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Paul Fromm on “Blood River Radio”

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Paul is from Canada, an absolute legend, a pioneer in Christian-White-activism since the 1960’s. And, though Paul is a seasoned, fearless warrior, he’s a consummate gentleman.

  • In 1966, I infiltrate Toronto’s Model UN & Demand to Represent “White Independent Rhodesia”
  • Count Richard Coudenhove Kalergi’s 1922 Blueprint for the Replacement of Indigenous Europeans — the Great Replacement Now Underway in Europe & North America
  • Motor Trip From B.C. to Hamilton — 15 Tim Horton’s Coffee/Donut Shops — 12 Operated by East Indians — The Replacement of White Canadians Before Our Very Eyes
  • Winston Churchill, Warmonger. How WW II Could Have Been Avoided

Ian Smith Prime Minister of Rhodesia. Rhodesian Independence Day

(U.D.I. — Unilateral Declaration of Independence) was November 11, 1966


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Christian Heritage Month Is True “Social Equity”–The Liberals Hate That

To enact Christian Heritage Month would be an exercise in authentic social equity. The rulers of “post-modern” Canada want nothing of the sort.


“More than 25 Canadian cities so far have signed a proclamation declaring the entire month of December as Christian Heritage Month, calling for provinces to do the same.”

An article published this week by Western Standard News speaks to a growing demand for an establishment of heritage status for the Christian faith in Canada.

“Municipalities include Okotoks and Red Deer in Alberta, Prince George and Whistler in BC, Regina and Saskatoon in Saskatchewan, and more than 15 Ontario cities and regions, such as Ajax, Durham, Niagara Falls, Ottawa, Sudbury and Mississauga.” 

Canada is a country awash in government-endorsed heritage month designations. An effective drill-down on the subject calls for a definition of word “heritage.”

According to, “heritage can refer to practices or characteristics that are passed down through the years, from one generation to the next.”

“Researching your family tree would help you gain a sense of your personal heritage. Heritage is often used to discuss a cultural aspect or tradition that has been passed down through generations.”

Although dropping like a bomb relative to the rise of 3rd World-derived religions, a little over half of our population define themselves as “practising Christians.” Christianity is the most adhered-to religion in Canada, with 19,373,330 Canadians, or 53.3%, identifying themselves as of the 2021 census.

In terms of national heritage, the Christian-European influence permeates nearly every aspect of the foundation of Canadian society.

“The first official settlement of Canada was Québec, founded by Samuel de Champlain in 1608. The other four colonies within New France were Hudson’s Bay to the north, Acadia and Newfoundland to the east, and Louisiana far to the south. Canada became the most developed of the five colonies of New France.

Cultural Action Party [est 2016] find it fascinating how, in terms of the woke assault on the colonial foundation of our country, the “French First” element is perpetually omitted. Due to Liberal government bias, the common perception is that Anglophones are at fault for the hardship experienced by our First Nations communities.

Be that as it may, the core elements of Canadian society largely derive from England. Parliamentary structure, legal and court systems, democracy, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, et al. All of which add credence to the concept of a government-sanctioned Christian Heritage Month in Canada.

“Conservative MP Introduces Bill To Declare December Christian Heritage Month”

December, 2023: “Bill C-369, The Christian Heritage Month Act, is unlikely to be debated or come up for a vote.”

MP Marilyn Gladu noted that “members of other faiths in Canada, including Hindus, Sikhs, Muslims and Jews, have their own heritage months.”

You can say that again. In fact, the designations range from the sublime to the ridiculous:

Sikh Heritage Month, Islamic History Month, Tamil Heritage Month, Lebanese Heritage Month, Filipino Heritage Month, Hindu Heritage Month are the rainbow-coloured flavour of the day in Canada.

According to a 2016 census, 219,555 Canadians claimed Lebanese ancestry. A 2021 census informs us that just under 20 million citizens of our country adhere to the Christian faith.

The  response to MP Gladu’s proposition was swift and direct: “forget about it,” opined the Liberal caucus. The bill didn’t even make it past the first reading.

According to CBC News, “the bill lands as the Conservatives press a petition campaign against a Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) paper that described statutory holidays marking Christian religious dates as discriminatory.

