s own half-century of participation in Beijing’s strategy to draw Canada into its orbit of influence, and his own personal and ongoing association with figures deeply compromised by their collaboration with Chinese government institutions and by their own vested interest in the catastrophe of the Canada-china collaborations that were spun into high gear after the Trudeau Liberals came to power in 2015.

In the 1980s Johnston was laying the foundations of the Canada-china universities exchange program. Later, as president of the University of Waterloo, he oversaw the establishment of the Confucius Institute, a scandal-shredded arm of the Chinese Communist Party’s propaganda and espionage operations in western countries. Widely known in Chinese establishment circles by his nickname “Jiangshan,” Johnston was awarded an honorary doctorate by Nanjing University in 2012, by which time he’d already made more than a dozen visits to China.

Three of Johnston’s daughters attended university in China — one at Zhejiang University, Nanjing University and the Chinese University of Hong Kong, another at the Beijing Language and Culture University and Hangzhou University, and the third at Fudan University in Shanghai. During a luncheon speech to the Canada-china Business Council in 2013, Johnston said it would be “wonderful” if all Canadians learned to speak Chinese.

While the federal government has been recently forced to issue strict guidelines to Canadian universities regarding the threat of technology transfers and intellectual-property accommodations with Chinese institutions, as recently as 2017 Johnston attended a conference on “science, technology and innovation” at Chongqing University where he professed a “profound Chinese complex” and boasted that even his grandchildren teach him things about China.

It’s a multi-generational “complex” the Johnston family shares with the Trudeaus, going back to Pierre Trudeau’s service to Mao Zedong during the 1960s as one of the regime’s most valued propagandists in the west. Back then, Trudeau Senior co-authored a book with his friend Jacques Hébert about their time as the regime’s invited guests during the Great Leap Forward and the famine that killed perhaps 70 million people. Trudeau and Hébert sneered at western journalists’ efforts to report on the famine and claimed to have noticed nothing more than “controlled distribution of foodstuffs.” The pair dined well during their entire time in the country.

But set aside the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation entirely. The board of directors of Johnston’s own Rideau Hall Foundation — a “parting gift” from Justin Trudeau’s government upon his departure from the Governor General’s office — is a snapshot who’s-who of Beijing’s best friends and business partners in Canada.

A Rideau Hall Foundation director emeritus is Paul Desmarais III, from the Desmarais family, which founded the Canada-china Business Council. Then there’s Dominic Barton, who served as an adviser to several Chinese state-owned enterprises and whose Mckinsey and Company consulted with Chinese corporations involved in the construction of militarized islands in the South China Sea while Barton was chair of Trudeau’s blue-chip Advisory Council on Economic Growth. Barton was appointed Canada’s ambassador to China following the firing of the disgraced John Mccallum.

There’s John Manley, the Telus director and former deputy prime minister from the exuberantly Beijing-compliant Chrétien era. Manley’s contribution to the debates about Xi Jinping’s kidnapping of Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor was to suggest the Canada Border Services Agency should have surreptitiously allowed Huawei chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou to evade a U.S. Justice Department extradition request.

There’s Beverley Mclachlin, who has refused to step down from her position on Hong Kong’s highest court despite Beijing’s evisceration of Hong Kong’s rule-of-law system. There’s John Montalbano, chief executive officer of the Royal Bank’s Global Asset Management arm, which manages Beijing’s global natural-resources acquisitions through China’s National Council for Social Security Fund, one of the world’s largest pension funds. On it goes like this.

Believe as much as you like that there is nothing untoward about Johnston’s appointment. And to be fair, he did a wonderful job as Governor General. A Governor General’s job is to make Canadians feel good about themselves, despite everything, and to make a convincing case that no matter how bad things look, everything’s OK.

And that is the job he’s been asked to do for Justin Trudeau in the matter of Beijing’s long and sinister reach into Canada’s democratic political institutions, and it should not be surprising if he does the job well.