How’s that for a kick-in-the-face via the Liberal government of Canada? By now, concerned citizens are accustomed to such behaviours. Our PM’s tenure coincides with the most extreme animus toward a religious community in modern Canadian history.

The bill flopped, not only by way of Trudeau’s Liberals, but with a healthy dose of hatred for the idea from leader Jagmeet Singh’s New Democratic Party. Charlie Angus, caucus leader of the New Democratic Party (NDP) would have none of it.

Bringing the conversation to its base-line as it relates to social equality in Canada: “social equity,” and its myriad vicissitudes. It’s a piece of wokeness which exists at the core of Liberal government ideology. Foundational to the woke academic movement; ubiquitous among mainstream media publications.

Too bad it doesn’t actually exist. If social equity was authentically applied, Christian Heritage Month would have been-in-the-bag decades ago.

“From a population of fewer than 150 in 1983, Tamils form an increasing share of the overall Canadian population. As per the 2021 Canadian census, Tamil Canadians number approximately 240,000 and account for roughly 0.7% of Canada’s population.

“Your[Tamil Canadians] contributions to this country are extraordinary,” stated PM Trudeau on the coveted day of Tamil Heritage Month.

In contrast, Justin Trudeau speaks of Canada’s European-derived heritage:

“We have consistently marginalized, engaged in colonial behaviours, in destructive behaviours, in assimilationist behaviours, that have left a legacy of challenges to a large portion of the people who live in Canada.”

Love you to, Justin. In these dynamics we discover the nature of the woke beast that is the Liberal government of Canada. They detest our national heritage, maintain wicked animus toward Canada’s European-Christian-Anglophone heritage, while at the same time heaping praise on Tamil and Lebanese communities.

What up with all of this, anyway? CBC certainly aren’t going to tell you. Nor CTV, Globe & Mail, Toronto Star or any other legacy media publication. Therefore, one is left to draw their own conclusion, like this:

The Trudeau government are not here to “manage” our country. They exist to transform Canada. What’s the take-away message from Trudeau’s inversion of community priority? The dynamics are nothing short of an exercise in absurdity. Yet, on and on it goes.

The Liberals don’t want it, and you can bet your bottom rubie NDP leader Jagmeet Singh concurs. To do so would be an exercise in authentic social equity. The rulers of “post-modern” Canada want nothing of the sort.

In terms of federal government support for an official designation of Christian Heritage Month, it will be a cold-day-in-hell when our prime minister and his crew of neo-communists give this one the thumbs up.

Working Longer to Support the Engineered Invasion

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Working Longer to Support the Engineered Invasion

Diane Francis: Canada’s immigration problems are of Trudeau’s own making

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Diane Francis: Canada’s immigration problems are of Trudeau’s own making

Trudeau has been putting his own interests above those of the Canadians he is supposed to serve

Author of the article:

Diane Francis

Published Oct 22, 2024  •  Last updated Oct 22, 2024  •  3 minute read


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in Ottawa, Ont., on Oct. 16.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in Ottawa, Ont., on Oct. 16. Photo by Justin Tang/The Canadian Press files

The global immigration mess spreads because asylum laws are easily gamed and smuggling is an industry unto itself. Europe and the United States have been deluged with people from nearby impoverished, corrupt or war-torn countries.

Canada, on the other hand, should not have a problem — but it does. It shares a border with the United States and oceans separate it from the world’s trouble spots. But Canada’s political system is dysfunctional. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau vastly increased the number of immigrants, temporary foreign workers and asylum seekers who are admitted to Canada every year.

“Nearly three-million people living in Canada have some type of temporary immigration status, with 2.2 million arriving in just the past two years, according to government statistics. Temporary residents represent 6.8 per cent of the country’s total population of 41.3 million, up from 3.5 per cent in 2022,” reported the New York Times.

This flood of immigrants has sparked a backlash. A recent Leger survey conducted for the Association of Canadians Studies (ACS) found that two-thirds of Canadians believe immigration levels are too high. “What’s different in this survey is that negative sentiment towards immigrants is noticeably on the rise and has also reached levels not seen in the last two decades,” said Jack Jedwab, the chief executive of ACS.

Negative sentiment towards immigrants is noticeably on the rise and has also reached levels not seen in the last two decades

Jack Jedwab

Recent immigration has contributed to economic and social problems in the two biggest destination cities, Toronto and Vancouver. Housing prices are unaffordable and health-care systems are overburdened.

“To break out of this rut and prevent this further decline in Canada’s living standards relative to our peers, policymakers must enact comprehensive and bold policy changes to encourage business investment and innovation, promote worker education and training, and achieve better immigration outcomes where more is not always better,” wrote the Fraser Institute’s Alex Whalen, Milagros Palacios and Lawrence Schembri in July.

In a recent interview with the Financial Post, Patrick Brown, mayor of Brampton, Ont., attested to the problems caused by Ottawa’s irresponsible immigration policies, notably the flood of student visas handed out in recent years. For several years in Brampton, storefront operations advertised that they could obtain student visas for foreign students in return for a fee.

Mayor Brown said there were “private ‘colleges’ in plazas.… We found legitimate universities and colleges and also the wild west. A number had been approved by the (Ontario) Ministry of Colleges and Universities. But some had not. Now, international students must go to the public (government-funded) schools, not the private ones.”

It appears that federal immigration officials were approving student visas for people to go to questionable, or even non-existent, colleges. This is now getting “cleaned up,” according to Brown. But how many of the student visa holders who are already here are actually students attending legitimate institutions? How many of these “colleges in plazas” have been shut down or investigated?

Recommended from Editorial

Though Trudeau has looked to put curbs on immigration in recent months due to the undeniable problems his reckless policies have caused, it has become abundantly clear that he has been putting his own interests above those of the Canadians he is supposed to serve.

One of Merkel’s Monsters, An Eritrean, Rapes & Impregnates His 12-Year-Old Daughter

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Posted on November 1, 2024

African Migrant Rapes and Impregnates His Own 12-Year-Old Daughter in German Refugee Home

Remix, October 31, 2024

The 40-year-old Tesfalem A., a migrant from Eritrea, is standing trial for raping and impregnating his own 12-year-old daughter.

The girl first went to the hospital for stomach pains only for doctors to discover that she was five months pregnant. Once an abortion was conducted, a DNA test was ran on the baby’s umbilical cord, which confirmed that the baby’s father was Tesfalem A. The girl was already five months prengant before she went to the doctor.

Tesfalem A. is currently standing trial in the Giessen Regional Court of Hesse. The prosecutor states that the man, who works as a nursing assistant, had “sexual intercourse with his daughter” on July 23, 2023, impregnating her.

The father said in court that he is “sorry from the bottom of my heart.” However, he has not confessed to the specific crime, simply saying he was drunk at the time of the incident after drinking 10 beers and has no memory of the incident.

“I drank too much,” he said. “From that point on, I was no longer in my right mind.”

However, when he first spoke to investigators, he made no mention of being intoxicated, raising the question of whether he is attempting to formulate a justification for his actions after being caught months after the incident.

When the rape took place, his daughter and her father were living in a refugee shelter in Friedberg. The man is a single father and was divorced at the time the girl was raped.

The guardians of the girl say she was traumatized due to the rape and refuses to speak about the incident.

A psychologist said that the girl did not even understand how babies were made when questioned. A police officer speaking to Bild stated: “She is a child – with an absolutely childlike body and not a teenager in terms of personality either. Shy and reserved.”

The trial is ongoing.

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Canada is a house of horrors run by goblins, witches and monsters!

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Canada is a house of horrors run by goblins, witches and monsters!

They confined us to one room for two years and told us we couldn’t go out unless we get injected with a deadly potion!

They let millions of foreign gremlins invade our home!

They’re taking all our money and throwing it out the windows to pander to greedy leprechauns!

They broke all the appliances and nothing is working anymore!

They stopped making repairs years ago, and now the house is completely run down!

Thousands of their trolls are on the loose and harassing us!

These ghastly flesh eaters are even mutilating our children!

It can’t go on like this.

This nightmare has to end.

Ottawa needs an exorcism.

“Social Equity” Or Racism Against White Canadians: Judge For Yourself“

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“Social Equity” Or Racism Against White Canadians: Judge For Yourself

Many of them[Canadians] think that they have a right to equal treatment under the law. They think that discrimination is illegal. But nothing could be further from the truth.”Brad SalzbergOct 21 READ IN APP Share“Canadians have been sold a bill of goods,” says Bruce Pardy, the author of the report and a Queen’s University law professor.“Many of them think that they have a right to equal treatment under the law. They think that discrimination is illegal. But nothing could be further from the truth. In Canada, discrimination is lawful as long as it is committed against the right groups — and in particular against straight white men.”Professor Pardy’s distinction between social equality and social “equity” is critical to race-relations in our country. At present, the ominous nature of his statements are poorly understood within Canadian society. “Social ‘equity’ recognizes that each person has different circumstances and allocates the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome. Social ‘equality’ means each individual or group of people is given the same resources or opportunities.” “This isn’t just the law, but part of the Canadian Constitution. Unequal treatment is embedded as a constitutional standard — and in some situations, a constitutional requirement.”“Equal treatment and equity are opposites,” writes Pardy, senior fellow at the Aristotle Foundation.

As an example, we turn to Toronto Metropolitan University[formerly Ryerson], who recently made an administrative decision to limit the intake of white medical school students to 25% of those accepted to the program.Equality, or racism? If and when Caucasian Canadians reach 25% of TMU medical school acceptance, further candidates will be excluded simply because they are white, heterosexual males.“The law cannot simultaneously apply the same laws and standards to everyone and also adjust them depending upon the group. Equal treatment and equity are mutually exclusive and cannot co-exist.””This issue should be particularly concerning to young Canadians who could be squeezed out of opportunities because of their identity.”Is it a hyperbolic statement to suggest that TMU policy emulates Nazi-era racial prejudice?“In April 1933, the law restricted the number of Jewish students at German schools and universities. In the same month, further legislation sharply curtailed ‘Jewish activity’ in the medical and legal professions.”

Back on contemporary Canadian soil, we learn the following:“While the American constitution sets out limits on the powers of legislatures,” Pardy writes, “For most of its history, Canada did not have an equivalent.””In 1974, the Canadian Supreme Court underscored this point by saying that while citizens are entitled to the application of law in a neutral way, lawmakers are not curtailed from drafting unequal laws.”Wanna know what this spells for Canadians of European heritage? T-r-o-u-b-l-e, that’s what. The source of inverted racism against Anglophone Canadians is the Canada Research Chair program.“The current opening for a Canada Research Chair in physics  at the University of New Brunswick will not accept applications from white men. Similarly, white people can’t apply to Dalhousie’s opening for a chair in industrial engineering. Many more such cases exist.”To justify the prejudice against white Canadians, academia reference the following: “We pursue policies that were established in law by the Federal Court and subject to a mediation that was overseen by the Canadian Human Rights Commission.” “Those policies are contained in an addendum to the program and are set to ensure that by the year 2030, the Canada Research Chairs Program will ‘look’ more like Canada…”How the woke vengeance-seekers love this one. Knowing that whites are on a demographic decline, they plan to push this to the limit. Down the road, let’s say when whites comprise 20% of our demography, these communities would be limited to 20% of employment opportunities within Canada’s university system.Bringing about an obvious question: what if the policy doesn’t apply exclusively to schools, colleges and universities? What if– lord help us– these policies permeate every government-related job sector in Canada?We dare to put forth a proposition perpetually eschewed by media– including our “alternative media” sector, as minimal as it is.Immigration policy in Canada is serving as the impetus to transition Canadians of European heritage to a second class community. Why do you think the woke, media, academia and government are unified in their advancement of the evils of “colonialism?”

The premise is deceptively simple: “you stole the land in the first place, so we have the right to steal it back.”Back to Bruce Pardy: “By comparison[with United States], in Canada, unequal treatment has become the constitutional standard. So we are stuck with a big problem.”CAP refuse to mince words:  It’s Canada’s “Old Stock” communities who are stuck with a “big problem.”“Our Supreme Court is largely to blame, but of course our foolish politicians and woke bureaucracies have had a big hand in fostering it as well.”Kudos to Professor Pardy. As for CBC, CTV, Globe & Mail, Toronto Star, Montreal Gazette, Calgary Herald et al, you can forget about it. They wouldn’t expose these realities for all the white rice in China.“Every individual is equal before and under the law,” says the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, “and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination.”“But the Supreme Court of Canada has long insisted that the clause does not mean equal treatment but equity.””So what happened? The federal government established a Royal Commission on Equality in Employment, also known as the Abella Commission after its commissioner Rosalie Abella. Abella, now retired, would later become the most activist judge on the court.””The commission’s report, released in 1984, recommended employment equity policies in the federal government and in federally regulated companies, and led to the passage of the federal Employment Equity Act in 1986, which required affirmative action programs that gave preference to candidates from some groups over others.”In Canada, “Liberalism” in all its vicissitudes– government, academia, corporations, law, courts–  has instituted a program for comprehensive marginalization of Canada’s Caucasian communities.Is this the true meaning behind Justin Trudeau’s proclamation stating that Canada is a “post-modern” society? Who, pray-tell, was prime minister of Canada during the 10-plus years that all of this came into being? Pierre Trudeau is your answer.“The strict enforcement of diversity rules has indeed changed the demographics of the Canada Research Chairs program. As of last September, it surpassed its 2029 racial minority quota of 22 per cent, but the racially exclusionary job ads persist.”President of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Ted Hewitt “revealed that he had no plan to pare back the quotas — even though some have been surpassed.”Bingo. There’s your social “equity” for you. Now, back to Hockey Night in Canadastan.


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How ‘identity’ trumps public safety in Canadian criminal sentencing

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How ‘identity’ trumps public safety in Canadian criminal sentencing

Violent crime is up almost everywhere across Canada, and is now 30 per cent higher than it was just 10 years ago. This is in addition to staggering rises in several categories of property crime, with Canada now officially ranking as one of the world’s worst countries for auto theft.

A big part of the problem is a justice system that is wholly unable to keep chronic offenders off the streets for more than a few months at a time. Just this month, the group International Downtown Association Canada said that Canadian small businesses are under siege by “repeat offenders.” They join mayors, premiers and any number of police forces who have similarly said that the singular driver of crime across the country is criminals being freed to commit more crimes.

Below is a gallery of examples from just the last few weeks of what this looks like in practice. Four offenders who faced judgement for severe and even deadly crimes, all of whom were handed light sentences with the reasoning that it wasn’t really their fault.

No jail time for fatally stabbing a random senior, judge cites Indigenous identity

On the afternoon of Dec.15, 2020, 27-year-old Anthony Woods left his room at Vancouver’s The Biltmore, a 95-room low-barrier homeless shelter. He was drunk and on drugs, and began screaming and pounding doors as he made his way to the elevator.

This apparently upset a 72-year-old man in the elevator named Alex Gortmaker, who confronted Woods. Woods reacted by producing a knife, stabbing Gortmaker in the chest, and then pushing him out of the elevator to bleed to death on the floor.

As this goes to press less than four years later, Woods is already out of prison; he was given a conditional sentence earlier this month. All told, the crime will have netted him just eight months in jail given than he’s been on bail through most of the interim.  

Murder in Canada all comes with a mandatory prison sentence; 10 years for second-degree, 25 years for first-degree. But this crime wasn’t categorized as a murder, it was manslaughter.

And in handing out one of the lightest possible sentences for manslaughter, Provincial Court Judge R.P. Harris cites everything from Woods’ ADHD to his unstable childhood to his intoxication at the time to his Indigenous background to the history of the Edmonton Indian Residential School, that some of his family members attended.

It’s a federal requirement for sentencing judges to consider these things, particularly when the offender is Indigenous. As a result, most of the sentencing decision is a detailed biography of Woods’ life and family history. “Mr. Woods recalls playing with cousins, picking berries and learning how to cut and jar fish,” reads one section about how his summers were spent as a child.

The decision does contain a victim impact statement from the family of the man Woods killed, but it takes up just 200 words out of a decision running to 8,500 words. Gortmaker’s niece is given a couple paragraphs to say that “she is haunted with nightmares; that going outside fills her with anxiety” and “that her foundation of trust and empathy has been lost.”

Repeat offender given lighter sentence after criminality blamed on Arab background

Saeed Abbas’s entire adult life has been a string of crimes, brief prison sentences and parole violations. In a criminal record spanning 25 years, the 44-year-old has racked up 25 convictions (ranging from arson to car theft), and 22 breaches of parole.

He was in a Kelowna court this month facing charges related to his most recent crime spree: Five months of break-ins, fraud offences and car thefts. The crimes cited included at least five break-ins, four stolen cars, and several spending sprees with stolen wallets. When police caught him in the midst of breaking into a Mercedes Benz dealership, he had a loaded, illegal gun on him.

For all this, the Crown is recommending a maximum sentence of two years – well short of the more than 10 years that this kind of crime spree could technically yield.

The news website Castanet covered the sentencing hearing, and found that everyone in the room – from the judge to the Crown to the defense — agreed on the fact that the crimes aren’t entirely Abbas’s fault because he’s he has an Arab background and has Muslim parents.

A pre-sentence report said Abbas had been driven to criminality by racism and poverty, and also noted his various mental health and addiction problems.

“The Crown certainly takes no issue with the fact that Mr. Abbas’s personal experiences as a Muslim Canadian would have undoubtedly played a role in him coming before the court today,” said the prosecutor.

Five years for killing a man at a homeless shelter because offender is mentally ill

The central crime in this case is remarkably similar to the Anthony Woods case described above: A minor confrontation at a homeless shelter that escalates to murder.

In the early morning hours of Jan. 3, 2022 at Edmonton’s Herb Jamieson Shelter, resident Thomas Gignac stumbled on his way back from the bathroom. This woke up fellow resident Stanley Jago, who brutally attacked Gignac until he suffered a fatal seizure.

In sharp contrast to Woods — who did express remorse for stabbing Alex Gortmaker — Jago’s trial featured the accused throwing punches at sheriffs, threatening members of the court and claiming he didn’t do it. Jago was also on probation at the time he killed Gignac, having been convicted for indecent exposure.

In late August, Jago was sentenced to five years in prison. When accounting for his pre-trial custody, this means he’ll be out within a year.

The sentencing decision doesn’t delve too much into Jago’s background, in part because he isn’t Indigenous and thus isn’t subject to Gladue principles requiring sentencing judges to consider his personal circumstances.

Jago is of Haitian descent and was raised by a wealthy adoptive family in B.C. A sentencing judge didn’t once mention race in the decision, but the document makes clear that Jago is getting a lighter sentence because his severe mental health problems reduce his “moral blameworthiness” for the crime.

“When mental illness contributes to the commission of an offence, general deterrence will be a less important consideration because a mentally ill offender is not a suitable exemplar to dissuade other members of the public from similar conduct,” reads the decision, written by Court of King’s Bench Justice Anna Loparco.

The decision is open about the fact that although Jago has expressed an “intention to change,” once he’s free it’s unlikely he will be able to keep up with treatments to keep his mental illness in check. “I am uncertain of his prospects to follow through once released, even with a probation order,” it reads.

Nevertheless, while manslaughter can result in a life sentence, five years was deemed “fit and proper” in Jago’s case. “Understanding the root cause of his criminality, and finding ways to address it, is in my view, the key to the long-term protection of society,” wrote the judge.

“Traumatic” childhood helps yield just three years for a fatal random attack

The random killing of former CBC producer Michael Finlay was one of the most high-profile examples in a string of deadly stranger attacks that made headlines through the winter of 2022/2023. Finlay, a 73-year-old cancer survivor, was walking along Toronto’s Danforth Avenue in January 2023 when – without provocation – he was violently pushed to the ground.

Finlay broke ribs, suffered a punctured lung, and was plunged into a series of cascading medical problems that killed him shortly after.

As with all the other killings on this list, the charge was manslaughter. And last month, the serial offender convicted of Finlay’s death was given a sentence of just three years. With time served, he’ll be out by the fall of 2025.

At the time he shoved Finlay, Robert Cropearedwolf, 43, had a string of criminal convictions dating back to 1995 – and occurring everywhere from Alberta to Ontario to at least five U.S. states. This included at least five convictions for violent crime, including domestic assault.

Cropearedwolf is Indigenous, so his sentencing had to consider his personal and family history; a pre-sentence report said his forced removal from a mother with substance abuse problems was an example of the Sixties Scoop.

One of Finlay’s friends, Lesley Krueger, would challenge the notion of Cropearedwolf’s traumatic background as having driven his criminality. In a victim impact statement she said, “There are large numbers of Aboriginal people, Black people and people of all sorts of backgrounds who have had very dreadful times and most of them don’t hurt people.” (National Post, October 19, 2024)